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Boehner to Bush-Bashing Beatle: Apologize!? (1 Viewer)


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Mar 11, 2006
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Sir Paul McCartney's cheap shot aimed at former President George W. Bush at a White House event on Wednesday has prompted House Minority Leader John Boehner to demand an apology from the Beatle.

McCartney literally gushed over President Obama throughout his East Room concert. “Getting this prize would just be good enough, but getting it from this president…” McCartney said letting his praise trail off as if there were vast volumes left unsaid.
I wish celebrities would just STFU so I can enjoy their talents without listening to their leftwing socialist ignorant drivel!
Ok he said "“After the last eight years, it’s great to have a President who knows what a library is,” McCartney quipped." Well dress me in pink and call me princess, let me get my pitchfork and rope and we'll lynch him at dawn!!!!
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Ok he said "“After the last eight years, it’s great to have a President who knows what a library is,” McCartney quipped." Well dress me in pink and call me princess, let me get my pitchfork and rope and well lynch him at dawn!!!!

Actually, thats pretty funny :lol:
Actually, thats pretty funny :lol:

Only if you're a moron who doesn't realize that Bush is married to a librarian. As an uneducated dolt, McCartney needs to shut his trap. Bush has an MBA from Harvard, what library did McCartney educate himself in?
Only if you're a moron who doesn't realize that Bush is married to a librarian. As an uneducated dolt, McCartney needs to shut his trap. Bush has an MBA from Harvard, what library did McCartney educate himself in?

Why do you hate free speech?
Only if you're a moron who doesn't realize that Bush is married to a librarian. As an uneducated dolt, McCartney needs to shut his trap. Bush has an MBA from Harvard, what library did McCartney educate himself in?
Have you never heard Bush joke around or the kind of people he has at the dinners or other events? He consistently made fun of his own mispronunciations of words and the stereotypes that he's uneducated and doesn't like to read.
FOR EXAMPLE the 2007 White House Press Dinner he made jokes about all those things, along with some oddly specific and early Obama jokes.


Observe, President Bush telling people his presidential memoires will be a pop-up book.
Only if you're a moron who doesn't realize that Bush is married to a librarian. As an uneducated dolt, McCartney needs to shut his trap. Bush has an MBA from Harvard, what library did McCartney educate himself in?

None of those things make it even less funny. Actually more so since it shows that his education did not do him much good.
Have you never heard Bush joke around or the kind of people he has at the dinners or other events? He consistently made fun of his own mispronunciations of words and the stereotypes that he's uneducated and doesn't like to read.
FOR EXAMPLE the 2007 White House Press Dinner he made jokes about all those things, along with some oddly specific and early Obama jokes.

YouTube - Bush at White House Press Dinner 2007

Observe, President Bush telling people his presidential memoires will be a pop-up book.

So because Bush can joke about himself other people can call him uneducated and stupid?

Does this also mean that when Obama joked he slept with male reporters, can we call him gay?
I wish celebrities would just STFU so I can enjoy their talents without listening to their leftwing socialist ignorant drivel!

I believe people gush over Obama because he's black, and it's embarrassing. When are we ever going to get over this race thing?

What McCartney did was an awkward attempt to make Bush look bad, once again, for no apparent reason other than to ooze flattery towards Obama.

I agree with Boehner, McCartney should apologize to Bush, and say something like, "I got caught up in the moment, and my comments were totally unnecessary and shouldn't have been said".
None of those things make it even less funny. Actually more so since it shows that his education did not do him much good.

Regardless. He became President of the USA, a post that one doubts you will ever even become a nominee for?
McCartney literally gushed over President Obama throughout his East Room concert.
I hope the WH has good jizz mopper.

note to Connie Hair :
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

I wish celebrities would just STFU so I can enjoy their talents without listening to their leftwing socialist ignorant drivel!

They have these things called "musical recordings" that come in any number of formats. You might consider checking them out! :thumbs:
American said:
...what library did McCartney educate himself in

The library of entertainment - worth billions!!!

Which education paid the most dividends, in wealth and adoration?

Tell Boehner to cool his heels, his Hawaiian Tropic order should be delivered today...
Regardless. He became President of the USA, a post that one doubts you will ever even become a nominee for?

