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Baltimore police shot a 13-year-old boy who was carrying a fake gun (1 Viewer)

Not enough for me to go on. If the kid was running away and they shot him in the back then, no, that is unacceptable. If he pointed the fake gun at the police then it would be a justified shooting.
Not enough for me to go on. If the kid was running away and they shot him in the back then, no, that is unacceptable. If he pointed the fake gun at the police then it would be a justified shooting.

Agreed, from the story so far...

"Davis said the officers approached the teenager when they saw what they thought was a weapon. But after they identified themselves, the boy allegedly ran without dropping the gun. The boy was given “every opportunity” to drop what the officers thought was a handgun and put his hands in the air, Davis said, noting that it’s common for criminals to carry fake weapons while committing crimes."

On first glance it appears they shot the boy as he was running away but we cannot be for certain this is the whole story.
Is the photo in the linked story the actual fake gun, or is it a "stock" photo? (Story doesn't say.)

If it's the actual fake gun, then the police had a right to be concerned. It looks close enough to be real. I'm undecided on the appropriateness of the shooing if he was indeed running away, though. On the one hand he wasn't necessarily posing a perceived threat to them. On the other hand, if they were of the opinion the gun could be real he could potentially be a threat to others.

On the other hand, if the photo is not the actual fake gun, then I need to see the actual fake gun. Maybe it's not as real looking as they claim, which would make their claim collapse.
I think 6 million dollars is the going rate these days.
A little bit more on the story...

A Baltimore police detective shot a boy in East Baltimore on Wednesday afternoon who he wrongly believed was carrying a semiautomatic pistol, Police Commissioner Kevin Davis said.

The boy suffered what police called non-life-threatening injuries to a "lower extremity," Davis said. The weapon turned out to be spring-air-powered BB gun — not a real firearm.

Youth with BB gun resembling firearm shot by police in East Baltimore - Baltimore Sun
Ugh. I need more specifics on this case to make a determination.
I remember posting the Baltimore song by Prince almost a year ago.
Assuming the story is true then the police did the right thing. However the police often make false statements so we'll have to wait and see.
The stupid is strong these days. I wonder what his parents were doing? Of I know what his parents will be doing soon.
I will stay on neither side, kid or officer. The kid was wrong because he plays with violence, this is unacceptable in many eyes and to me, is also wrong. But the officer is in the wrong as well because he has shot this child, with violence. This is why if only the world was free of the evil people like politicians, the world could become a better place with no more death, all will be happy, and we could end all suffering. But all who oppose this, and like when others suffer, are hideous and should be eliminated.

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