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And satan shall be in the form of a woman (1 Viewer)


Jan 12, 2019
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Within the Islamic religion there are hadiths (stories/tales) written concerning the Prophet Muhammad and his prophecies. At an end of an epoch he stated that dirung the end times, 73 sects of Islam will reign, and only one shall be faithful and true. He also gave a physical description of the Dajjal or the Anti-Christ, which means a group of liars, along with with hell being filled with women. In 2019,, there is evil amongst us that commit acts the devil himself will hesitate at doing. The devil knows the laws and the devil keeps the Shabaat. Americans must understand that our world is falling apart and its because we have allowed great evils from outside of the planet, on the planet, within the planet, and within other worlds inside this planet, to control all governments, rule over the international militaries, place evil forces as leaders who do nothing but lie and cause massive chaos, and in 2019, these same evil entities have made it appear that evil is good and what's good is bad. There are members of Congress in America who are nothing but evil forces seeking to cause massive bloodshed everywhere. They teach us how to disrespect the President of the United States. They teach us how to take what so-called leaders say about him without proof. The only thing they can say,m and say alot of is that he is a liar. But didn't the Bible say let not thy left hand know what thy right hand does?

Are these forces that attack the U.S. President on a daily basis angry because when he says something, knowing that they will be trying to discredit him anyway, he sends them on wild goose-chases? This is why they term him a liar! There is a massive group of so=-called Americans who have joined in on the attacks against him without even knowing the truth! Did any of you hang out with President Trump? Ever do business with him? Ever slept in the next room beside him? Ever ate with him? If not, then you don't know him! Therefore you are following rumors that can be lies! Ever stopped to check out those who is labeling him a liar? Trust me, there are many skeletons in their closet. They don't want you to know anything about them though. And one sad thing is that Google and other search engines have very little records of the so-called leaders today. Its like many of them just came up from the fires of hell! They support an open border. They claim this is not the way of America. Well, America never experienced in the past what it is experiencing now which should bring about a change.
Representatives, Cortez, Tliab, the House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and the New Yorker, Chuck shumer, is doing a very good job in keeping information sealed about the rising hispanic population. A cousin who knows a friend that is a cop in Los Angeles claims that much of the crimes in the area is being committed by illegals. Then there is a large amount of corpses being found either with their heads in plastic bags, or without certain organs, that have been thrown in the corners of buildings! She says that Los Angeles Police are not permitted to report anything that will empower President Trump's complaints about the U.S. bprder being an issue.. In California, there is tons and tons of fentanyl everywhetre, and overdoses are at a record level. what makes these new breeds so evil is that what they are selling is killing out large percentages of the American population, and they don't seem to care at all! Its like they are on some mission to kill out as many people as they can! This isn't crack cocaine or marijuana being sold and transported by the tons from Mexico. This is a drug that even is a threat to police should they come in contact with it. Whats the secret? https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/11/29/upshot/fentanyl-drug-overdose-deaths.html. Why is it so important to hide the statistics on fentanyl being transported by Mexicans from Mexico? And why is it so important, other than getting the votes, to want illegals in America so badly? There are thousands of American babies dying in America but Congress is more concerned about the children held at the borders. https://ksby.com/healthy-living/201...observer.com/news/local/article216765540.html

