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"Billinaires shouldn't exist." Do you agree with Bernie? (1 Viewer)

Billionaires shouldn't exist -- do you agree?

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I believe we need to promote the general welfare by solving simple poverty in a market friendly manner.

We already know how to solve poverty, but the political left would prefer a world were everyone is poor and equal instead a world without poverty and with inequality.
"Billinaires shouldn't exist." Do you agree with Bernie?

What happens to any money earned beyond $500 million?

Taxed at 100%

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Re: "Billinaires shouldn't exist." Do you agree with Bernie?

Taxed at 100%

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So you agree...the world will be a better place when the billionaires all shut down all their profit making operations at 500 million a year and go on vacation. Right? SURELY you dont think they are just going to dedicate the rest of the year working to carry YOUR ass through life?
1. You are well overinflating their "power".

2. However, wealth and the resulting ability to influence others in a market economy generally comes directly from the decision of others that you have already influenced their lives for good.

3. If no one should have the power associated with a net worth of a billion dollars, why should anyone have the far greater power of a President, Director of the FBI, or Governor? If your standard is "no man should have the kind of ability to influence others associated with the capability to buy a lot of television advertising by liquidating parts of their net worth", you are going to need to radically shrink the size and scope of government well below the ability even to defend our basic rights.

For those who believe our system of Government, with it's electoral colleges and filibusters, isn't democratic (small d) enough... the market is the most Democratic filtering mechanism that we have. There have been a lot of different means by which various civilizations have structured the accumulation of wealth. "How well do others think that you serve them" strikes me as a far better such means than the others I've heard about.

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The President's power is derived from the people. Billionaires jeopardize this. The ad buying and corrupt think tank funding is at most a nuisance. I'm talking about purchasing say a Senate Majority leader to legislate on your behalf and disregard the People's.

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Re: "Billinaires shouldn't exist." Do you agree with Bernie?

So you agree...the world will be a better place when the billionaires all shut down all their profit making operations at 500 million a year and go on vacation. Right? SURELY you dont think they are just going to dedicate the rest of the year working to carry YOUR ass through life?

Yes anything after 500 million is gratuitous

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We already know how to solve poverty, but the political left would prefer a world were everyone is poor and equal instead a world without poverty and with inequality.

Nice story. In right wing fantasy, the right wing can solve all problems.

We could have solved simple poverty Yesterday, but for Right Wing "hate on the Poor" even with a McCarthy era phrase in our pledge.

Allegedly, the social Horror that even the Poor may benefit under Capitalism may be too much for the right wing to bear.
Re: "Billinaires shouldn't exist." Do you agree with Bernie?

Yes anything after 500 million is gratuitous

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And so when they shut down operations....who step to the plate? Who fills the tax void left by the Billionaires that will refuse to carry the dead weight hrough life


And why arent they doing it now? WHy arent people like Bernie Sanders and Tom Steirs and George Soros and Bill Gatesand heck...YOU forming socialist business that run in a manner that is successful and spreads the wealth evenly and gives the workers all the power and control? Why is it that all you can muster is poutrage over those that are actually successful?
Re: "Billinaires shouldn't exist." Do you agree with Bernie?

And so when they shut down operations....who step to the plate? Who fills the tax void left by the Billionaires that will refuse to carry the dead weight hrough life


And why arent they doing it now? WHy arent people like Bernie Sanders and Tom Steirs and George Soros and Bill Gatesand heck...YOU forming socialist business that run in a manner that is successful and spreads the wealth evenly and gives the workers all the power and control? Why is it that all you can muster is poutrage over those that are actually successful?

'Cause we need a revolution
Re: "Billinaires shouldn't exist." Do you agree with Bernie?

They really shouldn't, but don't worry any of you billionaires who happen to be members here, you won't cease to exist as soon as Bernie or another Berniecrat wins in 2020 or 2024 or what have you (since they're actually a lot more moderate than the right-leaning Overton Window politics and media make him/them out to be)
Re: "Billinaires shouldn't exist." Do you agree with Bernie?

'Cause we need a revolution
Say when.

Of course...you COULD just actually get off your ass and do for yourselves. To you...the term 'revolution' means you think you are going to TAKE what others have earned. Because earning it yourself...well...that would be work. And like Bernie...you would rather just spend your life pissing and moaning about how unfair it all is.
Re: "Billinaires shouldn't exist." Do you agree with Bernie?

They money is rightfully his that he worked hard for. The way he spends his own money has no impact on your life. Your post reeks of jealousy.

Besides, your party removed fair restrictions for him just to have a desperate shot to even face Trump. LOL!
None of this is a response to what I have said Michael. You need to try harder.

Я Баба Яга [emoji328]
What's my line?
I'm happy cleaning windows
Take my time
I'll see you when my love grows
Baby don't let it slide
I'm a working man in my prime
Re: "Billinaires shouldn't exist." Do you agree with Bernie?

None of this is a response to what I have said Michael. You need to try harder.

Я Баба Яга [emoji328]

When you can come up with a non-emotional logical post Hatuey, please do so.

