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At least 8 white nationalists are running for federal office (video) (1 Viewer)

No, it is "for me" to argue his statement is racist since I am arguing he/NR was "extreme".

OMG somebody hacked your account. Change your password.

"I believe holding "nuanced" racist views is like being a little bit pregnant."
OMG somebody hacked your account. Change your password.

"I believe holding "nuanced" racist views is like being a little bit pregnant."

I guess I do prefer the long winded verbiage, since at least it is your words and conveys your thoughts.

Try making a point, within the context that I am showing NR/WFBJr was "extreme".
The point is pretty obvious. You clarified that you viewed Will's comment as extreme because you viewed it as racist. And you are thus far unwilling to support your claim.
Which claim (singular) do you want "proven", that the article was racist (which is self evident) or that it was extreme (which again is self evident since it is racist)?

Basing the disenfranchisement of blacks in the South in the 1950's on the "cultural" superiority of whites....is by definition racist.

Which claim (singular) do you want "proven", that the article was racist (which is self evident) or that it was extreme (which again is self evident since it is racist)?

You just explained that the "extreme" claim relies on the "racist" claim. So isn't it obvious to you that this will involve supporting the claim you denied making ("racist")?

Basing the disenfranchisement of blacks in the South in the 1950's on the "cultural" superiority of whites....is by definition racist.

Is it? Define "racism" and provide your source. Unless you're just here to beg the question.
You just explained that the "extreme" claim relies on the "racist" claim. So isn't it obvious to you that this will involve supporting the claim you denied making ("racist")?
I never denied making the "claim" that the article is racist.

Is it? Define "racism" and provide your source. Unless you're just here to beg the question.
This where you choose the definition, because invariably you will object to my source.
I never denied making the "claim" that the article is racist.

Your denial that you denied it was racist is pretty thin:

**No, it is [not] "for me" to argue his statement is racist since I am arguing he/NR was "extreme".**

If your argument that his argument was extreme depends in turn on his statement being racist then your response above is incredibly disingenuous at best.

This where you choose the definition, because invariably you will object to my source.

This is where you choose the definition, because if you choose it then your later potential response that you were coaxed into defending a straw man caricature of your argument can carry no serious weight. You pick. It's your burden of proof.

It's just not appropriate at all to delay taking up your burden of proof based on your a priori assumption that I will object to the definition you provide. There are plenty of online dictionaries or encyclopedias you might consult. Or if those definitions do not suit your purpose you can find one that does. And we'll see if your choice is coherent and can suit the argument to which you press it. I will assuredly work with whatever definition you provide.

I take it back, I don't miss your verbiage.

prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

The central question that emerges-and it is not
a parliamentary question or a question that is
answered by merely consulting a catalogue of the
rights of American citizens, born Equal-is whether
the White community in the South is entitled to take
such measures as are necessary to prevail, politically
and culturally, in areas in which it does not predominate
numerically? The sobering answer is Yes
-the White community is so entitled because, for
the time being, it is the advanced race
I don't recall the RNC endorsing these did i miss that?

You should really bone up on researching before rebuttal.
Trump endorsed him. Just like he did with Roy Moore, you know the guy with a predilection for under 18 girls, and from what I understand was banned from local Malls.

President Trump appeared awfully eager to throw his support to Corey Stewart, the new GOP nominee for Senate in Virginia, despite the fact that he is an apologist for white supremacy who has been condemned by other Republicans. Trump, arriving back from abroad, tweeted his support for Stewart at 5:55 a.m., wishing him “Congratulations” for his “great victory,” and declaring that he has “a major chance of winning” against Democratic Sen. Tim Kaine.

Trump, you may recall, took weeks before finally endorsing Roy Moore’s Senate candidacy in Alabama. Stewart, of course, is not Moore, who was an accused pedophile as well as an open bigot. But Stewart is himself so problematic that it’s not even clear the GOP establishment will back him: Last night, the National Republican Senatorial Committee said nothing. Yet Trump was very eager to declare his endorsement of Stewart. Perhaps this is not despite Stewart’s dalliances with white supremacists, but because of them.
I take it back, I don't miss your verbiage.

