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Bloomberg paying off fines and restitution of over 32K felons in Fl. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 27, 2019
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Is this really happening in America? A billionaire raising money and paying off the fines of felons in Florida, so they can register to vote. If this is not criminal, I don't know what is....goodness. This needs to be investigated immediately and forthwith to get to the bottom of this vote buying, bribery scheme.

This is so wrong on so many counts.....unbelievable.
Proof the libtards can't win on ideas. Their desperation will be their further undoing.
It is illegal to pay someone to vote a certain way. It is not illegal to pay someone's fine allowing them to vote as they see fit. I'm so happy that the poll tax is being paid for all of these legal voters. To bad for Matt Gaetz. He doesn't have the money to challenge M.B.
Is this really happening in America? A billionaire raising money and paying off the fines of felons in Florida, so they can register to vote. If this is not criminal, I don't know what is....goodness.

Totally, poll taxes are supposed to be illegal. Good on Bloomberg for righting this wrong.
It is illegal to pay someone to vote a certain way. It is not illegal to pay someone's fine allowing them to vote as they see fit. I'm so happy that the poll tax is being paid for all of these legal voters. To bad for Matt Gaetz. He doesn't have the money to challenge M.B.

When felons lose their voting priveleges that isn't a "poll tax", it is the necessary and intelligent result of what happens to people who live outside the law. In other words punishment. So, unless you would also feel it appropriate for someone to "pay the fine" for felons who have as a result of their crimes had their guns confiscated and their right to own guns suspened, then you are just doing what all liberals do, and that is having selective outrage.
Is this really happening in America? A billionaire raising money and paying off the fines of felons in Florida, so they can register to vote. If this is not criminal, I don't know what is....goodness. This needs to be investigated immediately and forthwith to get to the bottom of this vote buying, bribery scheme.

This is so wrong on so many counts.....unbelievable.

It’s poll taxes that are illegal. Sorry we found a workaround to your voter suppression scheme!
When felons lose their voting priveleges that isn't a "poll tax", it is the necessary and intelligent result of what happens to people who live outside the law. In other words punishment. So, unless you would also feel it appropriate for someone to "pay the fine" for felons who have as a result of their crimes had their guns confiscated and their right to own guns suspened, then you are just doing what all liberals do, and that is having selective outrage.

That’s not what punishment is. Why should anyone give up their rights after serving their time? What is the point of a setentenc if it’s never over?
It is illegal to pay someone to vote a certain way. It is not illegal to pay someone's fine allowing them to vote as they see fit. I'm so happy that the poll tax is being paid for all of these legal voters. To bad for Matt Gaetz. He doesn't have the money to challenge M.B.

And there's zero expectation that they'll vote Democrats. That's like saying "I didn't pay that person to vote a certain way. I just bought him a brand new car so he could drive to the polls."
And there's zero expectation that they'll vote Democrats. That's like saying "I didn't pay that person to vote a certain way. I just bought him a brand new car so he could drive to the polls."
Yep. And your vote in private
Is this really happening in America? A billionaire raising money and paying off the fines of felons in Florida, so they can register to vote. If this is not criminal, I don't know what is....goodness. This needs to be investigated immediately and forthwith to get to the bottom of this vote buying, bribery scheme.

This is so wrong on so many counts.....unbelievable.
It is a problem.

If anyone believes that Bloomberg didn't just buy 31,000 votes in Florida for the Democrats (quid pro quo), then IMO they are being willfully blind.

If anyone supports this kind of thing, then IMO they are suffering so badly from TDS that they are either unable or unwilling to see the problems with their own "win at all costs" hypocrisy.

But this is typical of the current socialist dystopian view. Clearly reflected in the Democrat's threats to "stack the SCOTUS," eliminate/undermine the electoral college, impeach the President for doing his Constitutional duty, push "mass mail voting" knowing it is a problem...do ANYTHING to win by any means necessary.
It is a problem.

If any believes that Bloomberg didn't just buy 31,000 votes in Florida for the Democrats, then IMO they are being willfully blind.

If anyone supports this kind of thing, then IMO they are suffering so badly from TDS that they are either unable or unwilling to see either the problem or their own "win at all costs" hypocrisy.

