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Australian children's author Mem Fox detained by US border control [W:99] (1 Viewer)


Thats pathetic dood. Seriously. Thats such a played out tactic that just doesnt work. I'm not in least bit upset. Im just pointing out your hypocrisy and poutrage. And something tells me we are going to end up doing this dance a LOT.

Ah, irony. I love it, thanks.
I'm dubious of any news article that refers to "U.S. Border Control". Do the writers at The Guardian not have Google to even search to see if there's any such thing as U.S. Border Control?

Fox, who has traveled to the US more than 100 times over the past three decades, said she felt like a 'prisoner at Guantanamo Bay.'

'I am old and white, innocent and educated, and I speak English fluently,' she told the Adelaide Advertiser.

'Imagine what happened to the others in the room, including an old Iranian woman in her 80s, in a wheelchair.'

I got stopped several times by customs agents when I visited Australia but I had never been to the interrogation room. Probably her Jewish surname or Aussie accent got her into trouble. Customs agents are insanely suspicious of foreign nationals. To avoid further troubles, you need to be mentally ready upon arrival.
Read. Stop listening and read.

No, buddy. You are the one who needs to read some history and stop pontificating when it's clear you know zero about the situation and merely want to blame Islam for everything and anything that comes to mind.
No, buddy. You are the one who needs to read some history and stop pontificating when it's clear you know zero about the situation and merely want to blame Islam for everything and anything that comes to mind.

History, excepting Muhammad's life, has nothing to do with Islamic doctrine. They are separate entities.
History, excepting Muhammad's life, has nothing to do with Islamic doctrine. They are separate entities.

History has plenty to do with today's world. You claimed Islam caused us to have such stringent security at airports; I proved that people were hijacking planes long before the jihadis got in on the act.
"Sit down and read! Prepare yourself for the coming conflict!"
-Mother Jones-

Even Mother Jones is right sometimes, I would worry about that one.
History has plenty to do with today's world. You claimed Islam caused us to have such stringent security at airports; I proved that people were hijacking planes long before the jihadis got in on the act.

Good for you. Now flashback to the last great appeasement of evil, what happened?
Good for you. Now flashback to the last great appeasement of evil, what happened?

Putin giggled all through the screening of Trump's interview by O'Reilly?
Putin giggled all through the screening of Trump's interview by O'Reilly?

Why do liberals want a war with Russia? Guess what will move into that power vacuum?
Why do liberals want a war with Russia? Guess what will move into that power vacuum?

Liberals don't want war, but liberals balk at appeasement. Your boy Trump has bad-mouthed your country to make Putin look less evil. Conservatives will find a way to coexist with any evil government to maintain a stable business environment.
Remember, it was liberals who had to finally drag your country into helping out against Hitler, if that's what you meant when you referred to 'appeasing evil'.
Liberals don't want war, but liberals balk at appeasement. Your boy Trump has bad-mouthed your country to make Putin look less evil. Conservatives will find a way to coexist with any evil government to maintain a stable business environment.
Remember, it was liberals who had to finally drag your country into helping out against Hitler, if that's what you meant when you referred to 'appeasing evil'.

Liberal Japanese.
you think her age or having white skin have anything to do with anything?

Wait till it happens to you.

It is impossible for you and the Trump heads to make a case FOR this security measure if you're going to hassle EVERYONE.

Typically, ignored is the damage being done TO the US and its reputation, damage to its 'needed' immigration flow and damage to your allies. I know you all think America is so ****ing great she can shrug all this off...but to start with you have a shortage of entry level, low wage workers, without them your economy crumbles. Obamacare has created a huge demand for doctors, two of whom from India, were banned in this operation and who will now be opening their practices in Canada, not USA.

This was your hero's idea....it was his plan to bring security to the US by banning Muslims but has gone on to include whites with blonde hair and you defend it. Which proves the fears of everyone opposed to this as tyrannical. No one can believe you is you support hassling people who don't fit the profile when you have already claimed it is about Islamic terrorism.

Thanks for the two doctors by the way. It appears migrants from around the world recruited by America's big business have already changed their minds of where they want to live
Oh, you mean the people you want to emulate? What about them?

What about them? The ones I did not blame for their reaction to terror? We can't blame Islam, but you can blame me and them for human nature.
What about them? The ones I did not blame for their reaction to terror? We can't blame Islam, but you can blame me and them for human nature.

So you think murdering innocent people is acceptable because of the actions of completely unrelated radicals. Wow.
Nice to see you aren't pretending otherwise anymore.

And no, it's not "human nature" to go out and try to murder random people.
So you think murdering innocent people is acceptable because of the actions of completely unrelated radicals. Wow.
Nice to see you aren't pretending otherwise anymore.

And no, it's not "human nature" to go out and try to murder random people.

It is most certainly part of it. And you miss that they were not random to the people to their attackers. That goes both ways.
It is most certainly part of it. And you miss that they were not random to the people to their attackers. That goes both ways.

No, it's not. No society allows people to just randomly kill other people. It's 100% evil. It not only goes against man's law, but also all morality.

It were completely random. They had nothing to go with ISIS or Al Qaeda; the only reason why they were targeted was because they were Muslims. And despite what people like you think, being a Muslim does not warrant a death sentence.

People like you are no better than ISIS or Al Qaeda, and frankly speaking should be treated the same.

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