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Brits First to Connect Trump to Ruskies (1 Viewer)

Old news. It didn't get ugly.

they still cling to false hope. it is quiet sad.

5 months in and the melt down still continues.
This is so dumb. How many months of investigations and all they get are spurious associations, no substance? It's obvious that this is nothing more than an attempt to discredit Trump. Meanwhile, what do you think that Russia thinks of this? They think that we have a faction in the shadow that really runs the show and hates them. I'm not surprised that they're getting nervous about it, and more hostile.

The big takeaway is in the final paragraph
One source suggested the official investigation was making progress. “They now have specific concrete and corroborative evidence of collusion,” the source said. “This is between people in the Trump campaign and agents of [Russian] influence relating to the use of hacked material.”

1) The reference to people, which is plural, means it is not just Carter Page.

2) They have specific concrete evidence of *collusion*, and not just associations
they still cling to false hope. it is quiet sad.

5 months in and the melt down still continues.

What does Trump's "meltdown" have to do with this? 8 flip flops this week alone.
This is so dumb. How many months of investigations and all they get are spurious associations, no substance? It's obvious that this is nothing more than an attempt to discredit Trump. Meanwhile, what do you think that Russia thinks of this? They think that we have a faction in the shadow that really runs the show and hates them. I'm not surprised that they're getting nervous about it, and more hostile.

I never thought this country was so full of chickens. Like Russians being hostile was something new. They are our enemy and have been for over 60 years. We have not had to surrender yet. I wonder if you even know why. Hint: It is because we can whip their ass at any time and they know it.
Judge Napalitono said Obama used British intelligence to spy on Trump.....BINGO!
This is so dumb. How many months of investigations and all they get are spurious associations, no substance? It's obvious that this is nothing more than an attempt to discredit Trump. Meanwhile, what do you think that Russia thinks of this? They think that we have a faction in the shadow that really runs the show and hates them. I'm not surprised that they're getting nervous about it, and more hostile.

What is there to collude?

The Ruskies are going to do their part and you're going to do your part.

Why risk breaking the law to get caught?
Judge Napalitono said Obama used British intelligence to spy on Trump.....BINGO!

I missed the part in the article where it said Obama used British intelligence to spy on Trump. Where was that?
I never thought this country was so full of chickens. Like Russians being hostile was something new. They are our enemy and have been for over 60 years. We have not had to surrender yet. I wonder if you even know why. Hint: It is because we can whip their ass at any time and they know it.

I want to say the cold war ended and they have not been our enemy since, however the simpsons thought otherwise

Where is Barry anyhow?

Barry? Barry Williams?

Yes, 2+2=4. Very good, you passed preschool math. But my post wasn't a test for that. I asked where it said in that article that Obama used British intelligence to spy on Trump.
Barry? Barry Williams?

Yes, 2+2=4. Very good, you passed preschool math. But my post wasn't a test for that. I asked where it said in that article that Obama used British intelligence to spy on Trump.

I said Judge Nap mentioned that. I doubt the Guardian would.
I missed the part in the article where it said Obama used British intelligence to spy on Trump. Where was that?

The Brits gave the intel to the U.S. government. Are you saying Obama had no idea?
The Brits gave the intel to the U.S. government. Are you saying Obama had no idea?

Why don't you call him up and ask him? I don't have him on my speed dial. Or you can just produce some proof without having to call him. That would work too.
Why don't you call him up and ask him? I don't have him on my speed dial. Or you can just produce some proof without having to call him. That would work too.

Unless Obama was incompetent, he had to know, which means a sitting president ordered a spying operation upon a presidential candidate.
Unless Obama was incompetent, he had to know, which means a sitting president ordered a spying operation upon a presidential candidate.

So why don't you make a citizen's arrest. Former President Obama's living rent free in your brain. Maybe if you can jail him you can get some useful space back.
So why don't you make a citizen's arrest. Former President Obama's living rent free in your brain. Maybe if you can jail him you can get some useful space back.

Just full of personal attacks. Aren't we?

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