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Border ranchers with few options now have police radios (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 10, 2015
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Southern Oregon
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TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) — Southern Arizona ranchers who often encounter drug smugglers and other dangers have a new way to get help in emergencies: sheriff-issued radios usually reserved for police that connect them directly to 911 dispatchers.

So far 31 ranchers along the Arizona-Mexico border have taken the new handheld radios issued by the Cochise County Sheriff's Office.

Sheriff Mark Dannels obtained them through private funding in an effort to improve safety along the rural areas that often lack strong cell phone coverage. He said the 2010 murder of rancher Rob Krentz led to increased security and more communication between ranchers and authorities. Authorities believe Krentz was fatally shot by drug smugglers.

Border ranchers with few options now have police radios | State and Regional | azdailysun.com
Meanwhile, the dopes in SF, are pushing for ILLEGALS to vote... :smash:
Meanwhile, the dopes in SF, are pushing for ILLEGALS to vote... :smash:

It is always good for a country to reward illegal immigration with citizenship. Many centuries later Rome is still living off the tourist coming to see the ruins. ;)
No one is forced to live on the border.

Those who aren't happy there can always move.
No one is forced to live on the border.

Those who aren't happy there can always move.

Is that also a solution for those in Chicago and Baltimore? If gang and drug related crime get bad then just move. ;)
Meanwhile, the dopes in SF, are pushing for ILLEGALS to vote...

Meanwhile, the dopes in the Rabid Right cesspool think an American's heritage or religion makes them an automatic suspect... :doh

Given our idiotic attempt to have a 'War on Drugs' it is little wonder a rancher is killed every 6 years or so... given the drug war violence across the nation i'm amazed the border ranchers aren't an extinct species... :peace
Is that also a solution for those in Chicago and Baltimore? If gang and drug related crime get bad then just move.

To wealthier white america is appears to be the solution- ever heard of White Flight? I somehow doubt many of those now living in suburban gated communities would appreciate other city folk flooding into their communities... :peace
It is pretty sad that these people are being held hostage like that. To me, that is what it is. Illegals seem to have more rights than legal Americans, yet legal Americans' hands are bound to defend themselves.
How long does it take for communication with, and help from, the sheriff's office? Illegals know that, and use it to their full advantage.
What a way to live.
No one is forced to live on the border.

Those who aren't happy there can always move.

True. It is insane to think securing our border is a good idea. It is insane to believe the American people should decide who is allowed in their country. I support the current system where we let criminals come and prey on US citizens and escape back across the border. I also think we should reward all criminals enter this country illegally with a citizenship. To hell with all the fools all over the world stupid enough to believe we support legal immigration.
Any president who believes we should protect the American people from criminals coming into this country illegally is clearly insane. That is why I will vote for Hillary. I say we stop wasting money protecting the American people and use that money to reward criminals with a citizenship.

So lets keep the unicorns dancing on the White House lawn and make your vote count.:lamo:lamo:lamo
To wealthier white america is appears to be the solution- ever heard of White Flight? I somehow doubt many of those now living in suburban gated communities would appreciate other city folk flooding into their communities... :peace

Unlike those that work in a city, a rancher (or farmer) would need to move more than just their furniture to make that plan work.
Is that also a solution for those in Chicago and Baltimore? If gang and drug related crime get bad then just move. ;)

No. We should reward these criminals. Maybe we could give them the homes of the people who move out. That will solve the problem. Rewarding bad behavior is clearly a better choice. Enforcing our laws is insane. Punishing the people who break our laws is a waste of time. Maybe we could make laws that restrict the rights and freedom of the law abiding people. Maybe that will solve the problem.:lamo:lamo
Unlike those that work in a city, a rancher (or farmer) would need to move more than just their furniture to make that plan work.

But you asked about those in a city, not about ranchers. I reminded you those in big cities did infact run away and work pretty hard to keep others from fleeing as well...

No need to move their cattle (though they can buy a ranch someplace else- I didn't inherit my ranch), just sell and do something else if 'the threat' is truly life threatening. One dead rancher per 6 years isn't a massive crime wave. Our continued folly with a 'war on drugs' that creates huge violence in big cities and small town America far from the border... :peace
We should reward these criminals. Maybe we could give them the homes of the people who move out.
That will solve the problem. Rewarding bad behavior is clearly a better choice. Enforcing our laws is insane. Punishing the people who break our laws is a waste of time. Maybe we could make laws that restrict the rights and freedom of the law abiding people. Maybe that will solve the problem.:lamo:lamo

I have another idea-let's give the lawbreakers quick,fair,trials and put them in prison.
I have another idea-let's give the lawbreakers quick,fair,trials and put them in prison.

The prisons are full. It is a revolving door in most states. Put someone in you must let someone out. So put a drug dealer in jail and put a pedophile or rapist back on the streets.

I have called the police in Houston and it took them 1-1/2 hrs to show up. Full blown gang fight in the parking lot where I lived between the Mexicans and the Blacks. Most likely a turf war over drugs. I watched as they picked up their dead or injured and put them in cars and leave. When the police finally arrived about with 10 cars everyone was gone. You could still see the blood in the parking lot. The police told me the same thing you did. Move. I did but what if it is your home not an apartment.

What about the elderly that cannot afford to move? I know plenty who bought town-homes paying $175,000.+ for these homes. Then the government comes along and puts up low income housing next to them. Now they have become the prey for these criminals. They will be lucky to get $10,000. now for their home. They cannot afford that kind of loss. Some still owe more than that. Unless they are wealthy which most aren't they can't afford to move. You sit there and listen to them cry telling you how bad it is. See if you don't start crying.

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