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Brockenhurst (1 Viewer)


New member
Dec 3, 2018
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Slightly Liberal
Hi from UK
Fascinated by US politics and follow it closely
Hi from UK
Fascinated by US politics and follow it closely

Howdy from Texas and welcome to the DP zoo.

Do you prefer the party for bigger federal government or the party for a huge federal government? Judging by your professed lean, it would appear to be the latter.
Good, welcome! I'm fascinated by other cultures and their take on U.S. politics, perfect.

We need more outside voices IMO, something about diversity....
Howdy from UK. Thanks for message, but wow, I'd have to think about that one. All news over her is BREXIT - should we leave the European Union? We voted to do so in a referendum, but only by a tiny majority, and the 'Leavers' were not really informed about the massive problems involved. Also, most politicians were for 'remaining' with the result that our leaders are having to put onto place legislation that they never really wanted. At the moment goods can be moved around Europe with no tariffs. after March 29 every truck will have to be stopped at the borders - ie the ferry ports or the tunnel.
Yeas, we're divided 50 50 by that, and we watch with interest your narrative over the last two years.
Regards your use of 'federal', I think the 'leavers' are frightened that Europe is moving towards a 'federal state'. I don't agree with them.
Anyway, thanks for the warm wlecome
Thanks for message. Am enjoying browsing the site
Welcome aboard Brockenhurst :peace
Howdy from UK. Thanks for message, but wow, I'd have to think about that one. All news over her is BREXIT - should we leave the European Union? We voted to do so in a referendum, but only by a tiny majority, and the 'Leavers' were not really informed about the massive problems involved. Also, most politicians were for 'remaining' with the result that our leaders are having to put onto place legislation that they never really wanted. At the moment goods can be moved around Europe with no tariffs. after March 29 every truck will have to be stopped at the borders - ie the ferry ports or the tunnel.
Yeas, we're divided 50 50 by that, and we watch with interest your narrative over the last two years.
Regards your use of 'federal', I think the 'leavers' are frightened that Europe is moving towards a 'federal state'. I don't agree with them.
Anyway, thanks for the warm wlecome

With a name like Brockenhurst I suspect you're a Brit that came over from Germany, would that be a correct guess?
I like what you guys have done with the UK car industry, British cars that actually WORK for a change!! :lamo
Hello Brockenhurst! I've had a few meals (and burns) from a hot slate at the Snakecatcher! I'm down the line in Bournemouth, though originally from Old Scotland!

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