That's certainly relevant. ;-)

prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

The central question that emerges-and it is not
a parliamentary question or a question that is
answered by merely consulting a catalogue of the
rights of American citizens, born Equal-is whether
the White community in the South is entitled to take
such measures as are necessary to prevail, politically
and culturally, in areas in which it does not predominate
numerically? The sobering answer is Yes
-the White community is so entitled because, for
the time being, it is the advanced race

Is your argument now complete? It's not exactly well developed. It's kind of like claiming LeBron James is the greatest basketball player of all time, providing the dictionary definition of "great" and then showing James' career statistics.

It's appropriate in an argument to describe how the statistics on the card make the point about James being the greatest basketball player of all time. Likewise it's appropriate to describe how the quotation of Will makes a point about whatever aspect of racism you're trying to focus on (or all aspects of racism, if that's your preference).

If you have more to add this is the time to do it.
That's certainly relevant. ;-)

Is your argument now complete? It's not exactly well developed. It's kind of like claiming LeBron James is the greatest basketball player of all time, providing the dictionary definition of "great" and then showing James' career statistics.

It's appropriate in an argument to describe how the statistics on the card make the point about James being the greatest basketball player of all time. Likewise it's appropriate to describe how the quotation of Will makes a point about whatever aspect of racism you're trying to focus on (or all aspects of racism, if that's your preference).

If you have more to add this is the time to do it.
Ah BW, I'm just not going to spoon feed this to you, if you cannot on your own read the highlighted section of the definition....and then read the highlighted section from WFBJr...and then either conclude it is or object it is not racism, then we are at an impasse. The acceptance or rejection has to be something you produce, I cannot move your fingers across the keyboard for you.

You should really bone up on researching before rebuttal.
Trump endorsed him. Just like he did with Roy Moore, you know the guy with a predilection for under 18 girls, and from what I understand was banned from local Malls.


While the president got behind him, Sen. Cory Gardner, chair of the National Senate Republican Committee, did not. “We have a big map, right now we are focused on Florida, North Dakota, Missouri, Indiana,” Gardner told CNN’s Manu Raju. “I don’t see Virginia in it.”

Hmm... busts your narrative a bit does it not?

Busts yours
My post is clear
Rebutting you is easier than getting into Community College

You should really bone up on researching before rebuttal.
Trump endorsed him. Just like he did with Roy Moore, you know the guy with a predilection for under 18 girls, and from what I understand was banned from local Malls.
Busts yours
My post is clear
Rebutting you is easier than getting into Community College

You asked if the RNC Endorsed, I could care less what Trump does, as I've said he's a bit of an ass.
Ah BW, I'm just not going to spoon feed this to you, if you cannot on your own read the highlighted section of the definition....and then read the highlighted section from WFBJr...and then either conclude it is or object it is not racism, then we are at an impasse.

LMAO. It's not really a good debate technique, but you score extra points for the condescension. If you can't look at LeBron's stat sheet and tell he's the greatest player of all time, then we are at an impasse.

See how that works?

You haven't really presented an argument. What you've done is throw a couple of premises together and ask your audience to provide the conclusion. It's a particularly bad way to argue because we're dealing with interpretation of a text and you've (coincidentally?) chosen a version of the text that leaves out important context. Will was certainly talking about white culture, not white racial superiority. Cutting out that context makes your wanna-be argument look better superficially, but that appearance is based on deception.

I see this time and time again on discussion boards. It is always the implied argument that the text needs no interpretation because the meaning is self-evidently what the argument needs it to mean.

I can answer your argument (such as it is) by merely highlighting a different part of Will's statement.

