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Boehner a no-show, again! (1 Viewer)

Speaker John Boehner, despite being second in line after only Vice President Joe Biden to the U.S. Presidency, and, of late a no-show at the Tucson Memorial honoring the victims of the attack targeted against one of his 434 constituents, is a no-show once again tonight for the state dinner for President Hu of China. Boehner's is a very constrained view of what the founding fathers considered a national office.
So he didn't attend a social dinner. "Wednesday night's state dinner for Chinese President Hu Jintao was international diplomacy's version of playing nice: gracious words, bipartisan patriotism and hardly any mentions of those uncomfortable issues that put a damper on a good party (from Washington Post).

He did attend the more important meeting. "In an hour-long meeting between Hu and House leaders, Speaker John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) emphasized intellectual property protections and security on the Korean Peninsula, while Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) addressed human rights matters. "

Interesting Boehner wants to protect business intellectual property and security for Korea, Pelosi is interested in China's interal human rights. Who is helping the US the most?
The asshole didnt show up for dinner??? I say fire him ASAP. He has zero excuse for missing that. Its embarassing we have him working for us.
Why attend a dog and pony show?? Just another waste of time. The dinner was a complete farce.
Chappy, Pelosi was a no show for the Ft. Hood. murders when she was Speaker. At least there is no record I can find of her attending the service and you never provided any proof she did attend when asked. As you said the Speaker can become President which means Commander in Chief. Shouldn't she shown respect for the military personnel? You condemn Boehner for not attending a wounded coworker memorial, yet Pelosi didn't find the time to attend the memorial of murdered soldiers. Please quit playing politics with very sad events. It shows your very slanted view of our elected officials.

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