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Blacks shot more by cops than Whites.[W:51] (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 10, 2009
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Bonners Ferry ID USA
Political Leaning
Here's what Obama had to say recently.

Last year, African Americans were shot by police at more than twice the rate of whites. African Americans are arrested at twice the rate of whites.

Statement by the President

But what exactly does that mean? Obama leaves you believing that it has to do with racist cops. That we have a systemic problem with racist cops. But is it truly? Such a quote from a statistic will certainly tell you that blacks are killed more often by cops than whites. But it doesn't tell you WHY this happens. Most people like Obama tend to choose to believe that it has to do with racism. But the problem with such figures won't tell you WHY blacks are killed more by cops than whites. The numbers leave it up to the imagination essentially. And people like Obama take advantage of that fact in order to promote something which may, or may not actually exist.

Here's my theory, and it doesn't include ALL blacks or ALL <insert race here>. I may be speaking generically in the following but do not take as if I'm including ALL of <insert race here>.

Awhile ago I came up with a plan to reduce overall crime and posted it here. No, I won't repeat it as it takes up quite a bit of just one post and still doesn't completely cover everything. Look it up if you're that curious. Part of it had to do with education and poverty. We know that a people that are less educated have a statistically higher chance of committing some crime or other. We also know that this happens with those poverty also. And statistically speaking blacks in this country, on average, fall with in one or both of those categories. Either poor or uneducated or both. Often more so than those of other races. That would naturally tend to mean that blacks in this country have a higher chance of becoming criminals than those in other races.

What does this mean? It means that they are naturally going to end up being confronted by cops more than other races. Which also gives them a higher chance of being shot and killed by cops.

The same applies for Hispanics. Statistics show that Hispanics are slightly less below the poverty line than blacks are and slightly do better in school than blacks. Then its whites, and then at the top are Asians.

When looking at the statistics of who's more likely to get shot by a cop the statistics run along the same lines as those of poverty and education.

In the end I think that the reason blacks get shot more has more to do with poverty and education than any sort of systemic racism by cops. Is this to say that there is NO racism perpetrated by cops? Hellz no! But, I do believe that this means that it isn't near as bad as many would like people to believe. Certainly not as bad as the Media, BLM, the left, and Obama would like people to believe.

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What are your thoughts? Theories?
Re: Blacks shot more by cops than Whites.

I would agree that the link to poverty and education is oftentimes much more of a contributing factor. There are certain things that come with that though. The attitude of not being a snitch and actually protecting criminals does not help either. Seeing the police as your enemy only intensifies problems when things come up. And while it would be great to think that police would serve no matter how their community treats them, would you want to go out and risk your life for people that hate you? I don't think I would. I don't blame them really.
Re: Blacks shot more by cops than Whites.

Here's what Obama had to say recently.

Statement by the President

But what exactly does that mean? Obama leaves you believing that it has to do with racist cops. That we have a systemic problem with racist cops. But is it truly? Such a quote from a statistic will certainly tell you that blacks are killed more often by cops than whites. But it doesn't tell you WHY this happens. Most people like Obama tend to choose to believe that it has to do with racism. But the problem with such figures won't tell you WHY blacks are killed more by cops than whites. The numbers leave it up to the imagination essentially. And people like Obama take advantage of that fact in order to promote something which may, or may not actually exist.

Here's my theory, and it doesn't include ALL blacks or ALL <insert race here>. I may be speaking generically in the following but do not take as if I'm including ALL of <insert race here>.

Awhile ago I came up with a plan to reduce overall crime and posted it here. No, I won't repeat it as it takes up quite a bit of just one post and still doesn't completely cover everything. Look it up if you're that curious. Part of it had to do with education and poverty. We know that a people that are less educated have a statistically higher chance of committing some crime or other. We also know that this happens with those poverty also. And statistically speaking blacks in this country, on average, fall with in one or both of those categories. Either poor or uneducated or both. Often more so than those of other races. That would naturally tend to mean that blacks in this country have a higher chance of becoming criminals than those in other races.

