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Are you planning on watching convention coverage? (1 Viewer)

Are you planning on watching convention coverage?

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Sep 3, 2011
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Are you planning on watching convention coverage?

Either one.

I usually do not, but the Rep convention intrigues me in kind of a potential train wreck kind of way. I just might watch.

I gave that up a loooong time ago. Just a lot of speechifying, back-slapping, and pundit commentary.

I can wait for the news to let me know if anything surprising happened.
Are you planning on watching convention coverage?

Either one.

I usually do not, but the Rep convention intrigues me in kind of a potential train wreck kind of way. I just might watch.

I'm not a Republican or a Democrat. I already know the ending, Trump get nominated in the GOP and Hillary gets the nomination in the Democratic. Besides, I utterly detest both Trump and Clinton. I won't vote for either, but will vote for Johnson as a protest for the two major parties nominating these two_________fill in the black with any four or more letter words or word that are derogatory of your choosing. Personally, I think both major parties are insane by nominating candidate only their supporters like and no one else.
Nope. I don't support either candidate, I'm only voting against one side and not for the other. I don't care what either of them have to say.
Are you planning on watching convention coverage?

Either one.

I usually do not, but the Rep convention intrigues me in kind of a potential train wreck kind of way. I just might watch.

Flip flip flip flip . . .

Oh, sure.

Train wrecks and multi car pileups are fascinating to watch. I think I'll learn to play the fiddle, you know, like Nero.
Are you planning on watching convention coverage?

Either one.

I usually do not, but the Rep convention intrigues me in kind of a potential train wreck kind of way. I just might watch.

Neither - I've got more important and more entertaining things to do, like cleaning out the gutters....
I really do fear that there will be violence at the Republican convention caused by outside actors.
I used to watch at least 10 hours of both but that was a long time ago, back in the 90's was my last time. I will watch more than I have since then I bet, but I live in the moment so dont hold me to that.
I'll watch and read about bits and pieces of both.
Are you planning on watching convention coverage?

Either one.

I usually do not, but the Rep convention intrigues me in kind of a potential train wreck kind of way. I just might watch.

I do not have a television yet if I did I would probably watch a little of each convention.

I gave that up a loooong time ago. Just a lot of speechifying, back-slapping, and pundit commentary.

I can wait for the news to let me know if anything surprising happened.

Yeah, but don't you wanna be there when Trump gets egged?
Are you planning on watching convention coverage?

Either one.

I usually do not, but the Rep convention intrigues me in kind of a potential train wreck kind of way. I just might watch.

I will watch both I usually do, I like to see what underlings will be there so I know who to look out for in the future. I don't really care much for the he/she/I am great speeches done by the big boys in the parties. Christie last time was pretty funny to see. I was like WTF? Aren't you supposed to be talking about Romney? Maybe he forgot he wasn't in NJ.
I'm going to keep watching Showgirls while both conventions will be broadcasted.
Step right up, hurry hurry.....

i'll watch part of each.
I'll watch a little of each ... probably ''surf'' away and not return due to excessive advertising .. Only WWE is worse ...
I really do fear that there will be violence at the Republican convention caused by outside actors.

And if there is, it'll show up on YouTube. I don't have to waste my time watching in case something happens, I can just catch the highlight reel later.
Neither - I've got more important and more entertaining things to do, like cleaning out the gutters....

I'm painting the kitchen this week (seriously) but haven't watched convention coverage for many years.
The GOP convention has all the makings of a real life SNL skit. Who would miss some of the best comedy on TV to come around for a long time! I can't wait.
Does anybody know if a large, well organized group of Skinheads has applied for a permit to protest at the DemCon?
Not so much the convention itself, but rather the insanity outside the convention area.

And that insanity will help Trump, not Clinton. I doubt the media will be able to blame any violence on Trump. And it will not be Trump supporters that commit the more than likely destruction of property and probably looting and the other perks that go with agitated violence.

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