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Black Power Racist privilege in the US (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 3, 2018
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north carolina
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
Leftist liberals in the media are promoting the vile lie that Black Power racists deserve special privileges. We saw that in the recent lying leftist media accusations against un-offending white Catholic school kids. The liars in the media made excuses for the clear Black racist vile aggression and the aggressive lying drum-beating man claiming to be a native American Vietnam hero. The evidence clearly shows a handful of Black Hebrew Israelite racist adults yelling racist insults at the innocent kids and the fake Vietnam veteran drum major sauntering up to the kids and beating drums right in their faces in open aggressive confrontation. Those behaviors are inexcusable and the fact that the leftist media supports those immoral acts of aggression and twists the narrative into a lie in order to falsely blame the innocent kids is despicable.

Black racist privilege in America is widespread and does a lot of damage to American unity. The leftist media do not tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Here is an example of truths the leftist media will not report:



In this case a white professor was targeted by a newly hired Black Power advocate because she was white. This is a clear example of what happens when the leftist propagandists promote unjust narratives which foment such open disrespect for white people and support for Black racist privilege in everyday life.

In modern America blacks can spew racist hatred all day long and they will be excused by leftist dolts because of the acceptance of the idea that blacks deserve such privileges because of past slavery. What a bunch of nonsense crap.
The leftist identity politics and racial double standards in the US are borderline fascism.
The leftist identity politics and racial double standards in the US are borderline fascism.

That's like saying that pizza is borderline communism. You don't get to just throw words around for fun. Those words mean specific things. Try to understand those meanings before you attempt to use them in a sentence.
Unity isn't the goal. Justice is the goal.

I'm for justice. I'm for individuals in the suspected Trump/Collusion investigation being interviewed thoroughly under oath and for no judgment to be rendered until the evidence is presented and judged in court. I'm for equal justice in the Clinton email scandal, the Fast and Furious disaster, the IRS discrimination against conservatives scandal, the Benghazi fiasco, biased anti-Trump sedition in the FBI, the leaking of government secrets by high officials in the Justice Department, and so forth.
The leftist identity politics and racial double standards in the US are borderline fascism.


I think we've arrive at that destination and passed into the next county over a year ago. What with the willful deplatforming of conservative speakers. Outright justification of physical violence on those with differing opinions and the myriad amount of times we've seen the leftist media try time and time again to spin their own narrative, facts be damned.
Leftist liberals in the media are promoting the vile lie that Black Power racists deserve special privileges. We saw that in the recent lying leftist media accusations against un-offending white Catholic school kids. The liars in the media made excuses for the clear Black racist vile aggression and the aggressive lying drum-beating man claiming to be a native American Vietnam hero. The evidence clearly shows a handful of Black Hebrew Israelite racist adults yelling racist insults at the innocent kids and the fake Vietnam veteran drum major sauntering up to the kids and beating drums right in their faces in open aggressive confrontation. Those behaviors are inexcusable and the fact that the leftist media supports those immoral acts of aggression and twists the narrative into a lie in order to falsely blame the innocent kids is despicable.

Black racist privilege in America is widespread and does a lot of damage to American unity. The leftist media do not tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Here is an example of truths the leftist media will not report:



In this case a white professor was targeted by a newly hired Black Power advocate because she was white. This is a clear example of what happens when the leftist propagandists promote unjust narratives which foment such open disrespect for white people and support for Black racist privilege in everyday life.

In modern America blacks can spew racist hatred all day long and they will be excused by leftist dolts because of the acceptance of the idea that blacks deserve such privileges because of past slavery. What a bunch of nonsense crap.

I wouldn't say that those Catholic school kids were "un-offending"....they DID mock back after all. That carries some intent to be offensive.

However, that said, I have noticed a distinct lack of recrimination against those Black Israelite folks. I've yet to see any left leaning news media call them out as racist even though they clearly are. They seemed to have no problem calling the Catholic kids racist though.
In modern America blacks can spew racist hatred all day long and they will be excused by leftist dolts because of the acceptance of the idea that blacks deserve such privileges because of past slavery.

1. The pendulum always swings to the extreme right or left.

2. Before the 1960s, it was at the extreme right.

a. De jure and de facto discrimination was a fact of life. It was accepted by most people of all ethnicities.

3. This is 2019. The pendulum is obviously at the extreme left.

4. Demographers tell us that in about 30 years, Caucasian people will no longer be the majority of the American population.

a. The pendulum will then start to swing back to the middle.

