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assault weapons (1 Viewer)


Active member
Jun 3, 2004
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[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][/font]
[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Magnum Minute
By Ward Parker[/font]
Why I own an assault weapon...

Every now and again someone asks me why I own a so-called assault weapon.

My reply: Because I can. I'm a freeman, haven't hurt anyone. I enjoy the look, feel and bang of my AR-15.

That reply never suffices. I can tell by the look on their faces that they want more justification, fiber to my reply.

I then tell them that I like books as well, and that I'm against banning books. Thoughts, I tell them, can be quite dangerous in the wrong brains. Nevertheless, I state that anyone who supports banning books (thoughts) must have a different view of the first amendment than me.

That still doesn't quench his or her first why someone would want a gun that is so seemingly menacing and deadly.

I then ask them to tell me what an assault weapon is. I do this to gauge their level of knowledge regarding these guns. They typically cannot put a sentence together that accurately describes these guns. Quite often, these individuals use the words "machine gun" when describing assault weapons.

I then ask them if they know that their local Wal Mart sells more deadly and accurate guns than the guns President Clinton banned. That shocks them. Many do not believe me. I then offer to take them to Wal Mart and give them a basic lesson in firearms. None have ever taken me up on my offer.

I also ask them if they know the difference between a machine gun and a semi-automatic gun. Most do not. I explain the difference and that so-called assault weapons are semi-automatic. Some actually get angry with me because of their fundamental lack of firearm knowledge. I let them get angry. I have learned that some people experience great pain when exposed to facts and common sense.

I then tell them tongue in cheek that that there are any number of things that we could ban that would make America much safer than banning so-called assault weapons, which, I tell them are rarely used in crime. I invite them to call their local police department and ask how many crimes were committed with so-called assault weapons over the past year. I doubt they ever make that call. Ignorance is comfortable and easy.

Let's start with cars. Why should America make any car that will travel over 75 mph? I tell them there have been any number of studies that indicate faster speeds equate to more accidents, injuries and death.

Throw booze in on top of fast cars and now you've really got a deadly combination. I ask them if they know how many people are mangled, injured and killed because of cars and booze. They never know this, so I tell them. I then ask them if they support banning fast cars and booze.

I also tell them that cigarettes and fattening food are the number one killers in America. Knowing that, I ask them if they believe we should regulate or out-right ban McDonalds, Burger King, etc. They typically stammer around and mumble something along the lines of ".of course not. That's a personal choice."

"Exactly," I reply. "Welcome to America.

I read this up on Ted Nugents web site and and found that I couldn't agree more with what was written. It kinda somes up my feelings on the 2nd amendment as well as the assault weapons in one sweep. What do you think?


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Canada has lots of guns and has hardly any gun related deaths, yet thousands of them happen in America. Why is that?
Its the people. Guns don't kill people, people kill people. I don't think walking around with an AR-15 is a good idea either. To use for what?
If you are allowed to carry a gun around (which you are), people should stop complaining and hassling you.
CSA_TX said:
I also tell them that cigarettes and fattening food are the number one killers in America. Knowing that, I ask them if they believe we should regulate or out-right ban McDonald's, Burger King, etc. They typically stammer around and mumble something along the lines of ".of course not. That's a personal choice."

CSA_TX surely eating fattening foods is a personal choice as it is only harmful to yourself, as for cigarettes they can be harmful to others i agree. but a gun is a weapon it is designed to kill. should there be a limit on what kind of weapons you should be allowed to own? why can i not buy a surface to air missile in America, hell i would like that bang!
guns are allowed in America because of the second amendment, partly designed because Americans were scarred of the Spanish, French and British colonies around them. i do not think that there is a need for Americans owning guns today. i doubt Canada is preparing to invade.
Didn't you hear global vision? The bigger the man's gun, the more he is trying to over compensate for something... at least that's what some American girls have been telling me.

I though the second amendment was to protect American settlers from the Native Americans.

