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Black Gun Ownership (1 Viewer)

Note to NBA and NFL players since they going to tell you how you must protest and completely say your 1st amendment right don't matter. View attachment 67223473
The time has come to use your 2nd amendment rights look pool your money protect your community.
Bottom line:

Here's my take since the son of a bitch historical horrible President and administration has change the point of this peaceful protest. And since you want to tell black Americans how to express their 1st amendment rights. I wish the response from the black players in the NBA and NFL was that we are pooling our dollars and acting on our 2nd amendment right.
The Second Amendment was adopted on December 15, 1791. It reads:
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
Oh how would the GOP and conservative Christian right whom loves guns and a good militia but I have a feeling their thinking would be different if rich black people united on this way to protect our community. But don't worry GOP unlike your party the left don't seem to want the confrontation.
Just one White, Christian, Male, Gun owner's opinion here but if you're a responsible gun owner who enjoys shooting sports I really don't care if you're black, Asian, Hispanic, gay, Agnostic or anything else. If you're safe, responsible and friendly you can shoot with me any day and I'll appreciate your company.
Lutherf;bt4210 said:
Just one White, Christian, Male, Gun owner's opinion here but if you're a responsible gun owner who enjoys shooting sports I really don't care if you're black, Asian, Hispanic, gay, Agnostic or anything else. If you're safe, responsible and friendly you can shoot with me any day and I'll appreciate your company.

I believe the nra had this type of motto when it was founded was about safety and sport but it's so political today. Thanks for your comment.
I don't know about the NRA being all that political. They are a gun rights organization and stick pretty much to that agenda. The only thing that makes it political is that the Democrats have generally taken an anti-gun stance.
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X Factor;bt4214 said:
One thing I'm puzzled about is if requiring a simple ID to vote suppresses minority voting, won't any new gun control measures also suppress minority gun ownership? Why is that ok?

Apples and oranges. Gun control restricts the rights of all Americans. I don't agree that requiring ID will suppress the black vote, but calls for voter ID tend to be disingenuous along racial lines in my opinion.
Lutherf;bt4213 said:
I don't know about the NRA being all that political. They are a gun rights organization and stick pretty much to that agenda. The only thing that makes it political is that the Democrats have generally taken an anti-gun stance.

If you don't think the nra is a political organized group then I have this warm weather beach Front estate in Russia I'd like to sale u.
National Rifle Assn: Summary | OpenSecrets
As a Canuck, I obviously don't understand this American gun fetish. But it is enshrined in the US Constitution, and so be it.
I would comment that the NRA is most definitely now a major political body. Maybe it didn't start that way, but today...it is.
ALL Americans have the right to bear arms. Regardless of skin colour.
What concerns me, is this alt-right/alt-left confrontation that looks like it may soon boil over.
I'm not a fan of white supremacists and their faux-nazi proclamations, but I'm equally unimpressed with BLM and/or Antifa.
I see the USA as a powder keg, and the fuse has been lit. Do try to keep your pending civil war down there. Please...

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