"The central question that emerges-and it is not a parliamentary question or a question that is answered by merely consulting a catalogue of the rights of American citizens, born Equal-is whether the White community in the South is entitled to take such measures as are necessary to prevail, politically and culturally, in areas in which it does not pre-dominate numerically? The sobering answer is Yes-the White community is so entitled because, for the time being, it is the advanced race. It is not easy, and it is unpleasant, to adduce statistics evidencing the median cultural superiority of White over Negro: but it is a fact that obtrudes, one that cannot be hidden by ever-so-busy egalitarians and anthropologists. The question, as far as the White community is concerned, is whether the claims of civilization supersede those of universal suffrage."

Is "Born equal" a premise of genetic racial superiority?
Is cultural superiority the same as or even directly related to genetic racial superiority?
Are all cultures effectively equal?

If you are capable of arguing your position, I expect you to answer the questions. They expose the equivocation that serves as the core of your abbreviated argument.

Or you can dodge.

The acceptance or rejection has to be something you produce, I cannot move your fingers across the keyboard for you.

"Yeah, I'm done with my argument" would have taken you less time and effort and dispensed with any need to indulge in personal attacks.
It is really sad that you are not able to read his work and understand the argument, that even if whites are outvoted, do not hold the majority, they still absolutely must take control ("Yes" he says emphatically) since they are the "advanced race". Again, this is not just racism, it is enforced racism with a call for disenfranchisement. It is racist AND VERY extreme.

Gore Vidal was right, William F. Buckley Jr. was a crypto-nazi.
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It is really sad that you are not able to read his work and understand the argument, that even if whites are outvoted, do not hold the majority, they still absolutely must take control ("Yes" he says emphatically) since they are the "advanced race".

What's sad is your choice to not only dodge the questions I asked but to accuse me of failing to read and understand Will's argument while you misrepresent Will's argument.

You simply ignore what doesn't support your argument, such as the parts I highlighted in my previous reply. And this (bold emphasis added):

**The South confronts one grave moral challenge. It must not exploit the fact of Negro backwardness to preserve the Negro as a servile class. It is tempting and convenient to block the progress of a minority whose services, as menials, are economically useful.

Let the South never permit itself to do this. So long as it is merely asserting the right to impose superior mores for whatever period it takes to effect a genuine cultural equality between the races, and so long as it does so by humane and charitable means, the South is in step with civilization, as is the Congress that permits it to function.**

Will is quite clear, contrary to what you claimed, that the justification for suppressing the democratic majority (one of the built-in planned features of a republic) evaporates when it isn't for the good of society, and he's clear in the above that keeping blacks subservient to whites is not one of those goods. You posted the link to the article. How did you miss this part?

Again, this is not just racism, it is enforced racism with a call for disenfranchisement. It is racist AND VERY extreme.

Well, if you have no argument it can't hurt to pretend otherwise by repeating your conclusion. So you have no argument and no answer for the counterargument, eh?

If you believe that some cultures are better than others, then it follows that you are probably a cultural racist according to the subtext of your argument. Without some coherent argument to the contrary, that would also make you an extremist. Just like most people.
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Will is quite clear, contrary to what you claimed, that the justification for suppressing the democratic majority (one of the built-in planned features of a republic) evaporates when it isn't for the good of society, and he's clear in the above that keeping blacks subservient to whites is not one of those goods.
Meaning: That we minority whites will by force take and keep the reigns for a period of unspecified time....since we are the "advanced race".

Well, if you have no argument it can't hurt to pretend otherwise by repeating your conclusion. So you have no argument and no answer for the counterargument, eh?
You are not addressing the point of the exercise, you are sidestepping it, the article is racist and extreme.

If you believe that some cultures are better than others,
It is not me, it is not "culture" It is WFBJr expressing that the white race is "advanced".
then it follows that you are probably a cultural racist according to the subtext of your argument. Without some coherent argument to the contrary, that would also make you an extremist. Just like most people.
There is no "subtext", this is called pure, unadulterated projection by you.

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