Canadians have lots of guns, but they don't shoot people up.
I think Americas violence problem does not stem from the availability of guns but our society. There are some messed up portions of American society that nead to be fixed.
I do not own a gun and don't plan on buying one. The second amendment was to protect the citizens from the government. This, however, is out dated. Name me one weapon you can legally buy that would protect you from the government's armed forces of today. There is not a one. If you believe that you are truly, constitutionally allowed ,to arm your self against the government, would you recommend allowing the citizens of this country to buy grenade launchers or automatic machine guns? I believe the gun owners of this county have a right to bear arms, however, I believe that his should applied to pistols and hunting rifles only. To use the excuse that you need an assault weapon to protect your second amendments rights is arguably wrong.
Personally I don't understand what the big deal about owning an assault weapon is. As it was stated above, you can purchase more accurate deadly weapons at your local wal-mart so if that's what you're going for upgrade to a better choice. If you want it because it looks cool, they do make replicas. Purchase one of them it's not necessary to purchase a real weapon just for it to look cool. The assault weapons ban was put in place to protect the American citizens and IMO it should definitely be put back in place. There is definitely no reason for anyone to actually need one anyway, what practical use does an assault weapon have that any other gun can't do?
AmongstTheFallen said:
Personally I don't understand what the big deal about owning an assault weapon is. As it was stated above, you can purchase more accurate deadly weapons at your local wal-mart so if that's what you're going for upgrade to a better choice. If you want it because it looks cool, they do make replicas. Purchase one of them it's not necessary to purchase a real weapon just for it to look cool. The assault weapons ban was put in place to protect the American citizens and IMO it should definitely be put back in place. There is definitely no reason for anyone to actually need one anyway, what practical use does an assault weapon have that any other gun can't do?
I agree. You can find worst weapons at a Wal-Mart or an Army Depot. Unless you are a military personel you do not need those kind of weapons for any practical use.
Unless we wanna be like Switzerland(sp) where they have no army, just one big militia where every household is armed with automatic weapons. :screwy
One main problem is, we have lots of idiot people on general, whom can't drive safely sober or can't think properly combining lots of alcohol and driving behind the wheel in general. Then let them be armed with assault weapons? Come on now. You all know how people are in general, ignorant and inconsiderate.

Someone is having a bad day, on the way home, someone cuts him/her off on the road. What do you think that person will do with the assault weapon mixed with road rage? We all felt like ripping someone's head off in traffic multiple times at one point or have another form of anger. Having an assault weapon will only make things worse, in general. Having a handgun at home is a different story, that, I believe we all should have legal rights to bear arms, licensed weapon of course.
HighSpeed said:
One main problem is, we have lots of idiot people on general, whom can't drive safely sober or can't think properly combining lots of alcohol and driving behind the wheel in general. Then let them be armed with assault weapons? Come on now. You all know how people are in general, ignorant and inconsiderate.

Someone is having a bad day, on the way home, someone cuts him/her off on the road. What do you think that person will do with the assault weapon mixed with road rage? We all felt like ripping someone's head off in traffic multiple times at one point or have another form of anger. Having an assault weapon will only make things worse, in general. Having a handgun at home is a different story, that, I believe we all should have legal rights to bear arms, licensed weapon of course.
True enough. But if you have road rage, with a pistol under your seat, you will take that gun and shoot at the guy instead. I believe my point is that no matter the weapon, there is always a risk that it will fall into the wrong hands. Sure there is a difference in a hand gun and an AK-47, but my point is both are very dangerous killing machines.
Though I am not an advocate of assualt weapons the fact has risen to my attention that to own an actual assault weapon is a very expensive hobby. For example the
quad-50 which, I was told, is four 50-caliber machine guns put together. Now one 50-caliber uses up about 600 rounds a minute, each round costs about a dollar. Now if you have a quad-50 your using up about $2400 a minute. If save up your entire lifes earnings you might be able to shoot for a couple of hours. Not a very economicaly feasible enterprise for the working class American.
50 Caliber uses depleted uranium armored piercing rounds, I don't see how carrying this weapon around, benefit a person in their daily routines. Not only is it very big and recommended you mount this on a vehicle, its also very heavy and is bad for you back!
The 50 gives me mass wood. The firepower and destruction that can be caused by this is just awsome. I want one.
I'm talking about shooting cans and milk jugs with it so why should I not be allowed to have it. Have you ever seen a coke can go a hundred feet in the air. Now that is a good time.
CSA_TX said:
I'm talking about shooting cans and milk jugs with it so why should I not be allowed to have it. Have you ever seen a coke can go a hundred feet in the air. Now that is a good time.

If you shake it up before you shoot it, it looks even cooler. :cool:
I like guns.

I like long guns, short ones, hand guns, double-barreled ones, guns that make loud bangs, cheap guns, expensive ones, guns that look like military-type guns, both old and new guns, ones with high capacity magazines, machine guns, and others that must be loaded every time you fire them.

There isn’t a gun I don’t like. Not one, including cap guns, paintball guns and water guns. All of them have their own special allure and purpose.

I’ve never looked at, picked up or shot a gun and said there is no reason for this gun, that we ought to ban or outlaw it. Gun owners who believe this or that gun has no purpose are no friend of mine.

Show me any gun and I’ll give you many reasons why I would like to own it, why I believe it is useful. There are no useless guns on the market. Not one. All of them are fun to shoot.

I like to shoot guns, clean guns, hold guns, listen to guns going off, talk about guns, read about guns, take guns apart, put them back together, think about guns I would like to own, show my guns to my friends, and teach my kids how to safely shoot and handle them.

