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Any classical music fans around? (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Mar 16, 2007
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I just wonder who ya like? I was a hardcore Russian fan in my 20s. Couldn't get enough Tchaikovsky, Mussorgsky, Stravinsky, and Shostakovich. Now that I'm in my 30s I can't stop listening to Beethoven. Especially anything he wrote for solo piano. So who is your favorite?
I just wonder who ya like? I was a hardcore Russian fan in my 20s. Couldn't get enough Tchaikovsky, Mussorgsky, Stravinsky, and Shostakovich. Now that I'm in my 30s I can't stop listening to Beethoven. Especially anything he wrote for solo piano. So who is your favorite?

So much to choose from.

Beethoven - Fur Else...

Beethoven - Grosse Fugue.

Beethoven - 9th Symphony

Verdi's requiem - Dies Irae

Orff - Carmina Burana

Holst - The Planets

Grieg - Peer Gynt
So much to choose from.

Beethoven - Fur Else...

Beethoven - Grosse Fugue.

Beethoven - 9th Symphony

Verdi's requiem - Dies Irae

Orff - Carmina Burana

Holst - The Planets

Grieg - Peer Gynt

Now hold the phone...with your user name I would have bet dollars to doughnuts that this would be your favorite...

People HATE being killed by a cute creature...

Most guys take the macho movies actor names or grab the names of long dead military icons.


I forgot.

Stravinsky - Fire-bird suite. But only when I am in the right mood.

Top notch choice. And much easier to listen to than his rite of spring
Rite of Spring can grate on the nerves.

You opinion of Prokofiev March of the Knights?

I hate to be a stickler (please don't hate me) but it's dance of the Knights, and it's one of my favorites from my Russian phase. If you like it, try Russian Sailors dance by Reinhold Gliere (you probably know that one, but if not give it a listen)
I hate to be a stickler (please don't hate me) but it's dance of the Knights, and it's one of my favorites from my Russian phase. If you like it, try Russian Sailors dance by Reinhold Gliere (you probably know that one, but if not give it a listen)

You are right...

I am terrible with names off the top of my head...

Trying the Russian Sailors dance now.

How are you with Modern + Classical? Trans-Siberian Orchestra? Enigma's riff on Carmina Burana?
Rite of Spring can grate on the nerves.

You opinion of Prokofiev March of the Knights?

Oh, one other thing you should check out. I'm extrapolating from your first post that you like beethoven. A really cool thing to listen to is Beethoven symphonies transcribed for solo piano by Franz Liszt. Really neat.
You are right...

I am terrible with names off the top of my head...

Trying the Russian Sailors dance now.

How are you with Modern + Classical? Trans-Siberian Orchestra? Enigma's riff on Carmina Burana?

I went to the TSO's show for thier album about beethoven on his deathbed (Beethovens last night) They work some of his stuff into thier style brilliantly.
Oh, one other thing you should check out. I'm extrapolating from your first post that you like beethoven. A really cool thing to listen to is Beethoven symphonies transcribed for solo piano by Franz Liszt. Really neat.

Definitely have to try that.

I like off the wall stuff as well. Danse Macabre type.

ETA - Trying Franz Liszt - Totentanz, Paraphrase on "Dies Irae" now.
I just wonder who ya like? I was a hardcore Russian fan in my 20s. Couldn't get enough Tchaikovsky, Mussorgsky, Stravinsky, and Shostakovich. Now that I'm in my 30s I can't stop listening to Beethoven. Especially anything he wrote for solo piano. So who is your favorite?

I love Vivaldi, Delius, Ralph Vaughan Williams, Respighi, Antonio Jose, Debussy, Bizet, Grieg, Wagner, Rossini, Donizetti, Saint-Saens, Puccini, Verdi, Mozart, Beethoven. I also love Russians, particularly Rachmaninoff, Tchaikovsky, Shostakovich and Khachaturian. There's such an enormous amount to discover; that's part of what makes it so immersive.

Some of my all-time favorites:

I love Vivaldi, Delius, Ralph Vaughan Williams, Respighi, Antonio Jose, Debussy, Bizet, Grieg, Wagner, Rossini, Donizetti, Saint-Saens, Puccini, Verdi, Mozart, Beethoven. I also love Russians, particularly Rachmaninoff, Tchaikovsky, Shostakovich and Khachaturian. There's such an enormous amount to discover; that's part of what makes it so immersive.

Some of my all-time favorites:

Wow yeah, you really have all your bases covered there! I've been studying classical music my whole life and still find new pieces all the time that I haven't yet heard. There's a lifetime of classical out there.
You are right...

I am terrible with names off the top of my head...

Trying the Russian Sailors dance now.

How are you with Modern + Classical? Trans-Siberian Orchestra? Enigma's riff on Carmina Burana?

On a side note, in high school for solo and ensomble competition, three other bums and I played that Russian Sailors dance on 4 baritone saxophones. To quote the judge "I've been judging these competitions for 30 years and that's the coolest thing I've ever seen!"
I just wonder who ya like? I was a hardcore Russian fan in my 20s. Couldn't get enough Tchaikovsky, Mussorgsky, Stravinsky, and Shostakovich. Now that I'm in my 30s I can't stop listening to Beethoven. Especially anything he wrote for solo piano. So who is your favorite?

Nah man. I can't get into classical music.
Nah man. I can't get into classical music.

No worries m8. If everyone liked the same kind of music we wouldn't have the diversity in music that we have. And how boring would that be?
On a side note, in high school for solo and ensomble competition, three other bums and I played that Russian Sailors dance on 4 baritone saxophones. To quote the judge "I've been judging these competitions for 30 years and that's the coolest thing I've ever seen!"

This is my classic....

No worries m8. If everyone liked the same kind of music we wouldn't have the diversity in music that we have. And how boring would that be?

It would be pretty boring.

I don't know if this counts as classical music, but I think it's the closest thing to it that I listen to.
The guy's YouTube name is myuu and he composes a helluva lot of good work.

It would be pretty boring.

I don't know if this counts as classical music, but I think it's the closest thing to it that I listen to.
The guy's YouTube name is myuu and he composes a helluva lot of good work.

That's hypnotic

Edit - in a good way

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