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Are Humanbeings special or just like cats and dogs (1 Viewer)

Are Humanbeings worth more then your dog.

  • Yes Humans are worth more then cats and dogs

    Votes: 18 66.7%
  • NO, we are the same as cats and dogs

    Votes: 7 25.9%
  • have no idea

    Votes: 2 7.4%

  • Total voters


Feb 4, 2006
Reaction score
Lakeport CA
Political Leaning
You are made in the image of GOD!
YOU ARE VERY SPECIAL and above all creatures on EARTH.
you are not cats and dogs and have responsiblities over all others on EARTH!


Is the life of a human being worth more then your cat?
Robodoon said:
You are made in the image of GOD!
YOU ARE VERY SPECIAL and above all creatures on EARTH.
you are not cats and dogs and have responsiblities over all others on EARTH!


Is the life of a human being worth more then your cat?

When I first glanced at the thread title I thought it was some retarded PETA thread.

But we will proably get some people who think we are just the same as cats and dogs.
Yes, human lives are worth more than cat lives.
No, it has nothing to do with being created in your god's image.
Yes, this thread is stupid.
I'm willing to accept that midgets, dwarves, the elephant man, and Roseanne Barr (*shudder*) were created in what you believe is the image of your god. Many humans are 'very special,' and perhaps you're even 'lucky' enough to be numbered among them, but I don't think that the planet Earth exists solely for our titillation or that evolution has achieved it's sole purpose now that I'm around.
Robodoon said:
Is the life of a human being worth more then your cat?
That's a tough question, my cat is pretty ****in' awesome; I guess it would depend on the human being.
Why should I care more about some random than my dogs? My dogs are like members of the family. If it came down to saving either some dumb bogan or my dog... gee, what a tough choice. :roll: I don't how him/her - they can save their bloody selves. It especially counts if there's an element of risk to me in doing so.

Selfish? Probably. Misanthropic? Definitely. I don't care.
Humans are big brained animals. Consequently they are the most intelligent & the most stupid creatures on the planet.

But are they special ?

Lets see what special means according to websters...

Main Entry: 1spe·cial
Pronunciation: 'spe-sh&l
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Old French or Latin; Old French especial, from Latin specialis individual, particular, from species species
1 : distinguished by some unusual quality; especially : being in some way superior <our special blend>
2 : held in particular esteem <a special friend>
3 a : readily distinguishable from others of the same category : UNIQUE <they set it apart as a special day of thanksgiving> b : of, relating to, or constituting a species : SPECIFIC
4 : being other than the usual : ADDITIONAL, EXTRA
5 : designed for a particular purpose or occasion

My answers are as follows:-
1: Yes.. big brains & superior ability to understand the world & to manipulate it & exploit other species & even their own kind.
2: N/A
3: Yes.. distinguishable from other primates.
4: maybe
5: No.. Not designed for any particular purpose other than for survival & gene serving like all other lifeforms.
In fact not even 'designed'.. unless you believe in intelligent design.

Robodoon said:
Is the life of a human being worth more then your cat?
Mmmm... depends on which human... & which cat LOL
Last edited:
vergiss said:
Why should I care more about some random than my dogs? My dogs are like members of the family. If it came down to saving either some dumb bogan or my dog... gee, what a tough choice. :roll: I don't how him/her - they can save their bloody selves. It especially counts if there's an element of risk to me in doing so.

Selfish? Probably. Misanthropic? Definitely. I don't care.

I would have to agree with you. My cats are a lot more important to me than some random person. Now, if it came down to saving a friend or family member, of course they'd have higher priority, and if I could, of course I would try to save a random person from whatever scenario.....but after the family and friends, the cats come first. :lol:

Besides, Robodoon, what about those of us that don't believe in the God you speak of? We obviously wouldn't subscribe to the view that we were all created in God's image, since to us, that God doesn't exist. In that case, your view is moot.
Don't ask me, either. I like animals more then I like 'most' people.

Animals give unselfish love, unconditional friendship and total loyalty...something humans aren't always capable of.

I'm honored to be part of the lives of 4 cats and one dog at the moment.

You can judge a society by how well they treat their animals.

You can judge the character of an individual by how well they treat animals.

Cats are more macho then dogs. Cats never lose their natural born instinct to hunt. Cats are never totally domesticated, as dogs can be.

