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At what point should weapons be illegal? (1 Viewer)

JC Callender

DP Veteran
Jan 26, 2013
Reaction score
Metro Detroit
Political Leaning
Do you believe the average citizen should be allowed to have any guns? If not, can we possess large knives, pepper spray, or tasers? If so, just some, or all? If all, should we also be allowed to possess grenades and poisonous gas? At what point do you believe weapons should be illegal?
Extremely rarely at most... Weapon laws are already too strict imo...
Do you believe the average citizen should be allowed to have any guns? If not, can we possess large knives, pepper spray, or tasers? If so, just some, or all? If all, should we also be allowed to possess grenades and poisonous gas? At what point do you believe weapons should be illegal?

I think of it as a limit to personal arms that can be used effectively for self defense.

hand grenades and poisonous gas (which are not nessecarily illegal but allowed per a strict system of regulation) are not useful for self defense because they cannot be used with precision.

I think the following types of arms should be allowed, hand portable individual served firearms (pistols, shotguns, rifles) knives, swords, clubs, and pikes should be covered by the second amendment.
I think of it as a limit to personal arms that can be used effectively for self defense.

hand grenades and poisonous gas (which are not nessecarily illegal but allowed per a strict system of regulation) are not useful for self defense because they cannot be used with precision.

I think the following types of arms should be allowed, hand portable individual served firearms (pistols, shotguns, rifles) knives, swords, clubs, and pikes should be covered by the second amendment.

The Revolutionary War started because the British tried to take away our cannon.

Just worth noting.
Do you believe the average citizen should be allowed to have any guns? If not, can we possess large knives, pepper spray, or tasers? If so, just some, or all? If all, should we also be allowed to possess grenades and poisonous gas? At what point do you believe weapons should be illegal?

Not only do I believe every law-abiding citizen has the right to own a gun but our Constitution says it as well . It's NOT the gun it is the person ! And if this terrorist mass shooting taught us anything , we live in a very , very dangerous Country today and I'm certain if those people would have been carrying we would NOT have seen such carnage .
My opinion:

There should be a balance of security to threat. While I think the second amendment bearing of arms is considered by most for personal/home threat use, the founders were more concerned with warding off tyranny. Tyranny is ALWAYS a threat in a non perfect [ read: OUR ] world and the best method of deterrence is an armed populace that prevents government from getting any errant insubordinate ideas about who is ultimately in charge here.

The more gun/weapon owners there are, the more credible the risk to those considering imposing the totalitarian threat upon the rest of us. There are basically what, 320 million of us, many with some form of weaponry and in sufficient numbers to offset the technological advantages, that we know of, in opposing a theoretical bad government with, currently, a relatively small military. Not precisely knowing who in the general population might be your opponent, what kind of weapony we possess along with the historically proven difficulty of overcoming guerrilla styled tactics advantages us, we the people.

So it becomes necessary for a sort of ongoing dynamic balance. The larger our government becomes, and the more technilogically able to subvert we the people, that peril always being present [ even though the left only feels this to be so when, say, a GWB with the R behind his/her name is in charge ], the more lethal the weaponry of the common populace should be.

A reduction, IMO, to about half the current size, scope and interference of our current Federal government involvement in the lives of common citizens...and what is legal now should be sufficient.
Not only do I believe every law-abiding citizen has the right to own a gun but our Constitution says it as well . It's NOT the gun it is the person ! And if this terrorist mass shooting taught us anything , we live in a very , very dangerous Country today and I'm certain if those people would have been carrying we would NOT have seen such carnage .

The only difference would have been possibly the security was armed. Less people would have died, but people would have still dies. The people in the club would have been unarmed because alcohol was served there.
Do you believe the average citizen should be allowed to have any guns? If not, can we possess large knives, pepper spray, or tasers? If so, just some, or all? If all, should we also be allowed to possess grenades and poisonous gas? At what point do you believe weapons should be illegal?

Of course, we should be allowed to have guns. The question that needs debating, IMO, is "what kind." Even those people I know who keep loaded firearms on their walls, leaning by their front and back doors, who live in fly-over cities, towns and burgs, do not see a need to own AK47's. We really don't live in the Wild West. There isn't a psycho behind every bush.

Realistically, what we need more than anything is, not stricter laws, but stricter punishments. Mandatory sentences...more prisons...trying juveniles in adult court...two strikes and you're out. That's the real way to curb gun crime, IMO. And it's all about less crime...not less guns...'cause the genie's out of the bottle on that.
Do you believe the average citizen should be allowed to have any guns? If not, can we possess large knives, pepper spray, or tasers? If so, just some, or all? If all, should we also be allowed to possess grenades and poisonous gas? At what point do you believe weapons should be illegal?

I think a rational understanding of what constitutes appropriate arms would be exactly what the Revolutionary ideologues would have upheld; what would be the arms and armaments any militiaman would be expected to have when called to service in defense of his home, State, or Nation? That is the proper understanding of the first clause of the Second Amendment.

Pretend we don't have a standing army (something those Revolutionary leaders opposed as a threat to liberty), and then imagine what current weapons you would want a militiaman to actually need if required to muster in a minute (Minutemen). The idea that responsible citizenship includes accepting responsibility for self-defense and the defense of the nation.

I would add going back to civics courses in high school as a requirement, and exposing youth to training in the safe and responsible use of firearms, much like driving lessons before permitting a juvenile to drive a car.
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Private citizens should not be allowed to own a land-based military AND a navy. One or the other is Ok but not both.
They should also not be allowed to own planet eaters or death star level weaponry.
Do you believe the average citizen should be allowed to have any guns? If not, can we possess large knives, pepper spray, or tasers? If so, just some, or all? If all, should we also be allowed to possess grenades and poisonous gas? At what point do you believe weapons should be illegal?