I have no desire for the job. However, that job doesn't prove he isn't an idiot, he just had a more public forum in which to display it.
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McCartney has been knighted. If I'm not wrong that makes him an official representative of the British government. Perhaps we should send our ambassador to a dinner at Buckingham palace and have him joke about the stodgy fat woman whose wearing so much stolen geology she can't stand up straight to call Parliament into session. On another front if you research McCartneys education you'll find that he barely got out of the equivalent of high school and he's making comments about the education and literacy of a Harvard MBA.

If I was the rock collector in charge I'd de-dub him!
I hope the WH has good jizz mopper.

note to Connie Hair :
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

It seems that misinterpreting plain English is all too common.

"gush" To speak in an exaggerated manner. Her use of "literal" in this context is entirely accurate.
Regardless of how one feels about Bush or Obama, whatever happened to good old-fashioned manners?? I don't give a rat's hiney that Paul felt the need to bash Bush in order stroke Obama's ego despite Obama's abysmal approval ratings, that's free speech and you have to take the good, bad and the ignorant. Putting the fact that a foreigner is bashing an American aside, why would one purposefully flip a bird at the part of your fanbase that supported President Bush? What does that accomplish? I've been a long time fan of Paul McCartney but I'm sorely disappointed !!

I tell my own children - Just because you CAN doesn't mean you SHOULD.

Isn't freedom of speech wonderful?
It seems that misinterpreting plain English is all too common.
"gush" To speak in an exaggerated manner. Her use of "literal" in this context is entirely accurate.
I am already familiar with that metaphor that gives the word that meaning. It's figurative descriptor when used in that manner as opposed to a literal one.

Online Etymology Dictionary
"Metaphoric sense of "speak in an effusive manner" first recorded 1873."
Oh my god somebody said something not nice! We must get congress involved!
Christ almighty it was a joke, its not meant to be taken seriously. Plenty of people have made fun of Bush and Obama, who was that guy who said Obama "wasn't being black enough" because he wasn't getting "all gangsta" on the oil companies? I don't see the huge uproar from you all over that.

Check out the 2006 Press Dinner, with Stephen Corbert right next to Bush saying tougher jokes.
YouTube - Colbert roasts Bush

I'd never thought I'd see so many conservatives whining over what someone said, and saying he shouldn't have never said it, because he HURT THEIR FEELINGS. Grow a pair, you're giving yourselves a bad name
Christ almighty it was a joke, its not meant to be taken seriously. Plenty of people have made fun of Bush and Obama, who was that guy who said Obama "wasn't being black enough" because he wasn't getting "all gangsta" on the oil companies? I don't see the huge uproar from you all over that.

Check out the 2006 Press Dinner, with Stephen Corbert right next to Bush saying tougher jokes.
YouTube - Colbert roasts Bush

I'd never thought I'd see so many conservatives whining over what someone said, and saying he shouldn't have never said it, because he HURT THEIR FEELINGS. Grow a pair, you're giving yourselves a bad name

Colbert & Maher are comedians. They are allowed to tell bad jokes. However, if they tell joke as blatently racist as Imus they should be treated like Imus was treated. I am a conservative and AM outraged about Maher's comments. BTW, who is the "you all" you were referring to.

McCartney is not a comedian and was not telling a joke. He was making a comment about the literacy of an American president while a guest in the whitehouse. McCartney is all but a HS dropout and is commenting about a president with degrees from Yale and Harvard. If I was Yale or Harvard I would be insulted. Furthermore, as a knight of British realm (what a joke), he has additional rights and RESPONSIBILITIES as a British subject.

If he said it in my house I would ask him to leave. That is what President Obama should have done.
He has the right to say it. Stupidity is a first amendment right; one that is often abused.
Yes this was no joke, he meant that Bush literally has no idea what a library is, that makes much more sense. And him not being a comedian, well clearly ONLY comedians have the right to tell a joke!.

I wish celebrities would just STFU so I can enjoy their talents without listening to their leftwing socialist ignorant drivel!

well, in THIS case, his comments have more value than his music... which is pretty pallid these last several decades.


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