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Average IQ by country? (1 Viewer)

Average IQ by country?

  • I believe it

    Votes: 16 43.2%
  • I don't believe it

    Votes: 12 32.4%
  • RACIST!!!

    Votes: 9 24.3%

  • Total voters


May 2, 2016
Reaction score
New Hampshire
Political Leaning
If you have the answer, why ask?
Are you trying to set a record on most started threads in your first week?
That is ridiculous... If that was education level I would agree but IQ it is not.
I've read similar things before (but haven't really bothered with that topic in detail). But I can well imagine it's true.

The question of different average IQ of different races and genetics aside, there is another interesting observation to consider:

Since the IQ test was introduced in the early 20th century, in all developed countries, the "Flynn Effect" could be observed: The average IQ in the industrialized countries rose by 3 points per decade until the early 21st century, which is why the test had to be modified a couple of times (the average was set back to 100).

Which means that 100 years ago, the average IQ in Europe and America was on a similar level as it is in many developing countries now.

It was suggested that the lower IQ back then (and today in less developed regions) was/is at least partly due to malnutrition and infections during fetal development and early childhood, which have been mostly eliminated in the industrialized countries by now.

So I wouldn't jump to conclusions about different genetic IQ in different races too quickly (not saying there is none, just that it's perhaps not the most important factor).
As the global south becomes more developed and richer, the gap will close.
So, we are supposed to believe that poor Africans are diligently taking time out of their days of just trying to survive to take I.Q. tests AND then send them to some central tabulation society? And then that most Africans have IQ's in the 55-80 range.

What a load of complete, racist garbage.

I do not believe the map for one millisecond.
So, we are supposed to believe that poor Africans are diligently taking time out of their days of just trying to survive to take I.Q. tests AND then send them to some central tabulation society? And then that most Africans have IQ's in the 55-80 range.

What a load of complete, racist garbage.

I do not believe the map for one millisecond.

Vote racist then..

To classify as intellectually disabled, you need to obtain an IQ score of lower than 70. Your graph puts the average (meaning half of the population is lower than) IQ of Africa as 59. You're telling me that the average African is literally mentally retarded?

Yes, you're correct, I don't believe your graph.
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So, we are supposed to believe that poor Africans are diligently taking time out of their days of just trying to survive to take I.Q. tests AND then send them to some central tabulation society? And then that most Africans have IQ's in the 55-80 range.

What a load of complete, racist garbage.

I do not believe the map for one millisecond.

Average IQ in most African countries is low 70s. This seems to be related in large part to early nutrition(or lack thereof to be more exact). Little evidence to support the idea that it is racial or genetic, but instead that it has to do with poor nourishment as children.
Average IQ in most African countries is low 70s. This seems to be related in large part to early nutrition(or lack thereof to be more exact). Little evidence to support the idea that it is racial or genetic, but instead that it has to do with poor nourishment as children.

Then why doesn't north korea reflect the same?
Then why doesn't north korea reflect the same?

Pyongyang, where most of the IQ testing would have been done, has a low rate of chronic malnutrition.
So, we are supposed to believe that poor Africans are diligently taking time out of their days of just trying to survive to take I.Q. tests AND then send them to some central tabulation society? And then that most Africans have IQ's in the 55-80 range.

What a load of complete, racist garbage.

I do not believe the map for one millisecond.

Neither do I

Most Harvard grads could not last a week in what they have to do each and every day.

Let's take the little unfolded box test. They might fail it, but the Harvard gad would also fail to know which root to dig up to give him water.

Basic intelligence is very subjective, and also society based.

It was Mark Twain who said you will never see a more UNEDUCATED person in your life, when you remove them from what they have been educated in.

Talk in-depth math to an English teacher
Talk physics to a Medieval literature major

or my favorite...talk logical troubleshooting to an engineer.
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heres another map theres hundreds of them all different results, their about as scientific and useful as measuring IQ by astrological symbols, which like racial science was also considered a legitimate science too at one point


now who wants to see a map of average penis size by country? :2razz:
Gee what a surprise... all of the countries who basically invented the IQ system have the highest IQs. :roll:

Funny how in order to get a high score, you not only need a certain level of education, but a certain kind of education. It's sort of like a lie detector test... it provides information about a person's character but you can't take it 100% seriously.

Intelligence is subjective to circumstance and need. If you were suddenly teleported to rural East Africa and had to figure out how to survive, a bushman hunter would appear way, way more intelligent than you.

The methodology of their research has been heavily criticized for not having consistent measures of IQ across countries and for the way estimates were generated. For example, the average IQ of countries without data is reported as the average of neighboring or comparable countries. In addition to this, the way in which samples were either included or excluded in their analysis is unsystematic, potentially biasing their results. Thomas Nechyba’s review in the Journal of Economic Literature points out the following flaw: https://ourworldindata.org/intelligence/

I am such a stupid person
Why dont you make it public ? I would like to see how many intelligent people agree with you
IQ breakdowns by racial demographic are quite interesting. reality is offensive to those of meager mind.
IQ breakdowns by racial demographic are quite interesting. reality is offensive to those of meager mind.

Its interesting that some of the most bigoted ignorant and close minded minded people will often accuse other people of not being open minded. And even though these racist tests often show east asians at the top of the list, white supremacist are usually the ones flauntng the results, and of course ignoring any explanation for the results other than they are the supreme race. I think it has to do with the fact that white people have issues dealing with their own history, how could you really look at the centuries of repeated genocide and millions of dead, on every continent on earth and not feel ashamed, its much more comforting to just think that its due to their intelligence and that "any race wouldve done the same" they just weren't smart enough, so theres no need to talk about flaws in european culture, to feel ashamed of their ancestors, or dare even question their religion. Despite the fact that east asians score higher and they never traveled the world killing and enslaving everything in site, they will still insist culture, religion, or even a possible genetic psychosis had nothing too do with. They're just smarter as white people.
Am I missing something?
Who did the study? What methodology was used, how many people were tested, why, when?
When you start an OP, at least let people know what you want to talk about instead of throwing out some bait and see what it catches.
Despite trepidation about getting into such an obviously Shallow discussion on this...
Answers to too many to quote:

IQ by country is an outgrowth of Racial IQ.
It's more socially acceptable than race, and somewhat useful to another set of researchers - economic/etc.
But modern Political borders are not always as precise for measuring, as they oft contain may two (or more) groups who are significantly IQ-different, and people's overlap into other countries. Two examples would be grouping Western Chinese and Han people together, or grouping Australian Aborigines (low 60s) in with Euro Aussies.

I don't know where he got '59' for sub-Saharan IQ, but app 70 is, and always has been, the number.
[logically] 85 for the recent admixture 'American Black', 100 for the Euro, and 106 for the NE Asian.
Yes, NE Asians, a different culture, consistently outscore (here or at home), the 'whites' who originally designed the test.

These are well known, and basically not in dispute, only their cause and apologetics for them.
IQ tests do Not measure education, and are oft given in Non-verbal forms. No, they don't ask sub-Saharans who the Japanese PM is, or how to make change in Euros.
IQ researchers are, Of Course, aware of cultural issues and adjust for them.
I've posted scores of links on this.
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