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Boy Scouts Banned By Alabama Pastor Greg Walker[W:220:563] (1 Viewer)

Re: Boy Scouts Banned By Alabama Pastor Greg Walker

He has every right to do what he did, it's his church and he has a right to ban any group he doesn't agree with. I have every right to point out what an idiot he is and the people who go to his church, if they disagree with his actions, have every right to tell him where to shove it and go elsewhere. That's one of the many freedoms we enjoy in this country. Personally, I think the Boy Scouts would do a lot better if every single troop everywhere got as far away from the churches as they possibly could.
Re: Boy Scouts Banned By Alabama Pastor Greg Walker

So what you are really saying is that you have a pocketful of bigotry and stereotype and know absolutely nothing about the actual population of Alabama, its demographics, etc. Gotcha.

Stereotypes are difficult to overcome...
Re: Boy Scouts Banned By Alabama Pastor Greg Walker

Let the Lamb of God lie down with the lions.........................
Wonderful. Now...since you were just saying...lets delve into your lurid description of what should be done with Christians. Dont be bashful. You brought it up. lets have that 'lurid' description of what you believe should be done with them.
Re: Boy Scouts Banned By Alabama Pastor Greg Walker

The who isn't important. The why is.

Why is subjective and controversial and speculative.

Who, if known, is factual.

the only fact I know is, there IS a "who", and it isn't the boys or the pastors.

i'll let someone else produce the "WHO" intimidated the Boy Scout Council.

Then, we'll have the fact.
Re: Boy Scouts Banned By Alabama Pastor Greg Walker

He has every right to do what he did, it's his church and he has a right to ban any group he doesn't agree with. I have every right to point out what an idiot he is and the people who go to his church, if they disagree with his actions, have every right to tell him where to shove it and go elsewhere. That's one of the many freedoms we enjoy in this country. Personally, I think the Boy Scouts would do a lot better if every single troop everywhere got as far away from the churches as they possibly could.
The churches throughout the country are the only organizations that have kept the BSA strong. Should they move away from the churches, they will likely fold in short order.
Re: Boy Scouts Banned By Alabama Pastor Greg Walker

The churches throughout the country are the only organizations that have kept the BSA strong. Should they move away from the churches, they will likely fold in short order.

Then they do. If they can't earn their right to survive in a secular world, screw 'em. Lots of other groups are able to exist without relying on morons in pulpits, the BSA ought to be able to do it too.
Re: Boy Scouts Banned By Alabama Pastor Greg Walker

Wonderful. Now...since you were just saying...lets delve into your lurid description of what should be done with Christians. Dont be bashful. You brought it up. lets have that 'lurid' description of what you believe should be done with them.

There is no need for a further description of what needs to be done to keep "you" people in your place...............just saying................
Re: Boy Scouts Banned By Alabama Pastor Greg Walker

There is no need for a further description of what needs to be done to keep "you" people in your place...............just saying................
Oh but there IS...perhaps now even MORE so. PLEASE continue...please give us the 'lurid' details of what you propose for 'us people', to keep us in our place. Dont go all impotent now. You went from "just sayin" to refusing to "say". Now I wonder why that is...
Re: Boy Scouts Banned By Alabama Pastor Greg Walker

Then they do. If they can't earn their right to survive in a secular world, screw 'em. Lots of other groups are able to exist without relying on morons in pulpits, the BSA ought to be able to do it too.
Yes they should. On that we agree. Where an organization has capitulated on its principles and foundation, well...then it should certainly find new associations.
Re: Boy Scouts Banned By Alabama Pastor Greg Walker

Oh but there IS...perhaps now even MORE so. PLEASE continue...please give us the 'lurid' details of what you propose for 'us people', to keep us in our place. Dont go all impotent now. You went from "just sayin" to refusing to "say". Now I wonder why that is...

If Christians advocate for killing me, it would be nonsensical for me to advocate anything less for them................................
Re: Boy Scouts Banned By Alabama Pastor Greg Walker

If Christians advocate for killing me, it would be nonsensical for me to advocate anything less for them................................