What does this mean? It means that they are naturally going to end up being confronted by cops more than other races. Which also gives them a higher chance of being shot and killed by cops.

The same applies for Hispanics. Statistics show that Hispanics are slightly less below the poverty line than blacks are and slightly do better in school than blacks. Then its whites, and then at the top are Asians.

When looking at the statistics of who's more likely to get shot by a cop the statistics run along the same lines as those of poverty and education.

In the end I think that the reason blacks get shot more has more to do with poverty and education than any sort of systemic racism by cops. Is this to say that there is NO racism perpetrated by cops? Hellz no! But, I do believe that this means that it isn't near as bad as many would like people to believe. Certainly not as bad as the Media, BLM, the left, and Obama would like people to believe.

Who is poor?
Achievement gap in the United States
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What are your thoughts? Theories?
I would also add that the statistics do not identify the race of the cop that does shoot a perp, how many blacks that were shot were shoot by a Black or other non-white officer. It reminds me of the incident where six officers were charged in the death a perp being transported to jail, all one hear was that they had to be racists for treating him roughly, then we find out half the officers involved are Black.
Re: Blacks shot more by cops than Whites.

Here's what Obama had to say recently.

Statement by the President

But what exactly does that mean? Obama leaves you believing that it has to do with racist cops. That we have a systemic problem with racist cops. But is it truly? Such a quote from a statistic will certainly tell you that blacks are killed more often by cops than whites. But it doesn't tell you WHY this happens. Most people like Obama tend to choose to believe that it has to do with racism. But the problem with such figures won't tell you WHY blacks are killed more by cops than whites. The numbers leave it up to the imagination essentially. And people like Obama take advantage of that fact in order to promote something which may, or may not actually exist.

Here's my theory, and it doesn't include ALL blacks or ALL <insert race here>. I may be speaking generically in the following but do not take as if I'm including ALL of <insert race here>.

Awhile ago I came up with a plan to reduce overall crime and posted it here. No, I won't repeat it as it takes up quite a bit of just one post and still doesn't completely cover everything. Look it up if you're that curious. Part of it had to do with education and poverty. We know that a people that are less educated have a statistically higher chance of committing some crime or other. We also know that this happens with those poverty also. And statistically speaking blacks in this country, on average, fall with in one or both of those categories. Either poor or uneducated or both. Often more so than those of other races. That would naturally tend to mean that blacks in this country have a higher chance of becoming criminals than those in other races.

What does this mean? It means that they are naturally going to end up being confronted by cops more than other races. Which also gives them a higher chance of being shot and killed by cops.

The same applies for Hispanics. Statistics show that Hispanics are slightly less below the poverty line than blacks are and slightly do better in school than blacks. Then its whites, and then at the top are Asians.

When looking at the statistics of who's more likely to get shot by a cop the statistics run along the same lines as those of poverty and education.

In the end I think that the reason blacks get shot more has more to do with poverty and education than any sort of systemic racism by cops. Is this to say that there is NO racism perpetrated by cops? Hellz no! But, I do believe that this means that it isn't near as bad as many would like people to believe. Certainly not as bad as the Media, BLM, the left, and Obama would like people to believe.

Who is poor?
Achievement gap in the United States
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What are your thoughts? Theories?

More blacks are shot by police because they assault the arresting officer in much greater numbers and they are armed in much greater numbers . Don't commit crimes , don't carry weapons , don't resist arrest , don't assault police and you will be OK !
Re: Blacks shot more by cops than Whites.

Blacks are arrested more than whites and imprisoned more than whites because they commit most of the crimes. They are disproportionately arrested because they disproportionately commit crimes. The liberal narrative that they are arrested and imprisoned because of racism by cops or the justice system is bunk. They don't understand causation and correlation and they can't form anything but rudimentary thoughts.
Re: Blacks shot more by cops than Whites.

Here's what Obama had to say recently.

