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Barack Obama Worked For The CIA [W:10] (1 Viewer)

Pin dÁr

DP Veteran
Feb 23, 2014
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Yep, Obama, the psychopathic narcissistic clown worked for the CIA!

That is telling us something, right?!

True or not (it's not), what's wrong with having worked for the CIA?
True or not (it's not), what's wrong with having worked for the CIA?

it's not? how do you know. Or is it your wish?

oh, nothing. ;)

I reckoned, seeing your avatar, you should kow better.
oh, nothing. ;)

I reckoned, seeing your avatar, you should kow better.

So, this thread is just gonna be a quick hell spiral into the usual, lame anti-CIA circlejerk? Gotcha.

BTW, it's the NSA that knows what your porn habits are, not the CIA.
whats wrong with the CIA?
the lie and kill a lot. and e.g. were involved with mossad and MI6 into 9-11.

And check out MK-ULTRA, please.

but hes the president? what does the fact that he might have worked for the CIA prove?
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So, this thread is just gonna be a quick hell spiral into the usual, lame anti-CIA circlejerk? Gotcha.

BTW, it's the NSA that knows what your porn habits are, not the CIA.

In my case, it's both. I email a movie review of a porno to a random government agency about twice a month, along with a list of recommended films.
Nothing wrong with working for the firm. I work secretly for the CIA........ Damn, damn I wasn't supposed to say that. Ignore this post.
So, this thread is just gonna be a quick hell spiral into the usual, lame anti-CIA circlejerk? Gotcha.

BTW, it's the NSA that knows what your porn habits are, not the CIA.

Pin is a troll dont take anything he says seriously
the lie and kill a lot. and e.g. were involved with mossad and MI6 into 9-11.

And check out MK-ULTRA, please.

Yeah....no, they weren't involved with MI-6 and Mossad in 9/11.
Pin is a troll dont take anything he says seriously

Troll and pure comic relief aren't the same thing. Pin is the later.
If Pin could back up his statements, he would include sources, etc in his posts.
Yep, Obama, the psychopathic narcissistic clown worked for the CIA!

That is telling us something, right?!


GHW Bush was the Director, CIA before he was VP under Reagan and subsequently went on to become our nation's 41st POTUS. What's your point?
"Worked"? He has never worked a day in his life.

GHW Bush was the Director, CIA before he was VP under Reagan and subsequently went on to become our nation's 41st POTUS. What's your point?

indeed, all psychopaths, ready to kill!

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