If you're a young female, and you're seeing a guy who mistreats animals...you're next on the list if you stick around long enough.
Hoot said:
Animals give unselfish love, unconditional friendship and total loyalty...something humans aren't always capable of.

I'll remember that next time I go skinny dipping in the Amazon.

Hoot said:
I'm honored to be part of the lives of 4 cats and one dog at the moment.

What kind of dog? I'm a dog lover myself. Golden Retrievers especially.

Hoot said:
You can judge the character of an individual by how well they treat animals.

One time I used bug spray on bees' nest. I guess that makes me a mass-murderer.

Hoot said:
Cats are more macho then dogs. Cats never lose their natural born instinct to hunt. Cats are never totally domesticated, as dogs can be.

More macho? IMHO, my friends' Rottweiler (named Tank) is considerably more macho than their Siamese cat (named Precious).

Hoot said:
If you're a young female, and you're seeing a guy who mistreats animals...you're next on the list if you stick around long enough.

What falls under the category of mistreating animals?



Setting mousetraps?

Using bugspray?
The Real McCoy said:
I'll remember that next time I go skinny dipping in the Amazon.

Well, there's reptiles and amphibians that don't neccessarily fall under the class of cute and furry animals..LOL.

What kind of dog? I'm a dog lover myself. Golden Retrievers especially.

Border Collie...the smartest, most loyal dog I've ever had.

One time I used bug spray on bees' nest. I guess that makes me a mass-murderer.

Yes, not to mention a spreader of bio-hazards, and a killer of botany specimums, since the bees couldn't pollinate those lovely plants and flowers.

More macho? IMHO, my friends' Rottweiler (named Tank) is considerably more macho than their Siamese cat (named Precious).

Cats never lose their sense of stalking and hunting prey. If you took Precious and Tank, and separated them, and left them alone in the woods for a month, I think you'd find that Precious would have a far greater chance of survival. ( Unless Tank could survive by continually eating his own poo-poo? LOL!)

What falls under the category of mistreating animals?



Setting mousetraps?

Using bugspray?

I wouldn't label any of those as animal abuse, but you don't need mousetraps with a cat in the house.

Animal abuse is buying a dog because you think it will protect whatever meager belongings you have, and leaving it on the end of a 6 foot chain its entire life.
jamesrage said:
When I first glanced at the thread title I thought it was some retarded PETA thread.

But we will proably get some people who think we are just the same as cats and dogs.

People who say we are just like cats and dogs are enimies of Human beings.

They are brainwashed conditioned folks who have fallen for the lies of the Rich.
Robodoon said:
People who say we are just like cats and dogs are enimies of Human beings.

They are brainwashed conditioned folks who have fallen for the lies of the Rich.

that is hilarious, please elaborate
Kandahar said:
Yes, human lives are worth more than cat lives.
No, it has nothing to do with being created in your god's image.
Yes, this thread is stupid.

Nothing to say a?
Befuddled_Stoner said:
I'm willing to accept that midgets, dwarves, the elephant man, and Roseanne Barr (*shudder*) were created in what you believe is the image of your god. Many humans are 'very special,' and perhaps you're even 'lucky' enough to be numbered among them, but I don't think that the planet Earth exists solely for our titillation or that evolution has achieved it's sole purpose now that I'm around.

That's a tough question, my cat is pretty ****in' awesome; I guess it would depend on the human being.

Evolution doesn't exist except in theory, thats why its called the Theory of Evolution and Darwin even said its was bogus.
robin said:
Humans are big brained animals. Consequently they are the most intelligent & the most stupid creatures on the planet.

But are they special ?

Lets see what special means according to websters...

Main Entry: 1spe·cial
Pronunciation: 'spe-sh&l
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Old French or Latin; Old French especial, from Latin specialis individual, particular, from species species
1 : distinguished by some unusual quality; especially : being in some way superior <our special blend>
2 : held in particular esteem <a special friend>
3 a : readily distinguishable from others of the same category : UNIQUE <they set it apart as a special day of thanksgiving> b : of, relating to, or constituting a species : SPECIFIC
4 : being other than the usual : ADDITIONAL, EXTRA
5 : designed for a particular purpose or occasion

My answers are as follows:-
1: Yes.. big brains & superior ability to understand the world & to manipulate it & exploit other species & even their own kind.
2: N/A
3: Yes.. distinguishable from other primates.
4: maybe
5: No.. Not designed for any particular purpose other than for survival & gene serving like all other lifeforms.
In fact not even 'designed'.. unless you believe in intelligent design.