There have been many recordings of large amounts of Mexicans xlaiming that they are going to kill as many blacks and euro-americans as they can because they are here to take over, in spanish! They further claim that people like Cortez and others is the voice which is making that dream possible. Noonwe likes to see children out on the streets with nowhere to go. If we were in that situation we would want help ourselves. But consider the factors, many of their countries were targeted first with New World Order policies. And they sold out their own countries by voting to kill out their own populations. They are coming to America now to do the same thing to this country if they are not stopped! Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Shumer are evil ghouls who made backyard deals to save their own skins when the destructions hit! They hope to be in a safe placwe when all hell breaks loose! Watch what Pelosi does to America! https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/26/opinion/nancy-pelosi-washingtons-latest-wicked-witch.html. Chuck Shumer is no better. https://www.exposingsatanism.org/nasty-nancy-pelosi-is-a-practicing-catholic-witch/. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0KIGzeDjfs. https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics...ter-cut-head-off-trump-meeting-newday-vpx.cnn
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frfI-3EmWLs. When one goes against the Democratic New World Order, these are things that can happen to you. https://www.independent.co.uk/life-...r-cryptocurrency-north-carolina-a8412341.html. Wether Americans know it or not,the devil has chosen the form of a woman! And that woman has stirred up many women everywhere. Most of these women are parasites lunging onto materialism by any means necessary. They are bringing down powerful men, and they have been used to prevent good men from succeeding where stability and balance was needed. Unfortunately, alot of this was the work of President Obama and his fiery wife. Pne such victim was Herman Cain. https://www.nytimes.com/2011/12/04/us/politics/herman-cain-suspends-his-presidential-campaign.html. Cain had to suspend his Presidential Campaign because the Obamas was appointed by the Illuminati and the most wealthiest people on the planet to rule over humans in America. With all due respect, then entire family were created in places similar to hospitals. They were the secret weapon for the New World Order in the final days to the end! Discussion about their creation started in the early 1900's. http://freemantv.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Obama-Beyonce-Affair.jpg. The Queen B | FreemanTV.com.

And the sad thing about the Herman Cain plight is that there was nothing to it. They powers that be just didn't want him to run for President at a time they knew that colored people was looking for a black leader. Instead, we were given a Reptilian who took part in alot of government experiments during his youth. Many mysterious of his youth have never been revealed. https://www.exopolitics.org/jump-room-to-mars-did-cia-groom-obama-basiago-as-future-presidents/. https://www.theatlantic.com/nationa...-spot-reptilians-runing-us-government/354496/. The thing interesting about President Obama being Reptilian was how he had two sides or two natures. He could be extremely agreeable or extremely negative. https://www.pambazuka.org/pan-africanism/let’s-never-forget-why-muammar-gaddafi-was-killed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZqghCSEj94. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ARvZK5rgKy0. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLUowL-neGw. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Av6N9W6BcG0. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFocC8DU8_Y.

Americans must understand that a pact was made by very evil men with very very evil women. The same as these men have tooken over countries and their resources, the same as women are taking over materialism by any means necessary. All of them have the same strategfy. Accuse a man of wrongdoing, start crying, demand that justice be served, and they want his head on a platter! Does this sound like a godly person to any of you? And when these evil women go after the men, they have no compassion for their wifes nor their families. But they will tell the wife to get on board or else. Women with real issues don't get powerful televised opportunities. But their plaight will be used as a tool for human harvesting. The Reptilian agenda in 2019, is mass immigration followed by economic destructions followed by riots in the streets followed by complete chaos and disorder. But there is a plan at the end. These are patient ntities and they can wait for 7 years or more until most of the population have been killed just like in Iraq, just like in Libya, just like in Yemen, just like in Syria, and just like whats going on in Afghanistan. They are eating us folks! https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/...201311/body-snatchers-organ-harvesting-profit. And they claim police will save us. http://time.com/4779112/police-history-origins/. And at the same time they want our guns. https://www.oregonfirearms.org/first-gun-grab-bills-for-2019-announced. https://thehill.com/homenews/state-...0-people-in-florida-ordered-to-surrender-guns
https://www.miamiherald.com/news/politics-government/article220157715.html. https://newbostonpost.com/2017/08/2...-enact-another-gun-law-without-taking-a-vote/. https://www.courant.com/politics/hc-pol-esty-guns-restraining-orders-20180227-story.html https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2018/12/gun_confiscation_begins_in_new_jersey.html https://www.democratandchronicle.co...ster-cops-advice-break-controversy/591051002/

Americans must understand that they will stop at nothing until they harvest us all. the sad thing is that many of them are having Americans to believe that they are human! They are far from it. And it will always be about getting your guns even if its about passing bills for months, over and over again, until it reaches a point where you will have trouble buying ammunition. There were several countries that suffered mass immigration and gun confiscations before they collapsed. Now it is being done to America. And it appears that most of these ntities followers are alien human hybrids, clones, and ghoulies. Most Americans can't tell because they are dressed in human garb so well. But their acts of evil, being overly emotional, and desire for violence are traits they can't hide! Many women in 2019, have made deals with the devil and now they are tricking every other woman to get on board or there will be aplace in hell for you. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opin...ory.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.30ca9443e2d1. The so-called women they need support for are those who is going to destroy America! Thats it! It has nothing to do with domestic violence or women not getting paid enough money. Its about a harvest and they will continue lying until they get what they want.

