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Bilderberg Leak: Secretive Group to Discuss Internet ID, Global Tax (1 Viewer)


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Bilderberg Leak: Secretive Group to Discuss Internet ID, Global Tax » Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The secretive Bilderberg Group is set to discuss plans to implement an Internet ID to eviscerate anonymity on the web as well as a global tax on financial transactions and air travel, according to an inside source who spoke to Infowars.The clandestine organization is set to begin its annual meeting tomorrow at the Taschenbergpalais Kempinski hotel in Dresden, Germany.According to our source, the creation of a virtual passport that web users will need to obtain before they can use many Internet services is high on the agenda.​
Collectivists would love this.
I didn't think anyone else kept up with the Bilderbergs. :mrgreen:

Yeah, I was about to say. If one wants to write about or link to an article about Bilderberg conferences... really the only place to go is Infowars.

I think there's some serious discord going on in the Bilderberg convention. Between those that legitimately want to utilize the conference for what it was originally meant for (promoting Euro-Atlantic cooperation) and those that merely want to use it for their own personal gain.
I didn't think anyone else kept up with the Bilderbergs. :mrgreen:

Yeah, I was about to say. If one wants to write about or link to an article about Bilderberg conferences... really the only place to go is Infowars.

I think there's some serious discord going on in the Bilderberg convention. Between those that legitimately want to utilize the conference for what it was originally meant for (promoting Euro-Atlantic cooperation) and those that merely want to use it for their own personal gain.

No, you could go to Corbett Report, who is much more fact-based: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5iDPLSimYqE
Thanks, looking into that now. :peace

Bilderberg has always fascinated me.

Corbett Report is good stuff. I'd encourage you to look more at the website. There is always great info there and everything is heavily sourced with links.
No, you could go to Corbett Report, who is much more fact-based: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5iDPLSimYqE

I watched some of it. I still don't necessarily think they have nefarious goals (although the guy who founded it - Prince Bernhard - was a member of the Reiter-SS, who probably had nefarious intent). They may have started out that way, but I think - for the most part - they have moved toward trying to maintain balance and peace in an otherwise US-dominated, war-torn world.

No, Bilderberg isn't the so-called 'Legion of Doom', that would be the Bush-Clinton crime dynasties. The Bilderbergers are small fries compared to these monsters. They may be super-rich, but money doesn't make a damn bit of a difference when you've got thousands of nukes and hundreds of ships and thousands of jets and attack helicopters bearing down on you. No, at the most they are a red-herring to distract from the massive evil perpetuating under this continued dominance of these crime families holding our country, our planet, and our species hostage...

...my own personal "conspiracy" theory.
I watched some of it. I still don't necessarily think they have nefarious goals (although the guy who founded it - Prince Bernhard - was a member of the Reiter-SS, who probably had nefarious intent). They may have started out that way, but I think - for the most part - they have moved toward trying to maintain balance and peace in an otherwise US-dominated, war-torn world.

No, Bilderberg isn't the so-called 'Legion of Doom', that would be the Bush-Clinton crime dynasties. The Bilderbergers are small fries compared to these monsters. They may be super-rich, but money doesn't make a damn bit of a difference when you've got thousands of nukes and hundreds of ships and thousands of jets and attack helicopters bearing down on you. No, at the most they are a red-herring to distract from the massive evil perpetuating under this continued dominance of these crime families holding our country, our planet, and our species hostage...

...my own personal "conspiracy" theory.

I don't know about that. There was that one guy who went to Bilderberg who said "To say we were striving for a one-world government is exaggerated, but not wholly unfair. Those of us in Bilderberg felt we couldn't go on forever fighting one another for nothing and killing people and rendering millions homeless. So we felt that a single community throughout the world would be a good thing. [...] Bilderberg is a way of bringing together politicians, industrialists, financiers and journalists. Politics should involve people who aren't politicians. We make a point of getting along younger politicians who are obviously rising, to bring them together with financiers and industrialists who offer them wise words. It increases the chance of having a sensible global policy." (https://www.theguardian.com/books/2001/mar/10/extract1)

But hey, I've been wrong before.
I don't know about that. There was that one guy who went to Bilderberg who said "To say we were striving for a one-world government is exaggerated, but not wholly unfair. Those of us in Bilderberg felt we couldn't go on forever fighting one another for nothing and killing people and rendering millions homeless. So we felt that a single community throughout the world would be a good thing. [...] Bilderberg is a way of bringing together politicians, industrialists, financiers and journalists. Politics should involve people who aren't politicians. We make a point of getting along younger politicians who are obviously rising, to bring them together with financiers and industrialists who offer them wise words. It increases the chance of having a sensible global policy." (https://www.theguardian.com/books/2001/mar/10/extract1)

But hey, I've been wrong before.

I don't necessarily see anything wrong with that so long as everyone has a voice in it, and it is as far away from what our government here in the U.S. is or the governments in China, Russia, or the Middle East for that matter.
Brought to you by the same guy who claims that the government is putting chemicals in the water and kids juice boxes to turn us gay, that black government helicopters secretly control the weather, and that Glenn Beck has been a CIA Agent since FOX News, as FOX is controlled by the CIA and FBI.

The Government doesn't control the weather? ;)

Bilderberg group meeting: What actually happens at the world?s most secretive gathering of global elites, and who is attending? | World | News | The Independent


More reading pleasure. :mrgreen:
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You would think that by now...after all these decades...the Bilderbergs would have taken over the world....

Old rich white guys meeting to find ways to make more money, yes. Seekrit rulers of the world? No
The only reason why some people have a cow whenever they hear the word Bilderberg is because, let's tell it like it is, it sounds Jewish.
And were it true, it would have perfectly fitted the bill since it is established knowledge, or so the conspirationists would like us to think, that Judaism is a secretive sect, on a mission to enslave the world!
Well If I remember well, none of the founders of this annual meeting were jewish, or represented a particular faith for that matter!
And I challenge you to find me a single evidence that this "infamous" meet-up group has in any way made the world veer off its natural course!
There are matters that are more pressing than having kittens each time the Bilderberg farts, I believe!
Brought to you by the same guy who claims that the government is putting chemicals in the water and kids juice boxes to turn us gay, that black government helicopters secretly control the weather, and that Glenn Beck has been a CIA Agent since FOX News, as FOX is controlled by the CIA and FBI.

If anything, I would say that Infowars and Alex Jones himself is a disinformation agent.
The only reason why some people have a cow whenever they hear the word Bilderberg is because, let's tell it like it is, it sounds Jewish.
And were it true, it would have perfectly fitted the bill since it is established knowledge, or so the conspirationists would like us to think, that Judaism is a secretive sect, on a mission to enslave the world!
Well If I remember well, none of the founders of this annual meeting were jewish, or represented a particular faith for that matter!
And I challenge you to find me a single evidence that this "infamous" meet-up group has in any way made the world veer off its natural course!
There are matters that are more pressing than having kittens each time the Bilderberg farts, I believe!

Or it has nothing to do with that at all and people are just curious that extremely powerful and influential people are meeting in secret.
Or it has nothing to do with that at all and people are just curious that extremely powerful and influential people are meeting in secret.

Well I was under the impression that these people you are talking about already met on an annual basis at Davos!
If not for the hype the media is creating around the Davos event, nobody would care about what's going on there, nobody would be able to put Davos on a map for that matter, except for the people in the know I would argue! ;p
You would think that by now...after all these decades...the Bilderbergs would have taken over the world....

Old rich white guys meeting to find ways to make more money, yes. Seekrit rulers of the world? No

If anything, I would say that Infowars and Alex Jones himself is a disinformation agent.


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