Statement by the President

But what exactly does that mean? Obama leaves you believing that it has to do with racist cops. That we have a systemic problem with racist cops. But is it truly? Such a quote from a statistic will certainly tell you that blacks are killed more often by cops than whites. But it doesn't tell you WHY this happens. Most people like Obama tend to choose to believe that it has to do with racism. But the problem with such figures won't tell you WHY blacks are killed more by cops than whites. The numbers leave it up to the imagination essentially. And people like Obama take advantage of that fact in order to promote something which may, or may not actually exist.

Here's my theory, and it doesn't include ALL blacks or ALL <insert race here>. I may be speaking generically in the following but do not take as if I'm including ALL of <insert race here>.

Awhile ago I came up with a plan to reduce overall crime and posted it here. No, I won't repeat it as it takes up quite a bit of just one post and still doesn't completely cover everything. Look it up if you're that curious. Part of it had to do with education and poverty. We know that a people that are less educated have a statistically higher chance of committing some crime or other. We also know that this happens with those poverty also. And statistically speaking blacks in this country, on average, fall with in one or both of those categories. Either poor or uneducated or both. Often more so than those of other races. That would naturally tend to mean that blacks in this country have a higher chance of becoming criminals than those in other races.

What does this mean? It means that they are naturally going to end up being confronted by cops more than other races. Which also gives them a higher chance of being shot and killed by cops.

The same applies for Hispanics. Statistics show that Hispanics are slightly less below the poverty line than blacks are and slightly do better in school than blacks. Then its whites, and then at the top are Asians.

When looking at the statistics of who's more likely to get shot by a cop the statistics run along the same lines as those of poverty and education.

In the end I think that the reason blacks get shot more has more to do with poverty and education than any sort of systemic racism by cops. Is this to say that there is NO racism perpetrated by cops? Hellz no! But, I do believe that this means that it isn't near as bad as many would like people to believe. Certainly not as bad as the Media, BLM, the left, and Obama would like people to believe.

Who is poor?
Achievement gap in the United States
Persons Arrested

What are your thoughts? Theories?

yes WHAT has caused their poverty?? BUT BUT is education the same wisdom as IQ's ??
Re: Blacks shot more by cops than Whites.

Crime must have been rampant during the Great Depression. High unemployment, poverty everywhere, people in soup lines, I mean it must have been horrible. But it wasn't. Crime was low. So, I have a hard time believing poverty and being uneducated as the primary causes.
Re: Blacks shot more by cops than Whites.

crime must have been rampant during the great depression. High unemployment, poverty everywhere, people in soup lines, i mean it must have been horrible. But it wasn't. Crime was low. So, i have a hard time believing poverty and being uneducated as the primary causes.

Re: Blacks shot more by cops than Whites.

Here's what Obama had to say recently.

Statement by the President

But what exactly does that mean? Obama leaves you believing that it has to do with racist cops. That we have a systemic problem with racist cops. But is it truly? Such a quote from a statistic will certainly tell you that blacks are killed more often by cops than whites. But it doesn't tell you WHY this happens. Most people like Obama tend to choose to believe that it has to do with racism. But the problem with such figures won't tell you WHY blacks are killed more by cops than whites. The numbers leave it up to the imagination essentially. And people like Obama take advantage of that fact in order to promote something which may, or may not actually exist.

Here's my theory, and it doesn't include ALL blacks or ALL <insert race here>. I may be speaking generically in the following but do not take as if I'm including ALL of <insert race here>.

Awhile ago I came up with a plan to reduce overall crime and posted it here. No, I won't repeat it as it takes up quite a bit of just one post and still doesn't completely cover everything. Look it up if you're that curious. Part of it had to do with education and poverty. We know that a people that are less educated have a statistically higher chance of committing some crime or other. We also know that this happens with those poverty also. And statistically speaking blacks in this country, on average, fall with in one or both of those categories. Either poor or uneducated or both. Often more so than those of other races. That would naturally tend to mean that blacks in this country have a higher chance of becoming criminals than those in other races.