Your posts are becoming nonsensical bonz...
Re: Boy Scouts Banned By Alabama Pastor Greg Walker

If Christians advocate for killing me, it would be nonsensical for me to advocate anything less for them................................
And of course THAT is what is happening. Christians are advocating killing you. Right?
Well...live your name.

Good lord.

A Christian organization doesnt agree with openly embracing homosexuality in the scouting organization and your oh so well thought out response is to advocate for the killing of Christians.

Re: Boy Scouts Banned By Alabama Pastor Greg Walker

I'm not allowed to live there. I'm not White.

So, just exercising your right to be ignorant and defame a state's full of people then, got it.
Re: Boy Scouts Banned By Alabama Pastor Greg Walker

Your posts are becoming nonsensical bonz...

I reserve the right to defend myself by any and all means possible against the threat from the Children of God............Unfortunately, for them, the oldest method is still the most effective------------Throw them to the lions...........................
Re: Boy Scouts Banned By Alabama Pastor Greg Walker

I reserve the right to defend myself by any and all means possible against the threat from the Children of God............Unfortunately, for them, the oldest method is still the most effective------------Throw them to the lions...........................

You'd be better off making dinner reservations, and that would make more sense...
Re: Boy Scouts Banned By Alabama Pastor Greg Walker

And of course THAT is what is happening. Christians are advocating killing you. Right?
Well...live your name.

Good lord.

A Christian organization doesnt agree with openly embracing homosexuality in the scouting organization and your oh so well thought out response is to advocate for the killing of Christians.


Who cares what Christians "think" about anything ?......................Not me.................
Re: Boy Scouts Banned By Alabama Pastor Greg Walker

You'd be better off making dinner reservations, and that would make more sense...

AP, whatever...................
Re: Boy Scouts Banned By Alabama Pastor Greg Walker

AP, whatever...................

Good evening Bonz - I'm guessing you support the BSA decision, as do I, but I don't understand why you don't support the church's decision, unless I read you wrong.
Re: Boy Scouts Banned By Alabama Pastor Greg Walker

I reserve the right to defend myself by any and all means possible against the threat from the Children of God............Unfortunately, for them, the oldest method is still the most effective------------Throw them to the lions...........................

I've got my pride.

of lions.

Their caca is good fertilizer for my rose garden, and inhibits rabbit invasion!

'sniff! sniff! Let's go. Something EVIL lives here!"

I have considered sending some of my OWN caca to congress, to inhibit invading liberals.
"sniff! sniff! Something EVIL is around here! Let's scat!"

Pun intended. :)
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Re: Boy Scouts Banned By Alabama Pastor Greg Walker

Then they do. If they can't earn their right to survive in a secular world, screw 'em. Lots of other groups are able to exist without relying on morons in pulpits, the BSA ought to be able to do it too.

Well, I am sure there are plenty of morons in pulpits, sure, but just because you stand up for what you actually believe does not make you a moron. And you are right that lots of other groups are able to exist nearly without any real scripture following pulpits at all [ how does one follow your own religion and not actually believe what your religion's beliefs are? Would that be the definition or a moron or a hypocrite or both? ]...evidence the Democrat Party nowadays. Not completely irreligious, but not religions or denominations, again, that actually follow many of their faith's own belief systems.

The BS of A should not have been forced to change, which it indeed was. We do still have the freedom to assemble with those with whom we choose, do we not?
Re: Boy Scouts Banned By Alabama Pastor Greg Walker

Well, I am sure there are plenty of morons in pulpits, sure, but just because you stand up for what you actually believe does not make you a moron.

It does if "what you actually believe" is something stupid
Re: Boy Scouts Banned By Alabama Pastor Greg Walker

alabama demographics: uneducated whites who live in barns and trailer parks, and worship rush limbaugh, bigot pastors, and at times the KKK.

Also providing you with the country's missile defense systems from those barns and trailer parks...
Re: Boy Scouts Banned By Alabama Pastor Greg Walker

It does if "what you actually believe" is something stupid

Well, besides being an actual expert in just that subject area, what is it that you believe that they believe that is "stupid"? While believing in a creator myself, I do not really have a dog in that exact fight, so would be interested... and what do you consider "smart" about the opposing opinion, especially as expressed here in this thread?

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