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Bill Clinton's Penis - Public Enemy Number One (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
A long time ago, in a political climate far away..........

Lived one of the greatest criminal masterminds in world history, and thats kind of hard (pun intended) for an evil villian with a head but no brains. For years he stayed in hiding, deep in the recesses of Bill Clinton's pants, but Clinton spilled its secrets to too many friends (mostly female, of course).

The legacy that Bill Clinton could have had..... but he will be known as the Penis President. I am not sure how they are going to be able to write this in grade school history books. I dont think any historian will up for that task.

However, once Bill Clinton exposed him to a shocked world, he has refused to go away, and six years after Bill Clinton's political demise, his penis is still perpetrating some of the biggest crimes in the annals of history.

About Tom Delay's 2 (and still counting) indictments? Bill Clinton's penis did it.

About the murder of Gus Boulis in Florida by mobsters hired by GOP party consultants? Really!!!! Bill Clinton's penis shot Monica Lewinsky.

About the war in Iraq? Bill Clinton's penis again. According to some private dicks in the GOP, Clinton's penis is responsible for the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction by Saddam Hussein. And everyone knows what the missles being manufactured by Saddam looked like. Thats right. Bill Clinton's penis.

About the sleaze factor of the Republican party? Bill Clinton's penis is responsible for every naughty bit of it.

About the male prostitute that George Bush dressed up like a reporter? Come on. We all know. That was Bill Clinton's penis too (actually it was his little brother, known as the Clinton Penis Mini Me, so claim reliable sources in the Republican party).

I could go on, but you get my drift. On FOX News, The Washington Times, Newsmax, and other outlets, Clinton's penis is prominently in the news. Are these news reports inflated, or is a new age of crime being erected by this viscious appendage?

Or, is it possible that certain members of the Republican party, not wanting to admit their own impotence in preventing corruption, and take a little responsibility for their own actions, are just being huge pricks?
danarhea said:
A long time ago, in a political climate far away..........

Lived one of the greatest criminal masterminds in world history, and thats kind of hard (pun intended) for an evil villian with a head but no brains. For years he stayed in hiding, deep in the recesses of Bill Clinton's pants, but Clinton spilled its secrets to too many friends (mostly female, of course).

The legacy that Bill Clinton could have had..... but he will be known as the Penis President. I am not sure how they are going to be able to write this in grade school history books. I dont think any historian will up for that task.

However, once Bill Clinton exposed him to a shocked world, he has refused to go away, and six years after Bill Clinton's political demise, his penis is still perpetrating some of the biggest crimes in the annals of history.

About Tom Delay's 2 (and still counting) indictments? Bill Clinton's penis did it.

About the murder of Gus Boulis in Florida by mobsters hired by GOP party consultants? Really!!!! Bill Clinton's penis shot Monica Lewinsky.

About the war in Iraq? Bill Clinton's penis again. According to some private dicks in the GOP, Clinton's penis is responsible for the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction by Saddam Hussein. And everyone knows what the missles being manufactured by Saddam looked like. Thats right. Bill Clinton's penis.

About the sleaze factor of the Republican party? Bill Clinton's penis is responsible for every naughty bit of it.

About the male prostitute that George Bush dressed up like a reporter? Come on. We all know. That was Bill Clinton's penis too (actually it was his little brother, known as the Clinton Penis Mini Me, so claim reliable sources in the Republican party).

I could go on, but you get my drift. On FOX News, The Washington Times, Newsmax, and other outlets, Clinton's penis is prominently in the news. Are these news reports inflated, or is a new age of crime being erected by this viscious appendage?

Or, is it possible that certain members of the Republican party, not wanting to admit their own impotence in preventing corruption, and take a little responsibility for their own actions, are just being huge pricks?

How can something so small and so bent to the left (in both ways) be responsible for such terror?
danarhea said:
A long time ago, in a political climate far away..........

Lived one of the greatest criminal masterminds in world history, and thats kind of hard (pun intended) for an evil villian with a head but no brains. For years he stayed in hiding, deep in the recesses of Bill Clinton's pants, but Clinton spilled its secrets to too many friends (mostly female, of course).

The legacy that Bill Clinton could have had..... but he will be known as the Penis President. I am not sure how they are going to be able to write this in grade school history books. I dont think any historian will up for that task.