However, mass immigration is only needed to overwhelm an economy and force it to collapse. Its what comes after this that will become the worst nightmare any human has even witnessed. Lets embark upon a journey intensely within our present vibration. Our society is clearly enamored of the expectation, not only that there is life on other planets, but that incidences of intelligent life, including other civilizations, occur in large numbers in the universe. Ever since Frank Drake and Carl Sagan devised an estimate of the number of advanced civilizations, certain humanoids have been wishing, fearing, and some cases denying the possibility that we are not alone in the universe. Drake and Sagan arrived at a startling conclusion: Intelligent life should be common and widespread throughout the galaxy. In fact, Carl Sagan estimated in 1974 that a million civilizations may exist in our Milky Way galaxy alone. Given that our galaxy is but one of hundreds of billions of galaxies in the Universe, the number of intelligent alien species would then be enormous. Paul Hellyer, a former Canadian Minister of Defence, has been very vocal about what he says is the reality that aliens are ruling secretly behind the scenes and that this is the reason why the aliens have not revealed themselves overtly to the people of the world. He says that secret societies have known this for some time and that there is still a form of the Illuminati still ruling from the shadows and they are certainly in contact with alien beings and that they control the world like a zoo keeper would control a zoo or a warden would control a prison.
For some researchers, this would explain why we are never really getting satisfactory proof of aliens. The reason is because they are among us, watching us and controlling us. As humans become more uncontrollable, the alien wardens either put more controls on the herd – or they begin to thin the herd so that they can be more manageable. War manages to thin the herds in a convenient way. It can be theorized the aliens have devised a perfect psychological operation through religion. The psy-op is the continuing double-think where people believe their deities have love and empathy for them, and yet their deities also justify the act of bloodshed as it may appease them because as we all know that the ancient deities were said to have communicated to kings, and tribal leaders that blood sacrifices were always required of mankind. Throughout history, we learn that the gods demanded flesh. At first it was human flesh and later the gods were satisfied with the shedding of blood and then the burnt offering. Paul Hellyer is proposing something very terrifying and that is something called a Synarchy or a Hextocracy. Hextocracy is simply a Human Extraterrestrial government. Have you ever stopped to wonder how the Founding Fathers were so enlightened to create a government that has lasted three times longer than the span of an average lifetime? Even more baffling is have you ever stopped and asked why a religion like Christianity has lasted thousands of years and how Jesus Christ has out lasted other so-called Gods like Zeus? How has Islam survived all of these thousands of years and how are the Jews of today still recognizing the laws and words of a prophet that died thousands of years before Christ?

The late Zbigniew Brezinski who was a member of many secret organizations and societies once said “In earlier times it was easier to control a million people, now it is easier to kill a million people rather than control a million people.” The alien psychological operations meant to control millions of people are now beginning to wear down and now we are seeing that as the ideological philosophies about deities wane – the wardens, or the Illuminati are under advisement by the alien masters or zoo keepers to kill millions of people, reducing the population to a more manageable number. If aliens remain covert, ruling in secret through the illuminated circles, we can contend that this would be an enormous intellectual and strategic advantage. The secret elite wish to call this the dawn of the new man – the new man is the human that is beyond human; reasonably a facsimile of a god – a technical construct of authenticity and technological piety. The new sciences are now allowing for the experimentations on humans that were once spoken of by humans who claimed to have been abducted by alien beings. The modern era of the so-called “three-parent baby” has officially kicked off, and it will begin in the UK. According to the BBC, the country’s Human Fertilization and Embryology Authority (HFEA) has granted permission for doctors at the Newcastle Fertility Center to artificially implant two women with an embryo containing the DNA of three people. There are two current techniques that can be used to create a three-parent baby, but the net result is the same: A child born with the nuclear DNA of their intended parents, and the swapped-in mitochondrial DNA of a donor woman.
Children will inherit the extra genes and incorporate them into their ‘germline.’ This means that they will, in turn, be able to pass them on to their own offspring. Altering the human germline; in effect, tinkering with the very make-up of our species, is a technique shunned by the vast majority of the world’s scientists. Geneticists fear that one day this method could be used to create new races of humans with extra, desired characteristics such as strength or high intelligence. Three parent babies are often conceived without the act of sexual intercourse. Genetic enhancements and genetic tailoring of the unborn is now a reality and while many people see it as a repulsive mockery of nature, we must understand that the intention of the elite is to introduce into the ecosystem genetically modified plants, animals and even a race of genetically modified humans. This is where we need to stop a moment and wonder – are the alien zoo keepers finding other ways to further transmogrify the experiment known as modern man? In the age of a New Dawn, as we move from twilight to the sun that shines on the dark corners of reality, it becomes necessary now to declare with all confidence that those who wish to disrupt the dynamic flow are ready to move into the next phase of their conquest. The world is obviously being changed in phases and that these phases are to somehow bring about a New World Order with the New World Man or New Man. The idea of such an order is a reality; however, the popular theories surrounding it are so bizarre that it is reasonable to understand why skeptics want to poke at such an idea. The skeptics can come off as being in denial when you put these theories and fears into an historical perspective and understand that there have been many attempts to centralize world power.