5. In the meanwhile, one must do what human beings have always done: DO ONE'S BEST UNDER THE CIRCUMSTANCES.

a. That university professor, for example, should get the best legal help possible. There is nothing else that she can do. She is just a victim caught up in a rapidly changing country.

6. Personally, when I turn on TV and come across blood pressure-raising stories, I just turn the channel to, say, reruns of "Friends."
Leftist liberals in the media are promoting the vile lie that Black Power racists deserve special privileges. We saw that in the recent lying leftist media accusations against un-offending white Catholic school kids. The liars in the media made excuses for the clear Black racist vile aggression and the aggressive lying drum-beating man claiming to be a native American Vietnam hero. The evidence clearly shows a handful of Black Hebrew Israelite racist adults yelling racist insults at the innocent kids and the fake Vietnam veteran drum major sauntering up to the kids and beating drums right in their faces in open aggressive confrontation. Those behaviors are inexcusable and the fact that the leftist media supports those immoral acts of aggression and twists the narrative into a lie in order to falsely blame the innocent kids is despicable.

Black racist privilege in America is widespread and does a lot of damage to American unity. The leftist media do not tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Here is an example of truths the leftist media will not report:



In this case a white professor was targeted by a newly hired Black Power advocate because she was white. This is a clear example of what happens when the leftist propagandists promote unjust narratives which foment such open disrespect for white people and support for Black racist privilege in everyday life.

In modern America blacks can spew racist hatred all day long and they will be excused by leftist dolts because of the acceptance of the idea that blacks deserve such privileges because of past slavery. What a bunch of nonsense crap.

LMAO do you ever make a legit post you can back up with facts and that is not a dishonest triggered meltdown. I mean dont get me wrong its hilarious but im curious who you think you are fooling? honest educated objective adults right left and center will never take nonsensical dishonest hyperbole like this seriously. Its counter productive. Bashing the media, especial media like fox and msnbc is justified . . but going off on inane tangents like for example calling the media hitler like or alien organizations only gets the legit criticisms lost in the bucket of BS that you are trying(and failing) to sell :)

Breath and try to make post based on facts, honesty and integrity in the future.
Leftist liberals in the media are promoting the vile lie that Black Power racists deserve special privileges. We saw that in the recent lying leftist media accusations against un-offending white Catholic school kids. The liars in the media made excuses for the clear Black racist vile aggression and the aggressive lying drum-beating man claiming to be a native American Vietnam hero. The evidence clearly shows a handful of Black Hebrew Israelite racist adults yelling racist insults at the innocent kids and the fake Vietnam veteran drum major sauntering up to the kids and beating drums right in their faces in open aggressive confrontation. Those behaviors are inexcusable and the fact that the leftist media supports those immoral acts of aggression and twists the narrative into a lie in order to falsely blame the innocent kids is despicable.

Black racist privilege in America is widespread and does a lot of damage to American unity. The leftist media do not tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Here is an example of truths the leftist media will not report:



In this case a white professor was targeted by a newly hired Black Power advocate because she was white. This is a clear example of what happens when the leftist propagandists promote unjust narratives which foment such open disrespect for white people and support for Black racist privilege in everyday life.

In modern America blacks can spew racist hatred all day long and they will be excused by leftist dolts because of the acceptance of the idea that blacks deserve such privileges because of past slavery. What a bunch of nonsense crap.

lol...so, to anyone else trying to suggest racism doesn't exist in today's society, may I present the above.

I'm for justice. I'm for individuals in the suspected Trump/Collusion investigation being interviewed thoroughly under oath and for no judgment to be rendered until the evidence is presented and judged in court.
Well, then I can only assume you're very happy to hear about yet another core member of the Trump campaign being indicted on multiple counts of perjury and obstruction related to the Russian investigation this morning.

I'm for equal justice in the Clinton email scandal,
Republicans spent 4 years investigating that - which by the way was due to the fact that they didn't come up with **** on Benghazi. In the end, a Registered Republican(James Comey) couldn't come up with anything that warranted a single charge against any member of Clinton's staff. Despite that, he reopened the investigation 11 days before the election which likely cost Clinton the election even though there was no evidence she committed any real crime.