However, once Bill Clinton exposed him to a shocked world, he has refused to go away, and six years after Bill Clinton's political demise, his penis is still perpetrating some of the biggest crimes in the annals of history.

About Tom Delay's 2 (and still counting) indictments? Bill Clinton's penis did it.

About the murder of Gus Boulis in Florida by mobsters hired by GOP party consultants? Really!!!! Bill Clinton's penis shot Monica Lewinsky.

About the war in Iraq? Bill Clinton's penis again. According to some private dicks in the GOP, Clinton's penis is responsible for the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction by Saddam Hussein. And everyone knows what the missles being manufactured by Saddam looked like. Thats right. Bill Clinton's penis.

About the sleaze factor of the Republican party? Bill Clinton's penis is responsible for every naughty bit of it.

About the male prostitute that George Bush dressed up like a reporter? Come on. We all know. That was Bill Clinton's penis too (actually it was his little brother, known as the Clinton Penis Mini Me, so claim reliable sources in the Republican party).

I could go on, but you get my drift. On FOX News, The Washington Times, Newsmax, and other outlets, Clinton's penis is prominently in the news. Are these news reports inflated, or is a new age of crime being erected by this viscious appendage?

Or, is it possible that certain members of the Republican party, not wanting to admit their own impotence in preventing corruption, and take a little responsibility for their own actions, are just being huge pricks?

:funny :lamo That was great, loved it.:2rofll:
FinnMacCool said:
GDalton I hope you get the joke cause I belive (or at least I think) its directed at you :)

Why does everyone think I'm a republican, damn man I voted for Clinton in 96 and Gore in 00. I actualy think Clinton was half way decent, but only half way. I only try to defend Bush against the silly Bush haters, any president deserves respect for position he holds. I guess that may confuse a few people. I don't care about the fun people pick when it comes to the pres, it's when it spills over to Nazi comparisons and vast conspiracies of world domination thats when I throw in my two cents, or I'll stand up for the things I see the pres doing right (which for Bush is very little, there does that make you happier). Clinton's penis is funny, am I not aloud to laugh at that.
gdalton said:
Why does everyone think I'm a republican, damn man I voted for Clinton in 96 and Gore in 00. I actualy think Clinton was half way decent, but only half way. I only try to defend Bush against the silly Bush haters, any president deserves respect for position he holds. I guess that may confuse a few people. I don't care about the fun people pick when it comes to the pres, it's when it spills over to Nazi comparisons and vast conspiracies of world domination thats when I throw in my two cents, or I'll stand up for the things I see the pres doing right (which for Bush is very little, there does that make you happier). Clinton's penis is funny, am I not aloud to laugh at that.

Thanks for laughing at the thread, and besides, you know its true too. I have no beef with anyone that supports Bush who presents an intelligent argument. I might not agree, but he or she will always have my respect. This thread, of course, is for those who are afflicted with a disorder known as Clinton Penis Envy. :)
Danarhea said:
The legacy that Bill Clinton could have had..... but he will be known as the Penis President. I am not sure how they are going to be able to write this in grade school history books. I dont think any historian will up for that task.

Maybe it could be one of those 'pop-up' books?
Hoot said:
Maybe it could be one of those 'pop-up' books?

I bet if I asked you if it took you awhile to think of that, you'd say "Nah...It wasn't that hard"...:doh
cnredd said:

I bet if I asked you if it took you awhile to think of that, you'd say "Nah...It wasn't that hard"...:doh

Damn. People are really whipping out some responses here. :)
danarhea said:
Damn. People are really whipping out some responses here. :)
Whipping out!!!:rofl

Personally, I think he got the shaft...or was that Monica?...:2wave:
cnredd said:
Whipping out!!!:rofl

Personally, I think he got the shaft...or was that Monica?...:2wave:

There was a Congressional probe into that one. Of course, thats old news that should not have been re erected here. :)
danarhea said:
There was a Congressional probe into that one. Of course, thats old news that should not have been re erected here. :)
Monica could've gotten out of this unscathed....

But she blew it...:cool:
cnredd said:
Monica could've gotten out of this unscathed....

But she blew it...:cool:

She sure did. Dont know why the Dems claimed it should be an internal matter. It was all over her blue dress. :)

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