The New Order as it is diagrammed and explained is always the work of a secret society in cahoots with a fascist government willing to create a super police state that rules from a centralized location. This Order will allegedly eliminate our way of life and replace it with a form of secular humanistic socialism. Many religious dispensationalists say that Satanist overlords paying homage to the great beast, the incarnate antichrist, will control this type of government. The words that express such a government are mixed and blended with religious eschatology and the idea that the end is all part of a well orchestrated play that only God directs and that we have no way of controlling or changing. There is so much emphasis placed on trigger words like “antichrist” and “the beast” that it tends to turn off those who wish to distance themselves from any doomsday dogma. It is in its dogmatic and fanatical perspective that the New World Order is dismissed as paranoid delusion. However the words are constantly being spoken by our leaders, they are also the same leaders who find themselves demanding that we release our fantasies about being sovereign and surrender our personal power while standing on the graves of those who have been murdered by madmen who are always for hire in a place where the reality is breaking down at an alarming rate. The breakdown of society may all be part of some alien plan. This type of theory has been spoken of by researchers William Cooper and David Icke.
The proposition that they have spoken of is that the world is already in the control of aliens, whether they are advanced beings that have counseled world leaders in the ways of war – or benevolent beings that have developed religion as a mass psychological operation to keep the herds in a form of social order. Our every attempt to survey the stars in the hopes of finding alien life is turning up absolutely nothing that would satisfy scientists as definite proof. With our egos in check we must understand that while we believe that we are well advanced and educated, the reality is pointing to the idea that the ancients before us had all kinds of relationships with beings that lived outside of the earth and that they often fought for their own safety as the beings from the skies often wanted women, children and blood offerings for sustenance. It may be hard to believe but much of what has been covered up by religions and governments regarding our affairs with these entities are actually well known by those who are members of so called secret societies. We see these scenarios played out today just like they were anciently. Plucked from the mythological Eden our hominid mothers went through mating rituals. These rituals were recorded in several histories. The rituals were performed by beings described in ways that are not necessarily congruent with biblical or religious accounts of creationism. However, with relatively new information we can read between the lines and understand that what was going on was a matter of transmogrification of mankind for a purpose.

