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BLM making new friends (1 Viewer)

Brought to you by George Soros and Nancy Pelosi. Thank you very much.
BLM and maoist china have similarities
The OP linked to somthing called “hotair dot com” so that he could call Black people “animals” and then it was followed up with the Soros anti-semitism.

It’s just what you guys do when creating these threads. It’s like how catholics cross themselves upon entering a church.

he did not call black people animals, that was the violent screaming BLM protestors, i personally wouldnt call anyone animals but it wasnt racist

and then what anti-semitism

next, what connection with catholics and our threads
Yes, it does remind one of the Chinese "Cultural Revolution" under Mao.

"the Cultural Revolution damaged China's economy and traditional culture, "

"“We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.”-BLM

destroying tradition
The OP linked to somthing called “hotair dot com” so that he could call Black people “animals” and then it was followed up with the Soros anti-semitism.

It’s just what you guys do when creating these threads. It’s like how catholics cross themselves upon entering a church.

The insurgents in the video are acting like ****ing animals.
The insurgents in the video are acting like ****ing animals.

I have to object. Animals across the board don't act that way. But monsters sometimes do. Thanks!!

Lol, some anonymous sources make a claim about something Trump supposedly said two years ago and we’re supposed to believe it without question. Post a link to a site that has actual video and but somehow that’s made up?
Lol, some anonymous sources make a claim about something Trump supposedly said two years ago and we’re supposed to believe it without question. Post a link to a site that has actual video and but somehow that’s made up?

Speaks volumes. Don't it?

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