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Britney Spears Hot or Not? (1 Viewer)

Was she talented or hot?

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Slow 🅖 Hand
DP Veteran
Dec 1, 2011
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FL - Daytona
Political Leaning
I've seen a lot of opinions that say Britney Spears was a train wreck and hot mess during her heyday. I thought she was pretty good compared to some of today's auto-tuned generic Indy pop.
Talented, very, not hot.
Britney Spears was always packaged with pitch correction.
Britney Spears was always packaged with pitch correction.

Fiddy they've been doing studio correction work, since the 50's. I've rarely been to a concert where the group or performer was as good as their recordings.
Fiddy they've been doing studio correction work, since the 50's. I've rarely been to a concert where the group or performer was as good as their recordings.

Call me an exaggerated cynic, but that's all I saw from the Bubblegum pop crowd: pre-packaged nonsense with cool lights and dancers to distract us from the ****ty music.
Nope. It's the illusion of hotness. There is a difference.

She's casting some pretty good illusions there.

Call me an exaggerated cynic, but that's all I saw from the Bubblegum pop crowd: pre-packaged nonsense with cool lights and dancers to distract us from the ****ty music.

Oh, I agree the industry of managers and producers fluff their product to no end.

Someone like Sara here is as good 'live' as in recording...

I've seen a lot of opinions that say Britney Spears was a train wreck and hot mess during her heyday. I thought she was pretty good compared to some of today's auto-tuned generic Indy pop.

Wait...are you telling me Britney is NOT auto-tuned? :lamo

Seriously, though, I think Britney is an example of a talented singer who the music industry made into a cheap-sounding show piece. I don't find her professional music to exhibit the level of talent she COULD have achieved if she had not gotten sucked into pop music.

Here is a good video about Britney. When it gets to about the 2:10 mark you'll hear the real Britney and even as a little girl she showed more potential and talent than she shows nowadays.

Wait...are you telling me Britney is NOT auto-tuned? :lamo

Seriously, though, I think Britney is an example of a talented singer who the music industry made into a cheap-sounding show piece. I don't find her professional music to exhibit the level of talent she COULD have achieved if she had not gotten sucked into pop music.

Here is a good video about Britney. When it gets to about the 2:10 mark you'll hear the real Britney and even as a little girl she showed more potential and talent than she shows nowadays.

Wait... is that what I said or are you just making stuff up? I think you are?

I've seen many professionals 'bomb' in person and then turn around and have a great 'live' performance. We all have our good and bad days. Britney was definitely the product of a Pop Icon industry during her time but was still a pretty good product or are all those people who bought her recordings simply dumb?
Wait... is that what I said or are you just making stuff up? I think you are?

I've seen many professionals 'bomb' in person and then turn around and have a great 'live' performance. We all have our good and bad days. Britney was definitely the product of a Pop Icon industry during her time but was still a pretty good product...

or are all those people who bought her recordings simply dumb?


We have a WINNER, folks!!

We have a WINNER, folks!!

I've often been of that opinion myself about society and found I'm not such the singular genius that I imagined. If the world seems crazy, you have to look closer in the mirror. Though the majority can be wrong about certain things, like social media being of such importance.
She's casting some pretty good illusions there.

Of course, the video was put together by those who are master class professionals at these sort of illusions.

You said it yourself:

Britney was definitely the product of a Pop Icon industry during her time but was still a pretty good product
She has no talent. She's not ugly or even average, but she doesn't come to my mind when I think of hot

I would rather reserve that word for a bigger gal like Kate Upton.
Of course, the video was put together by those who are master class professionals at these sort of illusions.

You said it yourself:

It's often also a matter of taste. I just like her look and sound for a Pop Star. I think the industry could rehash some of her style, instead of Adele wannabe's.
Brittany not hot????? This thread might be getting too gay for me:inandout:
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When she was a kid she was cute - but then she grew up. Never hot, though - no.

And she can't sing... I'm actually not sure why she was ever popular. Time and place and a lot of good marketing.
I've often been of that opinion myself about society and found I'm not such the singular genius that I imagined. If the world seems crazy, you have to look closer in the mirror. Though the majority can be wrong about certain things, like social media being of such importance.


Whatever you think about "society", whether you consider yourself a genius or not or if the world seems crazy to you...and what you should do about all that...I find that to be irrelevant to the question you asked: "or are all those people who bought her recordings simply dumb?"
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Whatever you think about "society" or whether you consider yourself a genius or not...I find that to be irrelevant to the question you asked: "or are all those people who bought her recordings simply dumb?"

Lighten up Francis. It's just a pop quiz, not the SAT's.
Lighten up Francis. It's just a pop quiz, not the SAT's.


If it's "just a pop quiz", then you shouldn't have gotten all bent out of shape from my initial assessment of Britney.

In any case, I don't mind if you want to walk things back a bit. Truth is, she's not really on my radar to the extent she is on yours.

If it's "just a pop quiz", then you shouldn't have gotten all bent out of shape from my initial assessment of Britney.

In any case, I don't mind if you want to walk things back a bit. Truth is, she's not really on my radar to the extent she is on yours.

You have a funny way of projecting your emotions on others. I'm not bent out of shape about your assessment, because you mean nothing to me. And I only bring her up, because I recently saw one of her videos. She's not on my radar as something new and exciting. Your powers of observation need a little tuning.
You have a funny way of projecting your emotions on others. I'm not bent out of shape about your assessment, because you mean nothing to me. And I only bring her up, because I recently saw one of her videos. She's not on my radar as something new and exciting. Your powers of observation need a little tuning.


I don't care why you brought her up and I certainly didn't say why she might be on your radar nor do I care why she is.

Your objection to my characterization of you being bent out of shape from my initial assessment of her, though, is akin to the objection one might see from a child who got caught with his hand in a cookie jar. Most kids learn the lesson that in such situations it's best to admit the mistake and move on. You would be wise to learn that lesson as well instead of dragging this on and on.

In any case, I won't be a part in your useless scrambling for relevance. You are dismissed...


I don't care why you brought her up and I certainly didn't say why she might be on your radar nor do I care why she is.

Your objection to my characterization of you being bent out of shape from my initial assessment of her, though, is akin to the objection one might see from a child who got caught with his hand in a cookie jar. Most kids learn the lesson that in such situations it's best to admit the mistake and move on. You would be wise to learn that lesson as well instead of dragging this on and on.

In any case, I won't be a part in your useless scrambling for relevance. You are dismissed...

View attachment 67200242

Don't go away mad, just go away. :bs
I've seen a lot of opinions that say Britney Spears was a train wreck and hot mess during her heyday. I thought she was pretty good compared to some of today's auto-tuned generic Indy pop.

I last saw her in 2001 in that video Hit Me Baby One More Time. She was pretty hot.
Hot or not I feel sorry for her. She seems like a real sweet country girl who was manipulated and exploited by multiple people when she was only a girl. I wish the best for her and regardless if you think her type of pop music is trash, it's not to someone else.

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