The evolutionary process was carried out in order to sustain the breeds of human kind and blood sacrifice was a tool to keep the herd thinned. It was a law proposed by these entities in order to maintain control. The Churches were unable to tell their members that the beings that came from the sky were not always friendly and created devils and demons to fear. Today there are still many Christian sects that say that aliens are deception and that hidden in space are various demons that will arrive to terrorize us and force us into worshipping them like gods. However, it is time to think hard about this scenario. If the aliens arrive and they do so in a way that we see as advanced. If they are able to use science and unknown sciences to change our lives and how we inter act with one another, then they would be seen as gods. The truth is man has not taken to time to define just what their God is. Man has never been able to define his keeper in a way that is agreed upon —they are only able to describe god in a way that is either poetic or nebulous – but never is god described in a practical way. People who demand disclosure say they are ready for the truth and the civilizations of Earth already know or have faith there is life in space and depending on what stories you have heard, the relationship between mankind and the exobiological entities should be a beneficial one. The idea of alien disclosure has been the overwhelming topic of discussion in the many forums provided by late night talk, and writers of speculative fiction. Somewhere there seems to be this overwhelming idea that we are somehow on the brink of discovering that we are not alone.
While the standard profile of aliens as peaceful angelic like beings is in the public consciousness, we may be in denial of a repetitive scenario of alien infestation, obsession, and possession of humans. With all of the conditioning mechanisms in place that indicate that an alien threat has arrived, perhaps we need to be careful. Aliens have a violent and malevolent history that tends to be ignored by those who have a new age view of what these beings are, or better yet what some of them are and what evil they can do. The question is whether or not it is truly evil or just part of the evolutionary process? Charles Fort, an early 20th century writer and researcher, is famous for his work on the odd and the unusual that didn’t fit into a neat understanding according to the science of the time. People who are inspired by him are called, Forteans. I consider myself a Fortean rather than a conspiracy theorist because I like to analyze and report on weird stories, both political and non-political. Charles Fort is well-known for his quote about where he saw humans in the big picture. Fort once stated that “The Earth is a farm, we are someone else’s property” Simply put, Fort was saying that humans are in a contained environment like an alien ant farm or a human zoo. So in essence, the way we look at ants or animals is the same way aliens look at us. We step on ants, we kick over their ant hills, we use magnifying glasses to burn them and we don’t feel the least bit guilty when we do. We slaughter cattle, we breed better workhorses, and we domesticate certain animals as companions.

The terrifying part is that the aliens have been doing all of this to us for thousands of years –and we have learned from them, we mimic them and we are controlled by them. The Synarchy or the Hextocracy is literally a rule by overseers that have full spectrum control of the environment you are raised in. This was illustrated in the film “The Matrix.” A Hextary or a Human Extra Terrrestrial guided military are there is enforce the rules put forth by the overseers. They are also charged with the job of recruiting or programming other humans to police and also fight wars. There is also a group of people within the Synarchy or Hextocracy that are fully aware that trauma can create blind obedience. It has been proven time and time again throughout history that a culture of obedience to authority can produce mass death and mass destruction. The other faction answering to an alien Hextocracy are the Technocrats. The technocrats, may reject the proof of aliens in some circles but the conspiracy is that they are actually working with secret alien partnerships. Over the past three centuries, planet Earth first turned into a factory, and later on into a laboratory. The Anthropocene debate aims to date the moment when human species, or part of it, started to become a significant driving force of major and irreversible terrestrial environment transformation.
This is where we ended up speculating about things like carbon footprints and changing the environment to have less greenhouse gasses and reducing levels of carbon in the atmosphere. The question is always been why now? The other question is why are we hearing about geoengineering the atmosphere now – and what is the real purpose for all of this? We know that nature is changing constantly and we are now being told that the conditions on Earth will make the survival of humanity impossible in a couple of centuries. Or is the truth stranger than fiction? Are we being told this so that we will allow for the scientists to change the atmosphere to make it more palatable for other aliens to come and live simultaneously with humans? Or will the changing of nature kill off an old generation and a new generation will be modified genetically to take its place? We can freeze the Earth’s changes but it seems that this is not what a Xeno effort would allow. The anthropocentric proposal points to a technological bias involved in the contemporary assessment of climate change and reveals a strong belief in human knowledge and capacities for changing the environment and controlling weather systems at will. The modification, molding of our biological selves alongside the environment is now becoming the plan for the future. It could be that a covert alien plan is simply genetic selective environments for species across relevant ecosystems. Drug treatments and vaccines are being proposed to introduce humans to new diseases, and maybe even alien biological DNA that may relax genetic selection for disease resistance or susceptibility.

It is the alien version of survival of the fittest, those who can adapt will live – those who can’t will ultimately perish. In short, humans have reached the stage of evolution where the technological culture is by far outrunning biology and is the predominant form of adaptation. Now wouldn’t this explain why the aliens have not shown themselves to us? They have a good thing going through the ranks of the so-called Illuminati and their well-organized menagerie.

