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At what level should public schools students begin receiving instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity? (1 Viewer)

Where should it begin?

  • PreK

  • Kinder

  • 1st

  • 2nd

  • 3rd

  • 4th

  • Middle School (specific grade?)

  • High School (specific grade?)

  • Never

  • 5th

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Loves third parties and steak
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Mar 25, 2010
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Since this has been a hot debate in the last few weeks....

At what level should public schools students begin receiving instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity?

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Since this has been a hot debate in the last few weeks....

At what level should public schools students begin receiving instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity?

Explain your vote (or non-vote) below, please. :)
What do you mean by "instruction?" And is that happening now?
All students in high school should take health class.

There should be instruction about sexuality, but it should be as objective as possible.

All sides should be given an opportunity to give their point of view.

Parents should give permission for their child to take this class.
Since this has been a hot debate in the last few weeks....

At what level should public schools students begin receiving instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity?

Explain your vote (or non-vote) below, please. :)

Should gay parents be allowed to have children? If the answer is yes, then it would seem there is no bottom limit.

The fact that heterosexual couples can be understood by pre-schoolers seems to obliterate any opposition.

What do you mean by "instruction?" And is that happening now?

Instruction meaning what it has always meant. A curriculum purchased or written and teachers writing lesson plans and teaching and leading a discussion on such issues however many times a week.
When the kids display curiosity about it, but as a school system, maybe 6th grade or so.

That is what it’s asking. When should a curriculum be put in place for these issues?
As a rule, the right-wing are terrified of knowledge, and passing that knowledge onto children. This isn't even sexual education. It's the bare minimum of understanding the real world.
That is what it’s asking. When should a curriculum be put in place for these issues?
6th grade is about the time most kids develop enough to start asking questions and noticing new, possibly confusing, attributes and feelings. It’s also the time where kids have a capacity to begin developing shame if they are not like their peers.

It’s probably a good time to start introducing concepts to help them develop in a confident way.
Since this has been a hot debate in the last few weeks....

At what level should public schools students begin receiving instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity?

Explain your vote (or non-vote) below, please. :)

This isn't something for the schools to deal with. This is for the individual, their parents if they are minors and, maybe, health care professionals.
When the kids ask for it.

That implies that it’s a fly by the seat of your pants kind of thing with no formal curriculum in place. What if that teacher they’re asking has a different opinion than yours?
Since this has been a hot debate in the last few weeks....

At what level should public schools students begin receiving instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity?

Explain your vote (or non-vote) below, please. :)
IMHO it's not public schools function to discuss those topics; basic biological/reproductive facts only.
Should gay parents be allowed to have children? If the answer is yes, then it would seem there is no bottom limit.
Or suggests the topic should be taught/discussed in the home.
The fact that heterosexual couples can be understood by pre-schoolers seems to obliterate any opposition.

In my opinion, all school kids should learn to a degree about rape and sexual assault. I'd say around 12 or so some kids could start puberty and potentially be more sexually active so teach kids about sex, birth control, etc around that age rage. Parents should have the option of opting their kids out. Sexuality should be taught younger since some kids may have same-sex parents or trans parents so as to reduce bulling.
Definitely NOT the parents.
If not those who've reared, and who are responsible for them, who? Some member of a teacher's union? Some government official? Some "sex-scientist" with a PhD in deviancy? Who?

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