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Biggest do-nothing high-paying job? (1 Viewer)


Phonetic Mnemonic ©
DP Veteran
Sep 3, 2011
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Biggest do-nothing high-paying job?

I nominate Vanna White. Sheesh, she doesn't even turn the letters anymore.

Congressperson was tempting, though. :2razz:
Biggest do-nothing high-paying job?

I nominate Vanna White. Sheesh, she doesn't even turn the letters anymore.

Congressperson was tempting, though. :2razz:

Whatever job Obama has at the moment. I mean all that voting "Present" really couldn't have involved a lot of gray matter; electing him President after that and then being disappointed that he votes "Present" in his job shows he at least reflects his supporters.
Trust fund recipient.
Retraction. US senator. Hands down.

Followed by guidance counselor, not due to high pay, but due to actual productivity.
Biggest do-nothing high-paying job?

I nominate Vanna White. Sheesh, she doesn't even turn the letters anymore.

Congressperson was tempting, though. :2razz:

The show tried to do away with Vanna once turning the letters was no longer necessary -- and Sajack said that if she went, he went too.

They decided Vanna was a small price to pay.
The show tried to do away with Vanna once turning the letters was no longer necessary -- and Sajack said that if she went, he went too.

They decided Vanna was a small price to pay.

Oh, I don't doubt she's popular, both with viewers and with Pat. And in a sense her value is her popularity. But she still no longer does anything.
Biggest do-nothing high-paying job?

I nominate Vanna White. Sheesh, she doesn't even turn the letters anymore.

Congressperson was tempting, though. :2razz:

The Superintendent of schools here. That woman makes 13k a MONTH. Now, I'm sure she does SOMETHING... but 13k worth?

highly unlikely.

Plus, she's a three time DUI offender. Why she's still in charge, baffles my mind.
The Superintendent of schools here. That woman makes 13k a MONTH. Now, I'm sure she does SOMETHING... but 13k worth?

highly unlikely.

Plus, she's a three time DUI offender. Why she's still in charge, baffles my mind.

Is it an elected or appointed position?

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