In Conclusion: We live in times of selective perception, based on a well-crafted form of management by the media and political talking heads. The preferred form of perception management is deceit, secrets and a well-controlled policing of thought. Truth cannot live in an environment of secrets. Americans cannot continue to survive when they are living from day-to-day in an environment of trauma and oppression. A dark shadow is growing in this country and the population seems to be living under a heavy hand of threat and crisis that we are told is waiting at our borders. However, there is another threat to be exposed before we build a wall to keep it in and that is the threat of the darkest evil that wears the mask of good intent. We know that there is a Deep State that seeks to cut off one branch of power in order to replace it with abusive measures to control this country and open it up to a silent coup that will eventually wind up being another casualty of the New World Order. The shadow government has within its grasp the ultimate say in who lives and who dies and with various false flag crises will maneuver stealthily through the auspices of power to have full spectrum control. You may want to blame one political party or the other, but the enemy is much greater than any conservative or progressive attitude that is controlling the conversation of derision for any kind of common ground. The Deep State remains as the shadow that is engulfing the minds of the populace, and while those who claim to be woke will claim that they are immune – it appears that there is always a breaking point. Everyone has a price — everyone loses a bit of morality when their world is always in a State of Emergency.
Hold on grimly! :2wave:
We become philosophical and say to ourselves that we have to give up something in order to survive. We give up things that give us less pain. Then we are asked to give up more, when more is asked we see it as the sacrifice beyond that we start to feel the cold bald of despair. By then we are desperate and it is then where we feel what is called rock bottom. We either decide that it is time to give up, or we fight.

We all know that there is something wrong. We always think we have a solution that is so simple and yet it is beyond our own egos to realize that the simple answer we have arrived at is so wrong. The enemy is complex, it is not found in your neighbor or their different political ideologies or religious beliefs. The enemy that we need to conquer is the global plantation, where freedom is supplanted with the privilege granted only by the masters who dole it out to you for meritorious loyalties, keeping us on leashes like tamed dogs at a circus. Since the attacks of September 11th, 2001 I feel that we have given up the majority of our basic liberties to a shadowy, unaccountable emergency state. The reason why no one can see it is because it has been secretly upheld since the times of Franklin D. Roosevelt and whatever is keeping us in a State of Emergency has been kept secret. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJg65PvQemA. What is the terrible enemy that has kept us in this State of Emergency? The answer is the shadow, the shadow government which stands for one nation under control, divided with liberty and justice for none. They are there in hiding expecting us to pledge allegiance to the State of Emergency. For so long we have been under the spell of trauma, and as the government continues to be shut down we are finally feeling the sting of going without. We are feeling the sting of what it means to face an even more widespread emergency. One that will certainly lead to even more division, more constitutional gerrymandering and in extreme cases police state activities that can include the cessation of basic rights.

Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness have given way to permanent crisis management: to policing the planet and fighting preventative wars of ideological containment by way of censorship and perception management. Soon after the social media “purge” of independent media sites and pages this past October, a top neoconservative insider named Jamie Fly was caught stating that the mass deletion of anti-establishment and anti-war pages on Facebook and Twitter was “just the beginning” of a concerted effort by the U.S. government and powerful corporations to silence online dissent within the United States and beyond. While a few, relatively uneventful months in the online news sphere have come and gone since Fly made this ominous warning, it appears that the neoconservatives and other standard bearers of the military-industrial complex and the U.S. oligarchy are now poised to let loose their latest digital offensive against independent media outlets that seek to expose wrongdoing in both the private and public sectors. The group is known as the Newsguard project lobbying to have its rankings of news sites installed by default on computers in U.S. public libraries, schools, and universities as well as on all smart phones and computers sold in the United States. In other words, as Newsguard’s project advances, it will soon become almost impossible to avoid this neocon-approved news site’s ranking systems on any technological device sold in the United States. Worse still, if its efforts to quash dissenting voices in the U.S. are successful, Newsguard promises that its next move will be to take its system global. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNdUMxp8HYg.
Again this means that all voices of dissent or any marginal views will be filtered through another ministry of truth apparatus that will squash any and all content that is not approved by an organization or government. Newsguard separates sites it deems worthy and sites it considers unreliable by using a color-coded rating, green, yellow, or red — and more detailed “nutrition labels” regarding a site’s credibility or lack thereof. Rankings are created by Newsguard’s team of “trained analysts.” The color-coding system may remind some readers of the color-coded terror threat-level warning system that was created after 9/11, making it worth noting that Tom Ridge, the former secretary of Homeland Security who oversaw the implementation of that system under George W. Bush, is on Newsguard’s advisory board. As Newsguard releases a new rating of a site, that rating automatically spreads to all computers that have installed its news ranking browser plug-in. That plug-in is currently available for free for the most commonly used internet browsers. NewsGuard directly markets the browser plug-in to libraries, schools and internet users in general. Think of it as a form of a social credit system for news — something that is similar to what China has implemented and what was originally proposed with Google’s Dragonfly deal with China. This would indicate that there are some very sinister moves that are happening behind the scenes and that the checks and balances provided by independent media on the internet will be silenced or even attacked as fake news. Once again this is perception management that will certainly violate constitutional rights to a free press. If the powers that be are hell bent on silencing dissent – you can imagine what is in the works for the future or America — something far-reaching than just a declarative emergency.