Mmmm... depends on which human... & which cat LOL

Fine claim your slavery
Hoot said:
Don't ask me, either. I like animals more then I like 'most' people.

So did Hitler

Animals give unselfish love, unconditional friendship and total loyalty...something humans aren't always capable of.
If they are Trained as such.

I'm honored to be part of the lives of 4 cats and one dog at the moment.

You can judge a society by how well they treat their animals.

In China they skin them alive.

You can judge the character of an individual by how well they treat animals.
Again, Hitler loved animals and hated people, you were saying?

Cats are more macho then dogs. Cats never lose their natural born instinct to hunt. Cats are never totally domesticated, as dogs can be.

If you're a young female, and you're seeing a guy who mistreats animals...you're next on the list if you stick around long enough.

Well I was shooting more for our worth as humans...and our right to be free from other men.
Timequake said:
that is hilarious, please elaborate

Its the new system being taught to the young...for our enslavement.

Training us to forget who we are, so we can be remade for something else.

Most Environmentalism supports that idea, and environmentalism is a state sponcer religion.
Robodoon said:
Evolution doesn't exist except in theory, thats why its called the Theory of Evolution and Darwin even said its was bogus.

Please provide a credible source/quote for Darwin renouncing his life's work.
Hoot said:
Animals give unselfish love, unconditional friendship and total loyalty...something humans aren't always capable of.

Robodon said:
If they are Trained as such.

Nonsense. What happened? Were you a young little rugrat when a mean 'ol puppy chased you and knocked you off your bike? Scar you for life?

Hoot said:
I'm honored to be part of the lives of 4 cats and one dog at the moment.
You can judge a society by how well they treat their animals.

Robodon said:
In China they skin them alive.

Well, they probably eat them too? What's your point?

Hoot said:
You can judge the character of an individual by how well they treat animals.

Robodon said:
Again, Hitler loved animals and hated people, you were saying?

A love of animals does not neccessarily equate to a love of mankind, but usually animal abuse is an indicator of a mal-adjusted individual, an individual who will often graduate to cruelty to people.

Hoot said:
Cats are more macho then dogs. Cats never lose their natural born instinct to hunt. Cats are never totally domesticated, as dogs can be.
If you're a young female, and you're seeing a guy who mistreats animals...you're next on the list if you stick around long enough.

Robodon said:
Well I was shooting more for our worth as humans...and our right to be free from other men.

Then why start a post with this topic heading?
The Real McCoy said:
Please provide a credible source/quote for Darwin renouncing his life's work.

Charles Darwin confided his own doubts in a letter to a colleague in 1858, the year before publication of the Origin of Species:

Thank you heartily for what you say about my book; but you will be greatly disappointed; it will be grievously too hypothetical. It will very likely be of no other service then collating some facts; though I myself think I see my way approximately on the origin of the species. But, alas, how frequent, how almost universal it is in an author to persuade himself of the truth of his own dogmas.

If Darwin himself called it "grievously too hypothetical," why are we teaching it as proven fact today?

Page 74 The Case against Darwin
Hoot said:
Nonsense. What happened? Were you a young little rugrat when a mean 'ol puppy chased you and knocked you off your bike? Scar you for life?

Well, they probably eat them too? What's your point?

A love of animals does not neccessarily equate to a love of mankind, but usually animal abuse is an indicator of a mal-adjusted individual, an individual who will often graduate to cruelty to people.

Then why start a post with this topic heading?

are you sure your a guy? I feel like I'm talking to a teenage girl who is part of Wicca.?
I should probably answer "just like cats & dogs" but.....if that were true then I couldn't eat my equals....and.....well..... I can't bring myself to not eat animals. They are just so freakin tasty.....So therefore....animals are lesser than humans....if they can talk or communicate then they have evolved past my menu and have nothing to fear from my grill....:mrgreen:
Robodoon said:
are you sure your a guy? I feel like I'm talking to a teenage girl who is part of Wicca.?

Great comeback...great debating style.

Get back to me when you get your GED.

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