Oh, and before you try and argue that using a private email server for government business is a crime let me remind you that multiple members of Trump's current administration including his daughter are doing the same thing right now.

the Fast and Furious disaster
Wasn't a crime. It was a poor choice that pails in comparison to all the weapons that Reagan and the Bushes gave to Afghanistan and Iraq.

the IRS discrimination against conservatives scandal
Wasn't actually targetting Conservatives and was caused by a lack of funding due to Republicans underfunding the agency.

the Benghazi fiasco
Wasn't a fiasco. It was a ****ty thing that happened which is peanuts compared to things like 9/11 and the War in Iraq.

biased anti-Trump sedition in the FBI
Bias doesn't mean you find more fault in one side of an argument than another. It means you have an ulterior reason for finding fault other than the pure and simple fact that there is a fault. James Comey and Robert Mueller were both Registered Republicans. Mueller still is, Comey registered Independent, not Democrat. There have been over twenty indictments in the Russian case so far. All of which that have been tried have resulted in guilty pleas or convictions.

the leaking of government secrets by high officials in the Justice Department
Not sure what you're even talking about here. That sounds like something Trump's administration has done.
In modern America, blacks can spew racist hatred all day long and they will be excused by leftist dolts because of the acceptance of the idea that blacks deserve such privileges because of past slavery.

No, it's because they are radically outnumbered and we can say with confidence in the context that they're not, in fact, referring to all white people. They are talking about institutions controlled almost exclusively by whites, and that is a perfectly valid argument.
I wouldn't say that those Catholic school kids were "un-offending"....they DID mock back after all. That carries some intent to be offensive.

However, that said, I have noticed a distinct lack of recrimination against those Black Israelite folks. I've yet to see any left leaning news media call them out as racist even though they clearly are. They seemed to have no problem calling the Catholic kids racist though.

They're ****ing nutters. Everyone else - ok, those not interested in playing the Hypocrite Game about every single thing - just walks by them and ignores them.

"left leaning news media" owes you nothing, most especially not a specific bit of speech they must utter to your satisfaction. Not that anyone is likely to believe you've sat down for even a few hours to research whether or not left-leaning news criticized them....
LMAO do you ever make a legit post you can back up with facts and that is not a dishonest triggered meltdown. I mean dont get me wrong its hilarious but im curious who you think you are fooling? honest educated objective adults right left and center will never take nonsensical dishonest hyperbole like this seriously. Its counter productive. Bashing the media, especial media like fox and msnbc is justified . . but going off on inane tangents like for example calling the media hitler like or alien organizations only gets the legit criticisms lost in the bucket of BS that you are trying(and failing) to sell :)

Breath and try to make post based on facts, honesty and integrity in the future.

I can prove the woman discriminated against was discriminated against by a black racist because she was white. But you cannot prove Trump is racist. Who is promoting BS?
The leftist identity politics and racial double standards in the US are borderline fascism.

Ain't nobody more double-standard identity politics centric than the Rightskies, cus.
Well, then I can only assume you're very happy to hear about yet another core member of the Trump campaign being indicted on multiple counts of perjury and obstruction related to the Russian investigation this morning.

An indictment is not a conviction. Why was Hillary never indicted? Because the investigators in the Obama administration were very corrupt and gave her a free pass for crooked partisan reasons.

I think we've arrive at that destination and passed into the next county over a year and ago. What with the willful deplatforming of conservative speakers. Outright justification of physical violence on those with differing opinions and the myriad amount of times we've seen the leftist media try time and time again to spin their own narrative, facts be damned.

I eagerly await you letting us know what prison camp you are going to be sent to.....since we’ve become “fascist”, after all.
I can prove the woman discriminated against was discriminated against by a black racist because she was white. But you cannot prove Trump is racist. Who is promoting BS?

WTF? holy triggered retarded strawman!!!

what on gods green earth are you snowflake melting down and foaming at the mouth about? LMAO

can you qoute/prove that what ever woman you are talking about and claiming she was discriminated against i said she wasnt?
can you qoute/prove i said trump is racist?

thats right you cant cause you just made all that up

so to answer your question who is promoting BS . . its YOU :laughat:

Wow you just completely owned yourself

let me know when you can support your claims, thanks for the laughs!
I wouldn't say that those Catholic school kids were "un-offending"....they DID mock back after all. That carries some intent to be offensive.

However, that said, I have noticed a distinct lack of recrimination against those Black Israelite folks. I've yet to see any left leaning news media call them out as racist even though they clearly are. They seemed to have no problem calling the Catholic kids racist though.

They're ****ing nutters. Everyone else - ok, those not interested in playing the Hypocrite Game about every single thing - just walks by them and ignores them.

"left leaning news media" owes you nothing, most especially not a specific bit of speech they must utter to your satisfaction. Not that anyone is likely to believe you've sat down for even a few hours to research whether or not left-leaning news criticized them....

Oh, right, and Kal was lying. Or maybe he was just bull*****ing and making it up, not knowing whether or not they did report on it negatively. Don't care about the distinction anymore.

