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Are Americans smart enough to hold freedom? (1 Viewer)

Are Americans smart enough to hold freedom?

  • YES

    Votes: 8 80.0%
  • NO

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • Who cares?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Its already Gone

    Votes: 1 10.0%

  • Total voters


Feb 4, 2006
Reaction score
Lakeport CA
Political Leaning
On the current trend , no.

On this trend your Children will be SLAVES! AND BY GOLLY MOST DON'T EVEN UNDERSTAND HOW this could be.

Point proven.
Robodoon said:
On the current trend , no.

On this trend your Children will be SLAVES! AND BY GOLLY MOST DON'T EVEN UNDERSTAND HOW this could be.

Point proven.

You haven't proven anything.
Is "chicken little syndrome" your point?
I don't understand the question.....could you maybe phrase it better?
tumbleweed said:
You haven't proven anything.
Is "chicken little syndrome" your point?

I think I have proven you don't know what the hell is going on.

Robodoon said:
I think I have proven you don't know what the hell is going on.


Exactly. You make a wild off-the-wall statement, then offer nothing to enlighten anyone about what your refering to.
talloulou said:
I don't understand the question.....could you maybe phrase it better?

We are losing or have lost our freedom, can we hold it or get it back?

tumbleweed said:
Exactly. You make a wild off-the-wall statement, then offer nothing to enlighten anyone about what your refering to.

Well recently our Private Property rights have been put on the chopping block.

Do you find concern with that?

Today in America We the people serve a Purpose.

We serve as workers, Tax payers and consumers, outside of that our worth as human beings is not concidered.

We came here to be free...we aren't seeing that today. We are being turned in to slaves, and don't even have to tools to see that today
Robodoon said:
We are losing or have lost our freedom, can we hold it or get it back?


Freedom can mean different things to different people. We are certainly not a country without law. What specific freedoms did you have that you have now lost and are very concerned about?????

Are you afraid Bush is spying on ya right now??:cool:
Robodoon said:
Well recently our Private Property rights have been put on the chopping block.

Do you find concern with that?

Depends on what specific private property rights you are talking about.

Today in America We the people serve a Purpose.

I'd hope so. I'd hate to be without a purpose!

We serve as workers, Tax payers and consumers, outside of that our worth as human beings is not concidered.

Well you can certainly choose to be unemployed. People do it all the time. You can definitely start "consuming" less. What's stopping you? If you have no self worth outside of paying your taxes you need to get a life.

We came here to be free...we aren't seeing that today. We are being turned in to slaves, and don't even have to tools to see that today

Slaves....little dramatic don't you think? You definitely aren't a slave. Like I said if you consume less you won't need to work as much to support your mall habit. I think my people came here as a result of some potatoe faminie or some such nonsense. I'm certainly "free" to eat all the potatoes I want. I was born here so I didn't come in search of anything. However people relocate to the US all the time so I imagine we still are offering something better than can be found elsewhere.

However, if you disagree you are certainly free to travel.....
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talloulou said:
Freedom can mean different things to different people. We are certainly not a country without law. What specific freedoms did you have that you have now lost and are very concerned about?????

Are you afraid Bush is spying on ya right now??:cool:

Well the freedom our founding fathers sought.

I'm sure this isn't what they were talking about


Notice no place for WE THE PEOPLE!

Thats one thing that speaks against freedom to me.

Private Property isn't "Sustainable" in government promoted "Sustainable Development"
Robodoon said:
I think I have proven you don't know what the hell is going on.


and I think most if not all of your posts have shown you to be a
Conspiracy Theory LUNATIC
completely off your rocker
missing every card in the deck except the jokers
person who wears a tinfoil hat made of Heavy duty Aluminum Foil
DeeJayH said:
and I think most if not all of your posts have shown you to be a
Conspiracy Theory LUNATIC
completely off your rocker
missing every card in the deck except the jokers
person who wears a tinfoil hat made of Heavy duty Aluminum Foil

:lol: and my favorite Robin Williams line: Two tacos short of a combination plate.
I'm still not understanding you on the whole private property thing? Not sure what your trying to say with your map. Obviously we need to develop land in a certain way. You want to design cities and neighborhoods smartly. We definitely aren't free like they were back in the day where you could ride your horse and wagon across the land till you found a piece you wanted to claim as your own! But we do own our houses. Occasionally the government does stuff that is unfair like forcing people to move so they can build a highway and what not. And the environmentalists do belly ache over urban sprawl despite the fact that the US has tons of open space in the middle of the country. So that can be a headache for some individuals. But the government does let goofballs build their homes on beaches where they get washed away everytime there's a major storm. So there's definitely freedom to be stupid regarding where you live.

