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Biden opens today's speech with another lie. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 28, 2018
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Lying Joe Biden said Trump called WWI soldiers losers and suckers. It was quickly denied by Trump and his administration and confirmed to be untrue by people who where in the room when this supposedly was said. Among those were both John Kelly and John Bolton. Bolton did include that claim in his book, and Kelly confirmed in an email Trump didn't attend a service at the time because of WX and inability of the chopper to fly, driving a couple of hours was not logistically doable, according to Kelly. The Press article claimed Trump didn't go because of his hair getting wet, another lie in the same press article, another lie. The next day he attended in the rain. At least two of the people in the room are quoted as Trump never said this.
So Lying Joe Biden continues to lie. Obviously he uses unsubstantiated news articles. The editor of the source said he felt it was worth printing. No confirmation an anonymous source.
Projection thread. Tweety is the most prolific liar to ever hold the office.
His speech is full of lies.
Another scare to the senior in America. Trump will defund Social Security, a blatant lie. Trump has said and it has been confirmed several time, he intends to defer the payroll tax until Jan.1. Defer not end. He also said his goal would be to make the deferment permanent. When some claimed he meant to end the tax to social security he clearly said that's not true, he would make the sept to Jan deferment permanent in that tax payers would not have to pay it back. Four months of deferment would not have to be repaid. The left lied again to scare Americans.

Biden says he laid out a plan for the economy, the pandemic, but he doesn't say what that plan is in public. When you look at his website, it's all far left.

Biden just answered a question about the alleged comments, "if it's true, and I believe it's true" he hasn't even confirmed it. He's using it and he knows it's a lie. The softball question was what does the comment tell you about Trump's soul. LOL! Like Biden knows. Ask Joe about the graft for his son got from Ukraine and China that he Joe Biden help set up?
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Biden and the Democratic Party are SO desperate all they have left is telling any lies. Biden lies every time he speaks - literally making exact opposite promises each time.
Lying Joe Biden said Trump called WWI soldiers losers and suckers. It was quickly denied by Trump and his administration and confirmed to be untrue by people who where in the room when this supposedly was said. Among those were both John Kelly and John Bolton. Bolton did include that claim in his book, and Kelly confirmed in an email Trump didn't attend a service at the time because of WX and inability of the chopper to fly, driving a couple of hours was not logistically doable, according to Kelly. The Press article claimed Trump didn't go because of his hair getting wet, another lie in the same press article, another lie. The next day he attended in the rain. At least two of the people in the room are quoted as Trump never said this.
So Lying Joe Biden continues to lie. Obviously he uses unsubstantiated news articles. The editor of the source said he felt it was worth printing. No confirmation an anonymous source.

He called McCain a loser. He called him a loser specifically because he was a POW and got shot down.

And he lied about it on Twitter yesterday.

Why would anyone believe Trump these days, unless their brains fell out?
Lying Joe Biden said Trump called WWI soldiers losers and suckers. It was quickly denied by Trump and his administration and confirmed to be untrue by people who where in the room when this supposedly was said. Among those were both John Kelly and John Bolton. Bolton did include that claim in his book, and Kelly confirmed in an email Trump didn't attend a service at the time because of WX and inability of the chopper to fly, driving a couple of hours was not logistically doable, according to Kelly. The Press article claimed Trump didn't go because of his hair getting wet, another lie in the same press article, another lie. The next day he attended in the rain. At least two of the people in the room are quoted as Trump never said this.
So Lying Joe Biden continues to lie. Obviously he uses unsubstantiated news articles. The editor of the source said he felt it was worth printing. No confirmation an anonymous source.

Gee, who to believe? This is a tough one, Biden, who preceded his comment by saying "if the revelations are true," or Donald "I like people who weren't captured" Trump.
He called McCain a loser. He called him a loser specifically because he was a POW and got shot down.

And he lied about it on Twitter yesterday.

Why would anyone believe Trump these days, unless their brains fell out?

Who is picking the people who get to ask questions, they seem to be pretty softball.
Biden poo poo's china as a threat, says Trump likes Russian. He discards Trumps sanctions on Russia, the military strike on a Russian manned base in the middle east in Syria. He also ignores, Obamas "tell Vladimir I can do more after the election", and Hillary's ''reset'' joke of a policy.
Why did John Kelly refuse to comment on the Atlantic piece?

Is it customary to show a prospective commentator or the entire story before asking for a comment?
Who is picking the people who get to ask questions, they seem to be pretty softball.
Biden poo poo's china as a threat, says Trump likes Russian. He discards Trumps sanctions on Russia, the military strike on a Russian manned base in the middle east in Syria. He also ignores, Obamas "tell Vladimir I can do more after the election", and Hillary's ''reset'' joke of a policy.


