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Being gay is a choice.[W:471] (1 Viewer)


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Apr 26, 2016
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Science would currently suggest that it is a complex combination of both genetic and environmental factors. That means sexual orientation is more of a choice for some then others, which means being gay is a choice.
Re: Being gay is a choice.

Science would currently suggest that it is a complex combination of both genetic and environmental factors. That means sexual orientation is more of a choice for some then others, which means being gay is a choice.

Uhm your own statement doesnt even support the unsupportable idea its a choice LMAO Genetic and environmental factors arent choices :lamo

I love when OPs instantly fail its hilarious.
Re: Being gay is a choice.

Science would currently suggest that it is a complex combination of both genetic and environmental factors. That means sexual orientation is more of a choice for some then others, which means being gay is a choice.

Re: Being gay is a choice.

The earth is flat. This is a fact and science backs me up.
Re: Being gay is a choice.

Science would currently suggest that it is a complex combination of both genetic and environmental factors. That means sexual orientation is more of a choice for some then others, which means being gay is a choice.

Do you really fail to see the contradictions contained in your argument? For **** sake, the argument is only two sentences long - you should be able to find it.
Re: Being gay is a choice.

Science would currently suggest that it is a complex combination of both genetic and environmental factors. That means sexual orientation is more of a choice for some then others, which means being gay is a choice.

That can be said of intelligence. Is being stupid a choice?
Re: Being gay is a choice.

Science would currently suggest that it is a complex combination of both genetic and environmental factors. That means sexual orientation is more of a choice for some then others, which means being gay is a choice.

Wow, so deep.

Got any actual data behind these mumblings?
Re: Being gay is a choice.

Science would currently suggest that it is a complex combination of both genetic and environmental factors. That means sexual orientation is more of a choice for some then others, which means being gay is a choice.

Uh, no. I don't think you understood what you read, if you saw anything even vaguely scientific saying that being gay was "environmental." And you may very well have seen that.

Being gay could be considered "environmental" in the fact that one of the strongest predictors of homosexuality is the hormonal environment within the womb.

But obviously, that is not a choice. Embryos don't choose what their mothers' hormones are like or the effect that will have on their brain. Just because something is not necessarily genetic does not make it a choice. There a dozens of inborn qualities in each of us which are not necessarily products of genetics, but which are nonetheless predetermined in some other way (epigenetics, hormones, etc).

Methinks you need to learn more about biology before spouting off on this subject.
Re: Being gay is a choice.

Science would currently suggest that it is a complex combination of both genetic and environmental factors. That means sexual orientation is more of a choice for some then others, which means being gay is a choice.
2 things...

1. No, being gay is not a choice.

2. Please change your name. It's embarrassing.
Re: Being gay is a choice.

2. Please change your name. It's embarrassing.
Hey, if you’re going to make over 1300 clones of yourself, you have to accept that some of them are going to turn out “broken”. ;)
Re: Being gay is a choice.

Science would currently suggest that it is a complex combination of both genetic and environmental factors. That means sexual orientation is more of a choice for some then others, which means being gay is a choice.

If you think it is a choice...congratulations on whichever choice you have made.

For me...it is NOT a choice. I dig women...and I do not get sexually aroused by any males.
Re: Being gay is a choice.

Science would currently suggest that it is a complex combination of both genetic and environmental factors. That means sexual orientation is more of a choice for some then others, which means being gay is a choice.
Being openly gay it's honesty. And yes honesty is a choice.

If you are attracted to the same sex and choose to lie that too is a choice. It's just the wrong one.
Re: Being gay is a choice.

There are literally thousands of species that we know of that practice homosexuality on this planet, and there are more to discover.

Homosexuality is part of the biosphere, and it is ignorant to think we are separated from the Earth's biosphere.
Re: Being gay is a choice.

Hey, if you’re going to make over 1300 clones of yourself, you have to accept that some of them are going to turn out “broken”. ;)
Wait until you see the 2000 series!
Re: Being gay is a choice.

The question is not whether gay is a choice or not......I'm fairly certain it is not.

The question is how the F#@& did a man end up in a woman's body and vice versa
Re: Being gay is a choice.

Science would currently suggest that it is a complex combination of both genetic and environmental factors. That means sexual orientation is more of a choice for some then others, which means being gay is a choice.

That "choice" is made by which sex you are attracted to so the "choice" is between being miserable and never finding love or following your attraction and being happy. Is that what you mean, that gays "choose" to be happy? Wouldn't you?
Re: Being gay is a choice.

Science would currently suggest that it is a complex combination of both genetic and environmental factors. That means sexual orientation is more of a choice for some then others, which means being gay is a choice.

One's actions are always a choice. Homosexual attraction is called temptation. Acting on it is called sin.
Re: Being gay is a choice.

That can be said of intelligence. Is being stupid a choice?

Actually that is a choice. Not studying is a choice.
Re: Being gay is a choice.

One's actions are always a choice. Homosexual attraction is called temptation. Acting on it is called sin.

How do you know this, have you been resisting the temptation?
Re: Being gay is a choice.

Actually that is a choice. Not studying is a choice.

Stupid people can't become smart by studying.
This kind of mistake comes from ignorance and not all ignorance is caused by stupidity.
But lots of it is...
Re: Being gay is a choice.

How do you know this, have you been resisting the temptation?

Temptation is temptation, whether it's the smell of bread when you're broke, facing the choice of shoplifting or not or some other temptation. But to answer to your specific question, in a word, no. I'm not one of those people who is "creeped out" by people that do that, just aware of the consequences of God's judgement. Some of the older church ladies refuse to use the term "gay" and insist on using the term "sodomite" instead.
Re: Being gay is a choice.

Temptation is temptation, whether it's the smell of bread when you're broke, facing the choice of shoplifting or not or some other temptation. But to answer to your specific question, in a word, no. I'm not one of those people who is "creeped out" by people that do that, just aware of the consequences of God's judgement. Some of the older church ladies refuse to use the term "gay" and insist on using the term "sodomite" instead.

Oh...your comment has to do with some god.

Ummm...what say we continue the discussion without involving any gods?

The only people who can say with any certainty that homosexuality is a choice...are people who actually have that "choice" to make.

I don't. I am NOT ever sexually turned on by a man...but even at 80, women make my thing get stiff.

There is no choice for me. If there is for you...then...there is. But to suppose it is universal makes no sense.

Re: Being gay is a choice.

Being gay is a choice.

Bull**** this deep makes me sad that I forgot to wear hip waders and a snorkel.

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