What does this mean? It means that they are naturally going to end up being confronted by cops more than other races. Which also gives them a higher chance of being shot and killed by cops.

The same applies for Hispanics. Statistics show that Hispanics are slightly less below the poverty line than blacks are and slightly do better in school than blacks. Then its whites, and then at the top are Asians.

When looking at the statistics of who's more likely to get shot by a cop the statistics run along the same lines as those of poverty and education.

In the end I think that the reason blacks get shot more has more to do with poverty and education than any sort of systemic racism by cops. Is this to say that there is NO racism perpetrated by cops? Hellz no! But, I do believe that this means that it isn't near as bad as many would like people to believe. Certainly not as bad as the Media, BLM, the left, and Obama would like people to believe.

Who is poor?
Achievement gap in the United States
Persons Arrested

What are your thoughts? Theories?

I agree with that in general, but think that the prime factor driving the negative development is probably pre-school and that the damage done there cannot often be corrected in schools.
Re: Blacks shot more by cops than Whites.

More blacks are shot by police because they assault the arresting officer in much greater numbers and they are armed in much greater numbers . Don't commit crimes , don't carry weapons , don't resist arrest , don't assault police and you will be OK !

You're against carrying weapons?
Re: Blacks shot more by cops than Whites.

Crime must have been rampant during the Great Depression. High unemployment, poverty everywhere, people in soup lines, I mean it must have been horrible. But it wasn't. Crime was low. So, I have a hard time believing poverty and being uneducated as the primary causes.

You can blame this almost 100% on the Thug culture. But we can't say that any more than we can say Radical Islam. Liberals are going to be the death of this country.
Re: Blacks shot more by cops than Whites.

You can blame this almost 100% on the Thug culture. But we can't say that any more than we can say Radical Islam. Liberals are going to be the death of this country.

Liberalism is tearing apart the family unit in America, especially the black family. The state is now daddy to many people, you see it here on DP. Most of the leftists here couldn't wipe their own butts without big gov't help. Its sad.
Re: Blacks shot more by cops than Whites.

You're against carrying weapons?

Any sane person would be opposed to leftists having guns, look what's happening right now. You have the left running wild out there doing what the left does, destroy.
Re: Blacks shot more by cops than Whites.

The stats show that 2/3s of people that die due to altercations with law enforcement are armed and presenting a current active viable threat. Their race is irrelevant to the response of the law enforcement officer (as is the race of the actual responding law enforcement officer). Statistics also show that while blacks represent around 13% of the overall population of this country they commit 52% of all homicides. Overall, blacks commit 38.5% of ALL violent crimes. Again...for a population that represents only 13% of the countries total population. And lets not ignore the reality that the vast majority of those involved in violent criminal activity are not 'black Americans'...they are gang bangers and thugs that happen to be black Americans.

At the end of the day...that is why this need to make this about law enforcement or the cops or race is so frustrating, annoying...and just mind numbingly stupid. The vast majority of the victims of black criminals are BLACK PEOPLE. The perpetrators tend to be violent thugs that have spent much of their life preying on the black community...race be damned...if I am living in that community I want those worthless ****s rotting in prison. I'm not going to pee myself and shriek wail and moan over the poor dears just because of their race. The facts are what they are. There are lots of things that can be done and SHOULD be done to help elevate the black community but it all starts with 1 thing...STOP raping, robbing, and killing people. I am uninterested in the excuses and so should anyone else.
Re: Blacks shot more by cops than Whites.

What are your thoughts? Theories?

My thought is that you highlight one of the biggest flaws that goes over the head of so many people when these conversations come up. The entire discussion so often forgets one of the first lessons I learned on day one of my statistics class...correlation doesn't equal causation.

The only way to say definitively, or even with significant confidence, that it is the race of the individuals that is the defining reason why they are shot at a higher percentage would be if all other factors are absolutely equal. But in reality, they're not.