(Let's pretend everything is spelled correctly in the title.)

It's scary to think that anyone who purports to value freedom would agree with Sanders.
Re: "Billinaires shouldn't exist." Do you agree with Bernie?

Taxed at 100%

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Why? Why wouldn't you want them to make their business bigger, better, hire more people, give raises, etc.?
Re: "Billinaires shouldn't exist." Do you agree with Bernie?

When you can come up with a non-emotional logical post Hatuey, please do so.

There is no non-motional logical post. That's an oxymoron. The only people crying about cucky billionaires having money taken away so they cant buy elections are cubicle dwellers.

Everyone else seems to be pretty calm and collected about this.


Я Баба Яга [emoji328]
Re: "Billinaires shouldn't exist." Do you agree with Bernie?

There is no non-motional logical post. That's an oxymoron.

I still don't see a non-emotional, logical post from you.

The only people crying about cucky billionaires having money taken away so they cant buy elections are cubicle dwellers.

How do you know billionaires are cucks? LOL

And how do you know those arguing against higher taxes are cubicle dwellers? Lots of emotional rhetoric from your responses.

Everyone else seems to be pretty calm and collected about this.

You don't speak for everyone. Your posts on this thread have been highly emotional over someone else's money. LOL
Re: "Billinaires shouldn't exist." Do you agree with Bernie?

Why? Why wouldn't you want them to make their business bigger, better, hire more people, give raises, etc.?

Growth is still probable on $500 million

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Re: "Billinaires shouldn't exist." Do you agree with Bernie?

It takes the average American 65 years to become a millionaire, investing wisely and accounting for the cost of living. Billionaires cause poverty by sucking all the money out of the system.
Re: "Billinaires shouldn't exist." Do you agree with Bernie?

Taxed at 100%

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Setting a national maximum wage or wealth cap is ridiculous.
The President's power is derived from the people.

No. The President's power comes to him or her from the Electoral College, which derives from the States, which in turn, to varying degrees, derives from a relatively small minority made up of a sought majority of the people who both had the ability to vote and showed up to do so. Those people get one choice, once, every four years. They don't get to split their vote along the lines of "Yes to his domestic policy, but no to Good foreign policy" or "Yes to his expansion of education vouchers, but no to reducing future Medicare expenditures". One choice, one time, four years, by a relatively small portion of the populace to inform and guide what the States Electors do.

The market, on the other hand, is immediate feedback, by all interested parties, on a daily basis, and at the level of individual items (yes to the Coke Zero, no to the New Coke). It is the most Democratic institution we have, and you succeed in it only to the extent that others believe you serve them well. Politicians, in contrast, generally succeed to the extent that they can terrify Americans about the Evils of other Americans. I'll rate the responsive servant who I can easily replace model over the Fearmongering autocrat whom I can't.

Billionaires jeopardize this. The ad buying and corrupt think tanknding is at most a nuisance. I'm talking about purchasing say a Senate Majority leader to legislate on your behalf and disregard the People's.

If money was enough to win an election, Hillary would be President. The Democratic Primary front runners would be Steyer and Bloomberg, not Bernie and Biden.

And if your complaint is that Senators can be unresponsive to the people... Well, that sounds quite a lot like my earlier point about the President v the Market. What you really seem to have a problem with there isn't Billionaires, but rather the nature of government power.

Sent from my Moto G (5S) Plus using Tapatalk
No. The President's power comes to him or her from the Electoral College, which derives from the States, which in turn, to varying degrees, derives from a relatively small minority made up of a sought majority of the people who both had the ability to vote and showed up to do so. Those people get one choice, once, every four years. They don't get to split their vote along the lines of "Yes to his domestic policy, but no to Good foreign policy" or "Yes to his expansion of education vouchers, but no to reducing future Medicare expenditures". One choice, one time, four years, by a relatively small portion of the populace to inform and guide what the States Electors do.

The market, on the other hand, is immediate feedback, by all interested parties, on a daily basis, and at the level of individual items (yes to the Coke Zero, no to the New Coke). It is the most Democratic institution we have, and you succeed in it only to the extent that others believe you serve them well. Politicians, in contrast, generally succeed to the extent that they can terrify Americans about the Evils of other Americans. I'll rate the responsive servant who I can easily replace model over the Fearmongering autocrat whom I can't.

If money was enough to win an election, Hillary would be President. The Democratic Primary front runners would be Steyer and Bloomberg, not Bernie and Biden.

And if your complaint is that Senators can be unresponsive to the people... Well, that sounds quite a lot like my earlier point about the President v the Market. What you really seem to have a problem with there isn't Billionaires, but rather the nature of government power.

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Yes, you're wrong. The President is supposed to act on behalf of the people as an elected official. Our government derives its power from the people, something I learned in Civics long ago. When billionaires buy off politicians to crush or, water down legislation that would lower the billionaire's profits that's unfair malfeasance in the government's role to legislate on behalf of the people. I wouldn't have a problem with people acquiring as much wealth as they wanted so long as it did not render popular sovereignty neutered.

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