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At what point as a child after you comprehended death did you stop worrying about it? (1 Viewer)


Oct 9, 2018
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Political Leaning
Remember as a young child when you first grasped the concept that you are going to die some day? When did you stop obsessively worrying about it? The worst I can remember is from maybe 3 to 5 or so. I remember being scared and unable to sleep because old age and death was approaching and there was nothing I could do about it. There had to be a solution to the problem. I was frustrated because I couldn't figure out a solution no matter how hard I racked my brain and it was like a slow feeling of impending doom. Then, I eventually said screw it and lived my life at about 5 or so, figuring that if I couldn't do anything about, I wouldn't think about it and I would simply try to enjoy my life. At what age did you stop being scared of old age and dying when you were a child?
33 years and counting ill let you know unless i die 1st OH GOD OBLIVION AWAITS US ALL LIFE IS CRUEL MISTAKE THE VOID COMES!!!!
Remember as a young child when you first grasped the concept that you are going to die some day? When did you stop obsessively worrying about it? The worst I can remember is from maybe 3 to 5 or so. I remember being scared and unable to sleep because old age and death was approaching and there was nothing I could do about it. There had to be a solution to the problem. I was frustrated because I couldn't figure out a solution no matter how hard I racked my brain and it was like a slow feeling of impending doom. Then, I eventually said screw it and lived my life at about 5 or so, figuring that if I couldn't do anything about, I wouldn't think about it and I would simply try to enjoy my life. At what age did you stop being scared of old age and dying when you were a child?

By the age of 11 I had decided to live hard and die young, so I certainly was not afraid then.

I was sure that I would die by 50, but at 56 I am still here...

33 years and counting ill let you know unless i die 1st OH GOD OBLIVION AWAITS US ALL LIFE IS CRUEL MISTAKE THE VOID COMES!!!!

You weren't terrified as a child when you realized you were going to die and you knew it was creeping up on you?
You weren't terrified as a child when you realized you were going to die and you knew it was creeping up on you?

no i mean im still terrified
I was fairly young when Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone came out, and a quote from that has stuck with me and shaped my view on death: "To the well organized mind, death is but the next great adventure". Because of that, I've never had anxiety about death, but more of a curiosity.
I was fairly young when Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone came out, and a quote from that has stuck with me and shaped my view on death: "To the well organized mind, death is but the next great adventure". Because of that, I've never had anxiety about death, but more of a curiosity.

My innate view was I guess an assumption I made as a child that it simply ends. You no longer exist. I actually had to be taught the idea of a religious afterlife.
Remember as a young child when you first grasped the concept that you are going to die some day? When did you stop obsessively worrying about it? The worst I can remember is from maybe 3 to 5 or so. I remember being scared and unable to sleep because old age and death was approaching and there was nothing I could do about it. There had to be a solution to the problem. I was frustrated because I couldn't figure out a solution no matter how hard I racked my brain and it was like a slow feeling of impending doom. Then, I eventually said screw it and lived my life at about 5 or so, figuring that if I couldn't do anything about, I wouldn't think about it and I would simply try to enjoy my life. At what age did you stop being scared of old age and dying when you were a child?

Don't recall having such a fear as a child...I was more afraid of the monster under my bed or in the closet...I slept with a night light until about the age of 10...did your parents or other adults in your young life dwell on the subject of death or something?
I do not recall ever being afraid of dying. Snakes yes, but not death. Now I am not afraid of death, just the method of dying

I knew about death early on, as it was explained to me as why my father was not around (work place accident when I was 6 months old
Remember as a young child when you first grasped the concept that you are going to die some day? When did you stop obsessively worrying about it? The worst I can remember is from maybe 3 to 5 or so. I remember being scared and unable to sleep because old age and death was approaching and there was nothing I could do about it. There had to be a solution to the problem. I was frustrated because I couldn't figure out a solution no matter how hard I racked my brain and it was like a slow feeling of impending doom. Then, I eventually said screw it and lived my life at about 5 or so, figuring that if I couldn't do anything about, I wouldn't think about it and I would simply try to enjoy my life. At what age did you stop being scared of old age and dying when you were a child?

At about 13 I realized I was immortal. After I got out of the Army in '68 I realized that immortality is not evenly distributed.

I plan to live forever. So far so good! ;)
Giving children an understanding of death is easy. All you need is a hammer and a hamster.
That is sick...

Really!! Then i guess you would not be interested in my opinion on how to teach children about sex then. All you need there is a bag of sweets and a kid who can keep a secret.
I don’t have any recollection of ever worrying about death. While I am not looking forward to dying, death doesn’t bother me.
Remember as a young child when you first grasped the concept that you are going to die some day? When did you stop obsessively worrying about it? The worst I can remember is from maybe 3 to 5 or so. I remember being scared and unable to sleep because old age and death was approaching and there was nothing I could do about it. There had to be a solution to the problem. I was frustrated because I couldn't figure out a solution no matter how hard I racked my brain and it was like a slow feeling of impending doom. Then, I eventually said screw it and lived my life at about 5 or so, figuring that if I couldn't do anything about, I wouldn't think about it and I would simply try to enjoy my life. At what age did you stop being scared of old age and dying when you were a child?

I wasn't too worried as I believed the tales of there being a better place.
OK, then. Have them go out in the back yard and choose which chicken they will have for lunch.

Big difference in killing for food and killing for the mere fun of it...
My innate view was I guess an assumption I made as a child that it simply ends. You no longer exist. I actually had to be taught the idea of a religious afterlife.

I'm much the same, I've never been religious, but I'm still open to the possibility that I'm wrong.
i'm still very worried about death. i try to think of other things or to channel that worry into something else.
I stopped being worried around 40, when it became apparent that my life's accomplishments and the actions therein, my soul, would live forever. I realized that all I had done affected others, and they affected others and so on. At the center of my being, a will had been expressed; it made an impact however tiny that will reverberate through the ages.

I've been blessed with immeasurable opportunity and I've taken advantage of some. I've lived a long and privileged life. I've made a change, however indiscernible. I know I'll live forever. I'm good.

Of course, I'd still like to do a few things if there's time.

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