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Ben Carson Confuses A Housing Term For A Cookie (1 Viewer)

Prove what? He was a great brain surgeon. But the guy thinks that the pyramids were built to store grain. Reasonably smart people do not believe that. Plus watch him speak. He's either addicted to narcotics or he's Rainman.

My apologies to you.
I was wrong but I hope you are only kidding when accusing him of being an idiot savant or drug addict.
He absolutely should know what the term REO stands for, but let's not get carried away...

I'll compare his educational credentials with anyone's here...
You're correct. My understanding came from a headline, and after review I realize I missed context.
I went back and reread the entire transcript regarding the REO comment. My apologies.

Thanks for setting me straight, my friend. :)

My sincere thanks trix. :)
It's very clear Carson was placed in charge of HUD as a political favor, no more, no less. Maybe he's a decent manager, I dunno, but he's clearly not interested in knowing much about HUD's mission. He's just enjoying his cushy appointed position and keeps busy ordering furniture.

He attempted to direct the congresswoman to the experts on the subject, but it was also clear this congresswoman was offended that a neophyte was in put charge of her old stomping grounds, a job she likely would love to have herself, and is clearly better suited to than Carson ever will be, even if he was trying.
Every president makes gaffes. That is nothing new. Trump and his cohort has gone beyond basic gaffes. Only a cultist would say otherwise.

Pretty much. Okay. Unsubstantiated. Nonsensical.
IMO being head of HUD and not knowing what an REO is is complete incompetence. He got R=Real, E=Estate, and had to guess at the "O" - "Organization"?. No, the "O" is for "Owned". What happens when a property goes to foreclosure.

This is incompetence of the highest order. What does he do in his office all day if he doesn't even know the most basic facts?

Decorates it, I guess.
Really wish this was an Onion article. Yet another Trump appointee embarrasses him/herself in a congressional hearing. Congresswoman Porter asked Carson about REO rates, and he replied, “Oreos”. What an embarrassment of an administration.

Watch HUD Secretary Ben Carson confuse Oreo cookie with housing term - POLITICO

See more Carson gaffes from the hearing below.

I read the exchange. Your post is stupid, because it makes a mountain out of a mole hill; which is SOP for liberals. He followed that moment by stating that he knew all about REOs, and had been reading up on them. After all, it isn't brain surgery.
I read the exchange. Your post is stupid, because it makes a mountain out of a mole hill; which is SOP for liberals. He followed that moment by stating that he knew all about REOs, and had been reading up on them. After all, it isn't brain surgery.

Do you have that part of the transcript where he said this?
That's what I read initially but now I can't find it.

I read the exchange. Your post is stupid, because it makes a mountain out of a mole hill; which is SOP for liberals. He followed that moment by stating that he knew all about REOs, and had been reading up on them.

I’m sure he was reading all about Oreos. :lamo
I read the exchange. Your post is stupid, because it makes a mountain out of a mole hill; which is SOP for liberals. He followed that moment by stating that he knew all about REOs, and had been reading up on them. After all, it isn't brain surgery.

And yet could only get the RE part of the acronym correct.

I can say I know all about brain surgery, that doesn't mean it's true or that I should be in charge of neuro at a major hospital.
My apologies to you.
I was wrong but I hope you are only kidding when accusing him of being an idiot savant or drug addict.
He absolutely should know what the term REO stands for, but let's not get carried away...

I'll compare his educational credentials with anyone's here...

He's hyper-intelligent in one area of expertise, outside of that he clearly displays signs of drug use and/or dementia. Watch his facial mannerisms and listen to him speak.
"Her" acronyms are part of the department he runs. Don't you think he should understand the basics of the department he runs? This wasn't some obscure or just made up acronym, it's even on the HUD site.
It is perfectly understandable that the head of HUD thought that a member of Congress was asking him about a couple of cream filled chocolate cookies in the middle of a committee meeting

It happens all the time!
Every president makes gaffes. That is nothing new. Trump and his cohort has gone beyond basic gaffes. Only a cultist would say otherwise.

Not to mention, this was not a gaffe. This was an unfortunate slap in the face that Carson doesn't even understand his job and has made no effort to learn one of the most basic of the HUD responsibilities.
Trump started a mortgage company at the height of the housing bubble and lost $1 billion over a decade. He doesn’t even know real estate, let alone how to run a country.

so glad Hillary lost

He's hyper-intelligent in one area of expertise, outside of that he clearly displays signs of drug use and/or dementia. Watch his facial mannerisms and listen to him speak.

I find nothing unusual or any changes in his demeanor over the years... I've been watching him speak since he entered the political arena as a pundit on various cable news shows, and when he was running for POTUS. He was still a practicing surgeon at that time. Are you suggesting that you can determine by facial movements that he is a drug addict or afflicted with dementia? Really? REALLY???
Messiah Part II.
The second coming of Obama...

This thread is an example of why the govt doesn't work. They're busy looking for gaffes instead of substantive things.
I find nothing unusual or any changes in his demeanor over the years... I've been watching him speak since he entered the political arena as a pundit on various cable news shows, and when he was running for POTUS. He was still a practicing surgeon at that time. Are you suggesting that you can determine by facial movements that he is a drug addict or afflicted with dementia? Really? REALLY???

No he wasn't. Carson retired as a surgeon on July 1, 2013. He announced his retirement in March of 2013 and said that he would "much rather quit when I'm at the top of my game". He didn't run for President until he announced in March of 2015.
Trump isn't bothered by this trifling ****, that's why all your attempts to sink him since 2016 have failed.

The more the left plays their games, the more I like Trump.
I'm betting there are probably more like me than not.
I really could not stand Trump when he was running for president. People who know me personally off this forum will vouch for this.

I now find him remarkable because he has, and is still trying to get his campaign promises into action despite the Democrat's constant obstruction, but more so because he has the stamina to keep going after all the fake outrage coming from his deranged resisters/haters. Yes, we see it daily on this forum, but what's worse is that we are seeing what a strong leader he is when it continues to pour forth from the power hungry congressional sewercrats. If anyone thinks they cared to go to the WH this morning to get infrastructure going, I've got a bridge to sell them.

Whatever happened to we just want to know the truth? We'll wait for the Mueller report to tell us the truth.--- They've got a 95% unredacted Mueller report at their fingertips, and now the clowncar is shouting, IT'S A COVERUP!!!

My Gawd... what dirty rotten scoundrels are these?
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No he wasn't. Carson retired as a surgeon on July 1, 2013. He announced his retirement in March of 2013 and said that he would "much rather quit when I'm at the top of my game". He didn't run for President until he announced in March of 2015.

Boy am I glad you pointed that out, it makes such a huge difference knowing the precisely year when taken in context.
Boy am I glad you pointed that out, it makes such a huge difference knowing the precisely year when taken in context.

No, it just proves how wrong Trix's post and argument was.

Are you trying to date her or something? You keep playing her hero today. That's sweet. But she's happily married.
No he wasn't. Carson retired as a surgeon on July 1, 2013. He announced his retirement in March of 2013 and said that he would "much rather quit when I'm at the top of my game". He didn't run for President until he announced in March of 2015.

Is there a reason you always need to shout when pointing out the inane errors of others?
All that shouting didn't change my initial point though, did it?

My argument was correct, one detail in my argument was wrong. BFD.
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