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Are you libertarian or authoritarian? Quiz (1 Viewer)

Sorry, but the test is ridiculous.
First question: Abortion should be legal in all or most cases? Which is it? All or most?
Second question: Euthanasia? Are you talking about one person killing another person because they think they'd be happier being dead? That's murder. If you're talking about assisted suicide that's what it should say.

I'm a fiscal conservative and socially a libertarian. I accept abortion before the fetus can live independent of the mother. I don't know if that's most or not. Euthanasia? I think killing someone who hasn't expressed a desire to be killed is murder. Often, these killings aren't to benefit the one suffering. They're to benefit the one who doesn't want to be responsible for caring for them or the one eagerly awaiting an inheritance. And gay marriage? Marriage should not be a legal issue. Marriage should be left to the churches. Civil unions are the business of the government and should provide equal protection under the law which they don't now.

I'm in favor of legalize drugs with one provision. Not one cent of public money should be spent to support the user. You want to do drugs, no SSI, no food stamps, no section 8 housing, no Medicaid card.
clearly an unbiased quiz...

the result pics are



Wat? This quiz should have at least five results:
(from most to least pro-government):
- Totalitarian
- Authoritarian
- Libertarian
- Anarchist
- Nihilist

I'd personally go with something like this (so as to not paint pro-government types as enemies):
- Totalitarian
- Authoritarian
- Liberal
- Partisan
- Libertarian
- Conservative
- Anarchist
- Nihilist

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