Google "black Israelites" and unless the algorithms change the first page will have multiple hits. I'm not wasting more time on it. Not like he cared about the truth in the first place.


But a longer video soon bubbled to the surface, widening the lens. It showed how a group of half a dozen Hebrew Israelites had, in fact, been goading and preaching at both the Native Americans and high schoolers, using profanity and highly provocative language, for nearly an hour. . . . But who are these Hebrew Israelites? Dressed in fringed black garb, some with scarves tied around their heads, they preached what to many were both abrasive and unfamiliar End Times messages — calling Native Americans literal descendants of the Israelite “Tribe of Gad,” the white students cursed “Edomites” and preaching that a nuclear apocalypse was around the corner.

How did this relatively obscure group shoot into the national spotlight? [long history omitted and description of claimed beliefs as well] In recent years, One Westers such as HOI have seen a huge boost in interest as a result of online outreach. There are thousands of videos on YouTube and dozens of Facebook and Twitter accounts dedicated to One West Hebrew Israelite messages. Typical videos look much like the one that has now spread widely from D.C. [continues]



Another, describing them, their history, various peoples views of them, and what they claim.



Members of the Israelites have their own share of blood on their hands. The late Miami-based Black Israelite leader Yahweh Ben Yahweh (or God, son of God) was convicted in 1990 on federal racketeering charges related to his ordering the murder of some 14 people. “He was a truly bloody, frightening guy,” Potok remembered. “His thing was, 'Kill me white people and bring me back their ears.'” . . . As recent as 2009 a former follower of the Nation of Yahweh religion was was tied to the slaying of hip-hop journalist Sam Ferguson. . . .

Meanwhile, on street corners across America, there are still hundreds of small black-supremacist churches left around, each claiming to be the one true path to salvation, hoisting up their own mini-Yahwehs. “They're into confronting people on the streets,” Potok said. “I'm not suggesting they're going to go out and blow up federal buildings and shoot cops… I mean, we'll see.”
[continues, etc]


That's just the first three I saw. :shrug:

Kal doesn't like responding when someone destroys some anti-liberal bull he's smeared with lipstick. But if he does, expect the relevant information to be cut out of the reply and expect the narrative to shift to something like "well, you didn't give me MSNBC so it doesn't count; I'm the sole definer of what 'left-leaning media' is" or some such rot.
Last edited:
Leftist liberals in the media are promoting the vile lie that Black Power racists deserve special privileges. We saw that in the recent lying leftist media accusations against un-offending white Catholic school kids. The liars in the media made excuses for the clear Black racist vile aggression and the aggressive lying drum-beating man claiming to be a native American Vietnam hero. The evidence clearly shows a handful of Black Hebrew Israelite racist adults yelling racist insults at the innocent kids and the fake Vietnam veteran drum major sauntering up to the kids and beating drums right in their faces in open aggressive confrontation. Those behaviors are inexcusable and the fact that the leftist media supports those immoral acts of aggression and twists the narrative into a lie in order to falsely blame the innocent kids is despicable.

Black racist privilege in America is widespread and does a lot of damage to American unity. The leftist media do not tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Here is an example of truths the leftist media will not report:



In this case a white professor was targeted by a newly hired Black Power advocate because she was white. This is a clear example of what happens when the leftist propagandists promote unjust narratives which foment such open disrespect for white people and support for Black racist privilege in everyday life.

In modern America blacks can spew racist hatred all day long and they will be excused by leftist dolts because of the acceptance of the idea that blacks deserve such privileges because of past slavery. What a bunch of nonsense crap.

I don't get it. The white professor sued and won. Doesn't that refute your conclusion that "blacks can spew racist hatred all day long and they will be excused by leftist dolts because of the acceptance of the idea that blacks deserve such privileges because of past slavery." Obviously they can't.

Blacks are discriminated against in far higher numbers than whites are. That doesn't mean that discrimination against whites is right. You've found an article that proves that discriminating against a white person carries the same penalty as discriminating against a black person, and somehow you interpret it as doing the opposite?
Oh, right, and Kal was lying. Or maybe he was just bull*****ing and making it up, not knowing whether or not they did report on it negatively. Don't care about the distinction anymore.

Google "black Israelites" and unless the algorithms change the first page will have multiple hits. I'm not wasting more time on it. Not like he cared about the truth in the first place.


But a longer video soon bubbled to the surface, widening the lens. It showed how a group of half a dozen Hebrew Israelites had, in fact, been goading and preaching at both the Native Americans and high schoolers, using profanity and highly provocative language, for nearly an hour. . . . But who are these Hebrew Israelites? Dressed in fringed black garb, some with scarves tied around their heads, they preached what to many were both abrasive and unfamiliar End Times messages — calling Native Americans literal descendants of the Israelite “Tribe of Gad,” the white students cursed “Edomites” and preaching that a nuclear apocalypse was around the corner.