Gotta take them off every now and then!
Lying Joe Biden said Trump called WWI soldiers losers and suckers. It was quickly denied by Trump and his administration and confirmed to be untrue by people who where in the room when this supposedly was said. Among those were both John Kelly and John Bolton. Bolton did include that claim in his book, and Kelly confirmed in an email Trump didn't attend a service at the time because of WX and inability of the chopper to fly, driving a couple of hours was not logistically doable, according to Kelly. The Press article claimed Trump didn't go because of his hair getting wet, another lie in the same press article, another lie. The next day he attended in the rain. At least two of the people in the room are quoted as Trump never said this.
So Lying Joe Biden continues to lie. Obviously he uses unsubstantiated news articles. The editor of the source said he felt it was worth printing. No confirmation an anonymous source.

Biden is reading an already debunked pile of lies his lying puppeteers put on his teleprompter. If the legitimate press asks Biden about this story next week, that's when Biden will have to retract the lie or take a hit in the polls.
Biden is reading an already debunked pile of lies his lying puppeteers put on his teleprompter. If the legitimate press asks Biden about this story next week, that's when Biden will have to retract the lie or take a hit in the polls.

Who debunked it?
Who debunked it?

Three people who were traveling the entire time with Trump's entourage.
They claim they never heard that language from him.
Three people who were traveling the entire time with Trump's entourage.
They claim they never heard that language from him.

Well, that wraps that up!

One of them wouldn’t be Huckabucks, would it?
Biden is reading an already debunked pile of lies his lying puppeteers put on his teleprompter. If the legitimate press asks Biden about this story next week, that's when Biden will have to retract the lie or take a hit in the polls.

Can you refer us to the debunking?
Here is the rub I have with what President Trump would like to fund SS through the General Fund by eliminating the payroll tax. The General Fund is more subject to moving funds around for other programs where a Trust Fund money is set by law on what it can be used for. It make sense to me to keep SS as a Trust Fund with a specific funding source.

Trust Fund
"The trust funds group consists of funds that are designated by law as trust funds. Like special funds andrevolving funds, trust funds receive collections that arededicated by law for specific purposes."
"The income of a Federal Government trust fund mustbe used for the purposes specified in law."

General Fund
"The Federal funds group includes all financial transactions of the Government that are not required by law tobe recorded in trust funds."

Here is the rub I have with what President Trump would like to fund SS through the General Fund by eliminating the payroll tax. The General Fund is more subject to moving funds around for other programs where a Trust Fund money is set by law on what it can be used for. It make sense to me to keep SS as a Trust Fund with a specific funding source.

Trust Fund
"The trust funds group consists of funds that are designated by law as trust funds. Like special funds andrevolving funds, trust funds receive collections that arededicated by law for specific purposes."
"The income of a Federal Government trust fund mustbe used for the purposes specified in law."

General Fund
"The Federal funds group includes all financial transactions of the Government that are not required by law tobe recorded in trust funds."


The trust fund is borrowed from by Congress all the time, so it's not safe. They repay by issuing non negotiable bonds. Trump didn't say he wanted to defund SS, he wants to defer 4 months of payment and make that permanent by not requiring repayment of those 4 months. This has been stated several times, maybe CNN and MSNBC aren't covering that either.
Can you refer us to the debunking?

Daniel P. Walsh, whose title was deputy chief of staff, was in charge of the administration’s foreign trips

Derek Lyons, former chief of staff to the president.

Both deny they heard language like that.
I guess there's about eight more people who also say the president never made those kind of remarks either according to Kayleigh McEnany who mentioned the names of two Trump staff members who were with him during his trip to France.
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The trust fund is borrowed from by Congress all the time, so it's not safe. They repay by issuing non negotiable bonds. Trump didn't say he wanted to defund SS, he wants to defer 4 months of payment and make that permanent by not requiring repayment of those 4 months. This has been stated several times, maybe CNN and MSNBC aren't covering that either.

Care to prove that Congress has moved funds out of SS.
You are believing myths.

Social Security History

Did Congress Really Steal From Social Security? | The Motley Fool
Three people who were traveling the entire time with Trump's entourage.
They claim they never heard that language from him.

Esper was there.

He said:

"President Trump has the highest respect and admiration for our nation's military members, veterans and families. That is why he has fought for greater pay and more funding for our armed forces," Esper said in a statement.

That’s....about as obvious of a non-denial denial as I’ve ever seen.

Defense secretary defends Trump amid claims he called America's war dead 'losers' - Task & Purpose
Daniel P. Walsh, whose title was deputy chief of staff, was in charge of the administration’s foreign trips

Derek Lyons, former chief of staff to the president.

Both deny they heard language like that.
I guess there's about eight more people who also say the president never made those kind of remarks either according to Kayleigh McEnany who mentioned the names of two Trump staff members who were with him during his trip to France.

Were they in the room with him when he supposedly said it?

I'll bet they also never heard him say "I love you" to Melania, which obviously means he has never said it.

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