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Bernie Sanders calls for statehood of D.C. (1 Viewer)

Bernie Sanders is now calling for the formation of a state by the same exact area which coincides with what is now known as the District of Columbia.

What implications would a 51st state have in federal law?

3 days before D.C. primary, Bernie Sanders calls for statehood - CNNPolitics.com

I guess Bernie's really getting desperate now, doing a Hillary Clinton style of pandering for votes. I wonder what the capital city of the state would be? Can you even have a state that only makes up one city and that's it? Interesting as to what the implications would be for having a 51st state though, whether it be DC or Puerto Rico or one of our current states splitting in two.
Merge it with Maryland, done.
No need for a new state.

But, but, but that wouldn't bring two new Democrat Senators and a couple of representatives would it? Added to the two Senators from the State of Puerto Rico and their representatives the Democrats wouldn't be so dependent on children, foreign nationals, pedophiles, and dead people voting.
100% disagree.

For the purpose of giving them federal representation in congress, have DC counted as part of Maryland for the purpose of voting for senators and for determining congressional districts. Provide them an amount of representatives commensurate to their population, tying it in with Maryland's total number.

This provides those within the city the ability to be federally represented without the issue of the capital also being made into a state.
Merge it with Maryland, done.
No need for a new state.

What has Maryland ever done to you? Merge it with California. States don't have to be contiguous.
But, but, but that wouldn't bring two new Democrat Senators and a couple of representatives would it? Added to the two Senators from the State of Puerto Rico and their representatives the Democrats wouldn't be so dependent on children, foreign nationals, pedophiles, and dead people voting.

I honestly think that's the plan, but I don't think Dems rely on pedos.
What has Maryland ever done to you? Merge it with California. States don't have to be contiguous.

Whatever state it is merged with it has to be a left wing state since DC is a left wing pothole.
Where do they move the federal government? Maybe carve out part of Wyoming.
Merge it with one of the surrounding states and problem is solved.

I rather like the seat of federal government to be extra national to the several States. Why would I want a State to house the Federal Capital.
I rather like the seat of federal government to be extra national to the several States. Why would I want a State to house the Federal Capital.

DC was never intend to be state.So I would rather it not be its own state.
I guess Bernie's really getting desperate now, doing a Hillary Clinton style of pandering for votes. I wonder what the capital city of the state would be? Can you even have a state that only makes up one city and that's it? Interesting as to what the implications would be for having a 51st state though, whether it be DC or Puerto Rico or one of our current states splitting in two.

Bernie Sanders has openly been a supporter of DC statehood for a long time...
1993: Bernie Sanders DC Statehood | User Clip | C-SPAN.org
Merge it with RI then?

No, I think California would be best. That way there will be no significant impact on the host State's politics. Merging DC with a smaller State would create political upheaval.
Merge it with one of the surrounding states and problem is solved.

Seriously, why is this horrible idea always floated when the subject comes up. Sure, Maryland and Virginia may have a few issues here or there, but I see no reason for such drastic punishment.
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DC was never intend to be state.So I would rather it not be its own state.

I certainly do not see any reason to change the status quo. But maybe someone will explain why it makes sense.
I certainly do not see any reason to change the status quo. But maybe someone will explain why it makes sense.

Seriously? For starters "taxation without representation." And Wyoming, with fewer residents than D.C., gets two Senators and one House Rep. D.C. gets nothing.

Can't we just sell it for a bag of Funyuns and a Mountain Dew?
Seriously? For starters "taxation without representation." And Wyoming, with fewer residents than D.C., gets two Senators and one House Rep. D.C. gets nothing.

I would think that one might move a mile or two down the road, if I wanted to put my two cents in and give up the transfers the District gets.
I would think that one might move a mile or two down the road, if I wanted to put my two cents in and give up the transfers the District gets.

You've nicely avoided the issue. There are nearly 700,000 people residing in D.C. who have ZERO representation in Congress. That is THE reason to "change the status quo." If you want to argue these people deserve no representation, make the case. Saying, "If you don't like it, move" isn't a compelling argument.
I honestly think that's the plan, but I don't think Dems rely on pedos.

The governor of Maryland recently made it legal for thousands of felons to vote. You don't think any are pedophiles? Hillary defends a child rapist with lies and two famous liberals defend Roman Polanski, another child rapist, and you don't think pedophiles are smart enough to know who to vote for. If you feel any better, the Democrats are also the party of rapists, robbers, kidnappers, lynch-mobsters and littering.

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