But this is typical of the current socialist dystopian view, reflected in the Democrat's threats to "stack the SCOTUS," eliminate/undermine the electoral college, impeach the President for doing his Constitutional duty, push "mass mail voting" knowing it is a problem...do ANYTHING to win by any means necessary.
Call a cop
Totally, poll taxes are supposed to be illegal. Good on Bloomberg for righting this wrong.
It won't matter, the fix is done deal now. Complain now, because complaining about The Trump® family, or wearing a mask, or even acknowleging the virus, will soon be sedition.
If anyone believes that Bloomberg didn't just buy 31,000 votes in Florida for the Democrats (quid pro quo), then IMO they are being willfully blind.

If erecting financial barriers to keep poor people from voting opens up the process to the appearance of impropriety, maybe we shouldn't be doing that.

Wait, we're not supposed to be doing that!
It’s poll taxes that are illegal. Sorry we found a workaround to your voter suppression scheme!
Biden will win by 10 milliomn or more votes. Votes which will be disqualified, and the election will be awarded to Trump®. You can be "hopeful" as you like, I guarantee you, this one is already in the books, and vote tally regardless, Trump® has already won this election. The real pain comes after the show is over.

That's when the war to rally support begins....

This one is done, period. Freedom, and America as we knew it, is already over, the theater just has yet to play is all....
Is this really happening in America? A billionaire raising money and paying off the fines of felons in Florida, so they can register to vote. If this is not criminal, I don't know what is....goodness. This needs to be investigated immediately and forthwith to get to the bottom of this vote buying, bribery scheme.
This is so wrong on so many counts.....unbelievable.

Meanwhile the GOP is openly and hypocritically excusing itself from its own 2016 rationale to get another SCOTUS seat. What did you expect?

Haven't you spent the last 4 years telling us "LOOK AT WHAT YOU MADE US DO!" in response to our objections?
Simply put, the democrat party is the pro criminal party.
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Biden will win by 10 milliomn or more votes. Votes which will be disqualified, and the election will be awarded to Trump®. You can be "hopeful" as you like, I guarantee you, this one is already in the books, and vote tally regardless, Trump® has already won this election. The real pain comes after the show is over.

That's when the war to rally support begins....

This one is done, period. Freedom, and America as we knew it, is already over, the theater just has yet to play is all....

No. Just no on this. Sorry. Do not agree. Will not agree. He’s just gonna lose and totter off to mar a lago.
No. Just no on this. Sorry. Do not agree. Will not agree. He’s just gonna lose and totter off to mar a lago.
I GUARANTEE it. This Supreme Court deal seals it. It's over, I promise you. We'll still vote, but it's irrelevant. Trump will be officially coronated in January.

Why else are Chuck and Nancy already conceeding? This is OVER, Mark my words, and take that to the bank. Only resistance remains.
No. Just no on this. Sorry. Do not agree. Will not agree. He’s just gonna lose and totter off to mar a lago.
The Roger Stone martial law deal was just foreshadowing. It's on the schedule, you wait and see....
Proper use of Bloomberg money. Together with his ad buy, he's making some of his promises come true. Still, he should throw money into Ohio, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Wisconsin, and Montana.
Is this really happening in America? A billionaire raising money and paying off the fines of felons in Florida, so they can register to vote. If this is not criminal, I don't know what is....goodness. This needs to be investigated immediately and forthwith to get to the bottom of this vote buying, bribery scheme.

This is so wrong on so many counts.....unbelievable.
So.. let us get this straight. You're ok with rich people and corporations to contribute unlimited amounts of money to politicians campaigns, and call the money, "speech", but what Bloomberg's doing is supposed to be illegal? Really?

It'll be interesting to see if you have the stones to parse that logic!
The Roger Stone martial law deal was just foreshadowing. It's on the schedule, you wait and see....

Nope. You wait and see President-Elect Biden. You are drinking the kool aid, chum.
So.. let us get this straight. You're ok with rich people and corporations to contribute unlimited amounts of money to politicians campaigns, and call the money, "speech", but what Bloomberg's doing is supposed to be illegal? Really?

It'll be interesting to see if you have the stones to parse that logic!

Well, you know..poll tax=good, rich guy paying poll tax=bad.
Nope. You wait and see President-Elect Biden. You are drinking the kool aid, chum.
Be naive, If I were you I'd be getting ready for hardhsip, it is coming, naivete' aside. Trump is emperor, the GOP will not allow the plan to fail.

The real sad thing is all the work for this board will soon be for naught, as it will all soon be seditious to talk against the regime....

It's a foregone and inexascapble conclusion, and watching how the ,media is covering it should tip you, but somehow it isn't.

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