How did this relatively obscure group shoot into the national spotlight? [long history omitted and description of claimed beliefs as well] In recent years, One Westers such as HOI have seen a huge boost in interest as a result of online outreach. There are thousands of videos on YouTube and dozens of Facebook and Twitter accounts dedicated to One West Hebrew Israelite messages. Typical videos look much like the one that has now spread widely from D.C. [continues]



Another, describing them, their history, various peoples views of them, and what they claim.



Members of the Israelites have their own share of blood on their hands. The late Miami-based Black Israelite leader Yahweh Ben Yahweh (or God, son of God) was convicted in 1990 on federal racketeering charges related to his ordering the murder of some 14 people. “He was a truly bloody, frightening guy,” Potok remembered. “His thing was, 'Kill me white people and bring me back their ears.'” . . . As recent as 2009 a former follower of the Nation of Yahweh religion was was tied to the slaying of hip-hop journalist Sam Ferguson. . . .

Meanwhile, on street corners across America, there are still hundreds of small black-supremacist churches left around, each claiming to be the one true path to salvation, hoisting up their own mini-Yahwehs. “They're into confronting people on the streets,” Potok said. “I'm not suggesting they're going to go out and blow up federal buildings and shoot cops… I mean, we'll see.”
[continues, etc]


That's just the first three I saw. :shrug:

Kal doesn't like responding when someone destroys some anti-liberal bull he's smeared with lipstick. But if he does, expect the relevant information to be cut out of the reply and expect the narrative to shift to something like "well, you didn't give me MSNBC so it doesn't count; I'm the sole definer of what 'left-leaning media' is" or some such rot.

First link...the word "racist" wasn't mentioned once in the entire article. Not surprised from WaPo.

Second link...The only time the word "racist" was used was as a quote from the libertarian outfit Reason. So it wasn't Vox saying it, they were just reporting what some other outlet said...one that they acknowledge is libertarian, which is often associated with conservatism. Vox never called those Black Israelites racist.

The Vice article actually did call them racist, as a whole group across the country. Never singled out THESE particular ones. But hey, at least they DID call them all out together. Which I'm fine with. Guess one article out of three ain't too bad a track record....

You should also note that I said that "I've yet to see.." I'm quite sure that you don't read every single article out on the web do you? Why expect me to? What I said was the truth whether you want to acknowledge it or not.

As for your previous post...funny... How many times did you holler about Trump not specifically calling out those Nazi's in Charlottesville? Yet you take offense when I apply the same logic? Pfft. Get over yourself.
No, it's because they are radically outnumbered and we can say with confidence in the context that they're not, in fact, referring to all white people. They are talking about institutions controlled almost exclusively by whites, and that is a perfectly valid argument.

Is it racist for an institution to be headed by a white person? Is there some sort of special black privilege rule that demands a certain percentage.of institutions be headed by blacks regardless of qualifications and other issues?
WTF? holy triggered retarded strawman!!!

what on gods green earth are you snowflake melting down and foaming at the mouth about? LMAO

can you qoute/prove that what ever woman you are talking about and claiming she was discriminated against i said she wasnt?
can you qoute/prove i said trump is racist?

thats right you cant cause you just made all that up

so to answer your question who is promoting BS . . its YOU :laughat:

Wow you just completely owned yourself

let me know when you can support your claims, thanks for the laughs!

The university had to pay millions in damages for what the black racist woman did to the white employee because of her inexcusable racist animus.
The university had to pay millions in damages for what the black racist woman did to the white employee because of her inexcusable racist animus.
????????? LMAO

so ill ask my questions AGAIN since you dodged them

can you qoute/prove that what ever woman you are talking about and claiming she was discriminated against i said she wasnt?
can you qoute/prove i said trump is racist?

who bets my questions are dodged and ran from again?
I don't get it. The white professor sued and won. Doesn't that refute your conclusion that "blacks can spew racist hatred all day long and they will be excused by leftist dolts because of the acceptance of the idea that blacks deserve such privileges because of past slavery." Obviously they can't.

Blacks are discriminated against in far higher numbers than whites are. That doesn't mean that discrimination against whites is right. You've found an article that proves that discriminating against a white person carries the same penalty as discriminating against a black person, and somehow you interpret it as doing the opposite?

No, blacks discriminate against whites in far more incidents than whites discriminate against blacks.

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