Can we see statistics for the amount of police shootings that occur following an instance of resisting arrest compared to those when such an instance hasn't occurred? And if there is, is there a higher instances of resisting arrest with blacks compared to whites, Hispanics, etc? If so, could the issue not be racially based, but perhaps based on action. Or perhaps, as you say, take a look at economic class. Does a higher percentage of individuals below the poverty line suffer from police shootings more so than those above it, regardless of race? And does that inherently mean that somehow their place within the economic scale is the triggering reason, or is it perhaps itself just a symptom of another issue? For example, how does the poverty line match up with education received, and in turn how does that factor into the equation? Could we perhaps look at age? Is there a particular age range that is disproportionately seeming to be the focus of these shootings?

What's more, could it not be a confluence of multiple factors that, when combined, lead to the conclusion as opposed to one overriding factor being disproportionately targeted? These are questions that, in general, we won't know because many won't ask, because as is the case with so many things in our society the desire isn't actually to find an answer...it's to find an answer that suits the individuals political/societal aims.
Re: Blacks shot more by cops than Whites.

Crime must have been rampant during the Great Depression. High unemployment, poverty everywhere, people in soup lines, I mean it must have been horrible. But it wasn't. Crime was low. So, I have a hard time believing poverty and being uneducated as the primary causes.

This post shows the ANSWER is not any of the so called disadvantages...Look what happened to rhodesia changed to zimbabwee when the IQ's of the voters dropped like a rock.... these are PROOFS of what is the REAL CAUSE.. Nations who goes against the LAWS OF LIFE will FALL.. what is the laws of life?? the big one is people DOING THEIR ABILITY and if one does not have an ability in an area then NOT DOING THAT ABILITY......

FREEDOM is good for people with that ability that can follow rules .......
Re: Blacks shot more by cops than Whites.

There is a GOOD REASON for voting to be at least 18 ... cigarette buying and other decisions to people not old enough to understand as well the harm.. .....what is the age for buying alcohol and cigs?? is it 21 or 18?? if its 21 then its stupid to have 18 yr olds as voters and who does the 18 yr olds vote for?? liberals or conservatives.. IS this issue about blacks simply a wisdom issue ?
Re: Blacks shot more by cops than Whites.

Here's what Obama had to say recently.

Statement by the President

But what exactly does that mean? Obama leaves you believing that it has to do with racist cops. That we have a systemic problem with racist cops. But is it truly? Such a quote from a statistic will certainly tell you that blacks are killed more often by cops than whites. But it doesn't tell you WHY this happens. Most people like Obama tend to choose to believe that it has to do with racism. But the problem with such figures won't tell you WHY blacks are killed more by cops than whites. The numbers leave it up to the imagination essentially. And people like Obama take advantage of that fact in order to promote something which may, or may not actually exist.

Here's my theory, and it doesn't include ALL blacks or ALL <insert race here>. I may be speaking generically in the following but do not take as if I'm including ALL of <insert race here>.

Awhile ago I came up with a plan to reduce overall crime and posted it here. No, I won't repeat it as it takes up quite a bit of just one post and still doesn't completely cover everything. Look it up if you're that curious. Part of it had to do with education and poverty. We know that a people that are less educated have a statistically higher chance of committing some crime or other. We also know that this happens with those poverty also. And statistically speaking blacks in this country, on average, fall with in one or both of those categories. Either poor or uneducated or both. Often more so than those of other races. That would naturally tend to mean that blacks in this country have a higher chance of becoming criminals than those in other races.

What does this mean? It means that they are naturally going to end up being confronted by cops more than other races. Which also gives them a higher chance of being shot and killed by cops.

The same applies for Hispanics. Statistics show that Hispanics are slightly less below the poverty line than blacks are and slightly do better in school than blacks. Then its whites, and then at the top are Asians.

When looking at the statistics of who's more likely to get shot by a cop the statistics run along the same lines as those of poverty and education.