I don’t believe there is such thing as a dangerous gun. Guns don’t fire by themselves. They are completely harmless inanimate things constructed largely of metal and polished wood.

With the exception of guns provided to the military, no gun has ever made for the express intent to kill people. Not one. The Saturday Night Special hand gun, whatever that is, is a myth perpetuated by people with little or no knowledge of guns.

I have little tolerance for people who want to ban guns, as I believe what they are really banning is freedom, not guns. Freedom is too sacred to be banned by politically-correct politicians and gun grabbers. Gun owners should join pro-gun organizations that fight for freedom.

I own different guns for all kinds of purposes, not the least of which is plinking. Having fired tens of thousands of bb’s as a kid, plinking is still one of my favorite pastimes regardless of the caliber. All guns are a blast, both literally and figuratively.

Guns help to instill self-discipline, which is something we don’t teach our kids enough of today. You won’t hit anything with a gun without practice. Guns also teach about consequences, cause and effect, and respect. I like that. So should you.

I don’t believe there are too many guns in the hands of the 80 million gun owners in America. How many guns you choose to own or not own is your business.

Trigger guards and gun safes are fine. If you want one, great. If not, that’s great, too. We don’t mandate childproof locks on cabinets where poisonous cleaning solutions are kept or require matches and lighters be locked in a secure container. We shouldn’t mandate trigger guards and gun safes simply because we believe that will create a safer environment.

I could careless if you carry a concealed gun. I’m not fearful that you will accidentally shoot me or anyone else. The only people who need fear you are predators. That’s good. I hope you practice often with your gun.

Guns represent freedom. I cherish that. So should you.

I like guns.
you can purchase more accurate deadly weapons at your local wal-mart so if that's what you're going for upgrade to a better choice.Did you know that in order to join a union at wal mart you have to be a communist Chinese? AMERICAN UNIONS NEED NOT APPLY!
CSA_TX said:
I like guns.

I like long guns, short ones, hand guns, double-barreled ones, guns that make loud bangs, cheap guns, expensive ones, guns that look like military-type guns, both old and new guns, ones with high capacity magazines, machine guns, and others that must be loaded every time you fire them.

There isn’t a gun I don’t like. Not one, including cap guns, paintball guns and water guns. All of them have their own special allure and purpose.

I’ve never looked at, picked up or shot a gun and said there is no reason for this gun, that we ought to ban or outlaw it. Gun owners who believe this or that gun has no purpose are no friend of mine.

Show me any gun and I’ll give you many reasons why I would like to own it, why I believe it is useful. There are no useless guns on the market. Not one. All of them are fun to shoot.

I like to shoot guns, clean guns, hold guns, listen to guns going off, talk about guns, read about guns, take guns apart, put them back together, think about guns I would like to own, show my guns to my friends, and teach my kids how to safely shoot and handle them.

I don’t believe there is such thing as a dangerous gun. Guns don’t fire by themselves. They are completely harmless inanimate things constructed largely of metal and polished wood.

With the exception of guns provided to the military, no gun has ever made for the express intent to kill people. Not one. The Saturday Night Special hand gun, whatever that is, is a myth perpetuated by people with little or no knowledge of guns.

I have little tolerance for people who want to ban guns, as I believe what they are really banning is freedom, not guns. Freedom is too sacred to be banned by politically-correct politicians and gun grabbers. Gun owners should join pro-gun organizations that fight for freedom.

I own different guns for all kinds of purposes, not the least of which is plinking. Having fired tens of thousands of bb’s as a kid, plinking is still one of my favorite pastimes regardless of the caliber. All guns are a blast, both literally and figuratively.

Guns help to instill self-discipline, which is something we don’t teach our kids enough of today. You won’t hit anything with a gun without practice. Guns also teach about consequences, cause and effect, and respect. I like that. So should you.

I don’t believe there are too many guns in the hands of the 80 million gun owners in America. How many guns you choose to own or not own is your business.

Trigger guards and gun safes are fine. If you want one, great. If not, that’s great, too. We don’t mandate childproof locks on cabinets where poisonous cleaning solutions are kept or require matches and lighters be locked in a secure container. We shouldn’t mandate trigger guards and gun safes simply because we believe that will create a safer environment.

I could careless if you carry a concealed gun. I’m not fearful that you will accidentally shoot me or anyone else. The only people who need fear you are predators. That’s good. I hope you practice often with your gun.

Guns represent freedom. I cherish that. So should you.

I like guns.
Jeez! You can tell he's from TX.
Jaymo said:
Jeez! You can tell he's from TX.
But wait, Jaymo, according to Mr. Bush, all red staters love and cherish freedom. Using CSA's logic, they all like guns! Cuz remember, guns=freedom!

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