What property rights would you like to have? Do you really want your neighborhood to not be zoned? Would you like a factory to locate across the street from you? Would you ike them to not build highways even after it takes 3 hours to get to work. What are you asking for?
talloulou said:
Depends on what specific private property rights you are talking about.

Well now we are seeing property taken and given to private interests.

I'd hope so. I'd hate to be without a purpose!

Well you can certainly choose to be unemployed. People do it all the time. You can definitely start "consuming" less. What's stopping you? If you have no self worth outside of paying your taxes you need to get a life.
I'm saying thats how we are seen by government, ie "Human Resources"

Slaves....little dramatic don't you think? You definitely aren't a slave. Like I said if you consume less you won't need to work as much to support your mall habit. I think my people came here as a result of some potatoe faminie or some such nonsense. I'm certainly "free" to eat all the potatoes I want. I was born here so I didn't come in search of anything. However people relocate to the US all the time so I imagine we still are offering something better than can be found elsewhere.

However, if you disagree you are certainly free to travel.....

We are suffering from a set trend today, what seems impossible today will be normal tomorrow.
DeeJayH said:
and I think most if not all of your posts have shown you to be a
Conspiracy Theory LUNATIC
completely off your rocker
missing every card in the deck except the jokers
person who wears a tinfoil hat made of Heavy duty Aluminum Foil

Maybe its just something you can't believe, because after all this is America and that can't happen here, because this is America and someone would tell us or stop it...because this is America and.... ;)
KCConservative said:
:lol: and my favorite Robin Williams line: Two tacos short of a combination plate.

Sandwich short of a picnic ;)
talloulou said:
I'm still not understanding you on the whole private property thing?
http://www.cnn.com/2005/LAW/06/23/scotus.property.ap/index.html for one...but there is a plan as well, in that map.

Not sure what your trying to say with your map.
Thats whats planned for America

Obviously we need to develop land in a certain way. You want to design cities and neighborhoods smartly.
Sure, and that is why its called "Smart Growth", but one has what do they mean by smart?
Smart Growth Parallels Russian Soviet Planning

We definitely aren't free like they were back in the day where you could ride your horse and wagon across the land till you found a piece you wanted to claim as your own! But we do own our houses.
If they are paid off, but most homes are owned by the bank. And the government puts a claim on it as well.

Occasionally the government does stuff that is unfair like forcing people to move so they can build a highway and what not.
They are doing it for private interests today, but citing benifit to the "community" as reason, but ignoring the rights of Americans.

And the environmentalists do belly ache over urban sprawl despite the fact that the US has tons of open space in the middle of the country. So that can be a headache for some individuals. But the government does let goofballs build their homes on beaches where they get washed away everytime there's a major storm. So there's definitely freedom to be stupid regarding where you live.
Well that sort of freedom is going away, when we get a government that tries to correct all the dumb things people do, we have a problem, just like today. We are talking controlled communities, that are being planned for us to live in. But no one asked us, they are just doing it.

What property rights would you like to have? Do you really want your neighborhood to not be zoned? Would you like a factory to locate across the street from you? Would you ike them to not build highways even after it takes 3 hours to get to work. What are you asking for?

I'd like a reduction in a many government "jobs" but today we are talking about a growing system based on "Third Way" that is by passing our normal form of government, methods like Regioning are used to bring new divisions and new strings of command out of the reach of we the people. This system is international in scope and very active in the USA today.
KCConservative said:
:lol: and my favorite Robin Williams line: Two tacos short of a combination plate.

How about a few fries short of a Happy Meal? :mrgreen:
Stace said:
How about a few fries short of a Happy Meal? :mrgreen:

how you two can talk about food? It smells here so bad!
Robodoon said:
Maybe its just something you can't believe, because after all this is America and that can't happen here, because this is America and someone would tell us or stop it...because this is America and.... ;)

why am i not surprised that you are from California :lol:
DeeJayH said:
why am i not surprised that you are from California :lol:

why am I not surprised that the truth scares you?

Well its upsetting to learn ;)
Robodoon said:
why am I not surprised that the truth scares you?

Well its upsetting to learn ;)

hate to tell you, but i havent been scared in years in real life
forget about on a message board
DeeJayH said:
hate to tell you, but i havent been scared in years in real life
forget about on a message board

You will be. Good of heart, hard of heart...but blind.

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