In the end I think that the reason blacks get shot more has more to do with poverty and education than any sort of systemic racism by cops. Is this to say that there is NO racism perpetrated by cops? Hellz no! But, I do believe that this means that it isn't near as bad as many would like people to believe. Certainly not as bad as the Media, BLM, the left, and Obama would like people to believe.

Who is poor?
Achievement gap in the United States
Persons Arrested

What are your thoughts? Theories?

I would suggest that the study cited in a New York Times article today (and in a couple of threads here) not only disproves Obama's theory but also indicates that blacks are shot by cops LESS OFTEN than whites are.
Re: Blacks shot more by cops than Whites.

Here's what Obama had to say recently.

Statement by the President

But what exactly does that mean? Obama leaves you believing that it has to do with racist cops. That we have a systemic problem with racist cops. But is it truly? Such a quote from a statistic will certainly tell you that blacks are killed more often by cops than whites. But it doesn't tell you WHY this happens. Most people like Obama tend to choose to believe that it has to do with racism. But the problem with such figures won't tell you WHY blacks are killed more by cops than whites. The numbers leave it up to the imagination essentially. And people like Obama take advantage of that fact in order to promote something which may, or may not actually exist.

Here's my theory, and it doesn't include ALL blacks or ALL <insert race here>. I may be speaking generically in the following but do not take as if I'm including ALL of <insert race here>.

Awhile ago I came up with a plan to reduce overall crime and posted it here. No, I won't repeat it as it takes up quite a bit of just one post and still doesn't completely cover everything. Look it up if you're that curious. Part of it had to do with education and poverty. We know that a people that are less educated have a statistically higher chance of committing some crime or other. We also know that this happens with those poverty also. And statistically speaking blacks in this country, on average, fall with in one or both of those categories. Either poor or uneducated or both. Often more so than those of other races. That would naturally tend to mean that blacks in this country have a higher chance of becoming criminals than those in other races.

What does this mean? It means that they are naturally going to end up being confronted by cops more than other races. Which also gives them a higher chance of being shot and killed by cops.

The same applies for Hispanics. Statistics show that Hispanics are slightly less below the poverty line than blacks are and slightly do better in school than blacks. Then its whites, and then at the top are Asians.

When looking at the statistics of who's more likely to get shot by a cop the statistics run along the same lines as those of poverty and education.

In the end I think that the reason blacks get shot more has more to do with poverty and education than any sort of systemic racism by cops. Is this to say that there is NO racism perpetrated by cops? Hellz no! But, I do believe that this means that it isn't near as bad as many would like people to believe. Certainly not as bad as the Media, BLM, the left, and Obama would like people to believe.

Who is poor?
Achievement gap in the United States
Persons Arrested

What are your thoughts? Theories?

And if you suggested that these statistics were based on the fact that blacks commit crimes at twice the rate of whites, you would be called a racist.
Re: Blacks shot more by cops than Whites.

You're against carrying weapons?

No , I'm not but I'm not dumb enough to assault a police officer while carrying a weapon . This is common sense stuff the exact thing that escapes liberals . :roll:
Re: Blacks shot more by cops than Whites.

I would suggest that the study cited in a New York Times article today (and in a couple of threads here) not only disproves Obama's theory but also indicates that blacks are shot by cops LESS OFTEN than whites are.

Thank you. I was wondering when someone would point this out.

It's actually available in FBI crime statistics for anyone who would rather know what they were talking about.
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Re: Blacks shot more by cops than Whites.

Thugs yes.

What, they have a sign around their neck? He said 'Don't carry weapons.' Did you really mean thugs shouldn't carry weapons, or just people who look like thugs or what? Either carrying weapons is a right or it isn't.
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Re: Blacks shot more by cops than Whites.

Any sane person would be opposed to leftists having guns, look what's happening right now. You have the left running wild out there doing what the left does, destroy.

This post is just plain stupid, too stupid to be addressed. Beyond pointing out how stupid it is.

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