I don't see any point in discussing this unless you are proposing altering the Constitution. Is that, what you want? That will be a big job.
Private citizens should not be allowed to own a land-based military AND a navy. One or the other is Ok but not both.
They should also not be allowed to own planet eaters or death star level weaponry.

Good you mentioned the latter, but allowed a civilian air strike-force.
Private citizens should not be allowed to own a land-based military AND a navy. One or the other is Ok but not both.
They should also not be allowed to own planet eaters or death star level weaponry.

but I really want my own rail gun.
The only difference would have been possibly the security was armed. Less people would have died, but people would have still dies. The people in the club would have been unarmed because alcohol was served there.

Sounds like someone didn't heed the memo .
Of course, we should be allowed to have guns. The question that needs debating, IMO, is "what kind." Even those people I know who keep loaded firearms on their walls, leaning by their front and back doors, who live in fly-over cities, towns and burgs, do not see a need to own AK47's. We really don't live in the Wild West. There isn't a psycho behind every bush.

Realistically, what we need more than anything is, not stricter laws, but stricter punishments. Mandatory sentences...more prisons...trying juveniles in adult court...two strikes and you're out. That's the real way to curb gun crime, IMO. And it's all about less crime...not less guns...'cause the genie's out of the bottle on that.

You think stricter punishment would have stopped the Orlando? I for one doubt it, after all the guy died in a shootout. That's about as steep of a punishment as it gets.

I think in this country EVERYONE should be packing something concealed or otherwise almost everywhere. I think it should be required in fact. Weapons should be fashion accessories here. The more armed people there are the less likely people will use them. How often does someone attack a police station?
Private citizens should not be allowed to own a land-based military AND a navy. One or the other is Ok but not both.
They should also not be allowed to own planet eaters or death star level weaponry.

Too late. I have a death star and a droid military force. Have to deal with pesky alien invaders you know.
You think stricter punishment would have stopped the Orlando? I for one doubt it, after all the guy died in a shootout. That's about as steep of a punishment as it gets.

I think in this country EVERYONE should be packing something concealed or otherwise almost everywhere. I think it should be required in fact. Weapons should be fashion accessories here. The more armed people there are the less likely people will use them. How often does someone attack a police station?

You're right. But. Just maybe, in the future, AK47s won't be an easy option.
Yes, I believe the average citizen should be allowed to own guns. You have the right to defend yourself and your family. Guns can greatly assist in that endeavor, whereas grenades and poisonous gas won't.

Obviously, for most people, there is a line drawn somewhere in which the potential danger to the public outweighs the right to defend oneself. Personally, I have zero problems with a person being able to concealed carry a handgun. Yes, some people will abuse it, but it is also the most effective and convenient way for a person to defend themselves from an aggressor. Even a 5 foot, 100 lb woman can stop a would-be rapist if she has this tool.

Because the right to defend oneself is one of the most important rights, barriers to acquire a handgun should be minimal. I do admit that when talking about more sophisticated weaponry, like an AR-15, I am comfortable with more checks. I don't think they should be banned, but I am starting to think more thorough background checks might not be the worst thing for these types of guns. Yeah, I know that sounds noncommittal. I am currently having some serious internal debates regarding this subject and my opinion seems to be changing by the hour.
You think stricter punishment would have stopped the Orlando? I for one doubt it, after all the guy died in a shootout. That's about as steep of a punishment as it gets.

I think in this country EVERYONE should be packing something concealed or otherwise almost everywhere. I think it should be required in fact. Weapons should be fashion accessories here. The more armed people there are the less likely people will use them. How often does someone attack a police station?

"Concealed??"" I'd like to see an America where seeing someone walking down the street openly carrying a firearm doesn't turn a single head.

I also keep wondering when someone is going to get sued for failing to prevent a mass killing. Since a private business can be sued for failing to be safe in a lot of other ways. when do we see a lawsuit for a mass attack like this where the business owner gets sued for making the business a target with a "No guns allowed." policy? For the anti-gun group, a successful lawsuit like this could change things across the board...
"Concealed??"" I'd like to see an America where seeing someone walking down the street openly carrying a firearm doesn't turn a single head.

I also keep wondering when someone is going to get sued for failing to prevent a mass killing. Since a private business can be sued for failing to be safe in a lot of other ways. when do we see a lawsuit for a mass attack like this where the business owner gets sued for making the business a target with a "No guns allowed." policy? For the anti-gun group, a successful lawsuit like this could change things across the board...

They serve alcohol, so the state of Florida makes it a gun free zone.
You're right. But. Just maybe, in the future, AK47s won't be an easy option.

AK 47's and the like in that alternate probably to never happen future, would be just functional bling. Like the big gold chains the rappers wear.
Do you believe the average citizen should be allowed to have any guns? If not, can we possess large knives, pepper spray, or tasers? If so, just some, or all? If all, should we also be allowed to possess grenades and poisonous gas? At what point do you believe weapons should be illegal?

At no point! Why? Because evil is always going to be there and good men and women must be able to stop evil, with whatever means they have to do so.
I think of it as a limit to personal arms that can be used effectively for self defense.

hand grenades and poisonous gas (which are not nessecarily illegal but allowed per a strict system of regulation) are not useful for self defense because they cannot be used with precision.

I think the following types of arms should be allowed, hand portable individual served firearms (pistols, shotguns, rifles) knives, swords, clubs, and pikes should be covered by the second amendment.

I agree with outlawing poisonous gas, from the governments and individuals.....but hand grenades....I wish I had a few at my disposal during the Oakland and LA riots!
I'm thinking shoulder fired missiles or perhaps truck bed mounted 50 cals.

Or, perhaps backyard Tomahawk missiles might be frowned upon. (But not by the NRA.)

Who knows?

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