It all appears to be happening in sequence, it all appears to be a sequential lead up to an abrupt upset in the way things will be handled in the future. It has to be something so grandiose and abrupt that they want no dissenting views that will expose the machinations of the shadow government and the move toward the New World Order. We have already endured civil unrest, other national emergencies, “unforeseen economic collapse, loss of functioning political and legal order, purposeful domestic resistance and insurgency, pervasive public health emergencies, and catastrophic natural and human disasters, what more can happen? We can only imagine and when it does happen, we won’t be able to revolt or rebel against it. It will be triggered by our own government – or by the criminal element that secretly plots the destabilization of the United States. This latest concerns over President Trump’s threat to declare a national emergency in order to build a border wall is more manufactured political theater – a Trojan Horse intended to camouflage the real threat to our freedoms: yet another expansion of presidential power exposing us to constitutional peril. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91sPXgnxGs8. This is not about illegal immigration or porous borders or who will pay to build that wall. This is about unadulterated power and the rise of an “emergency state” that justifies all manner of government tyranny in the so-called name of national security. Unfortunately, President Trump seems to be playing into the very hands of Deep State! If there is an official state of emergency we will have to be subjected to demands where there has to be some sort of directives given for the smooth continuity of Government.
These directives (National Security Presidential Directive 51 and Homeland Security Presidential Directive 20), which do not need congressional approval; provide a skeletal outline of the actions the president will take in the event of a “national emergency.” Mind you, that national emergency can take any form, can be manipulated for any purpose and can be used to justify any end goal—all on the say-so of the president. According to the National Emergencies Act of 1976. [USC03] 50 USC Ch. 34: NATIONAL EMERGENCIES. All that is required is that the president formally declares a national emergency but also that he or she cites the specific statutory authority the president sought to use. An emergency declaration would lapse after one year unless formally renewed by the president. In the end, the president can easily obtain congressional ex-ante authorization which is literally a blank check for the executive branch to do whatever is necessary to alleviate the emergency –including suspending parts of the constitution. Now according to the mainstream media, we’re facing a doomsday scenario if the shutdown persists. We have been hearing trigger words and phrases like “economic hellscape” and “devastating impact”, among many doomsday descriptions –and an emergency declaration may put some people into panic mode. If you are without money, and food and you depend on the government for such services you can and eventually will feel the vice grip on everything long before others who do not rely on such things.

If the worst were to happen, experts say the devastating impact would be widespread:
38 million low-income Americans lose food stamps
6 million faces an uncertain timetable for collecting tax refunds
2 million without rental assistance and facing possible eviction
800,000 paycheck-less federal employees plunged into dire financial straits.
Shuttered parks and museums while overstressed airports cause tourism to drop.
Federal court system slows to a crawl
Disaster relief money doesn’t get to storm-ravaged areas
Lapsed FDA and EPA inspections lead to dangerous outbreaks of disease
Private companies looking to go public are stuck in limbo
Stock market plummets

If Congress and President Donald Trump can’t reach a deal on raising the debt ceiling, its game over – we will witness a severe recession. We now are witnessing a manufactured crisis to override constitutional constraints and the rule of law. If the State of Emergency is continually propped up and abused by the executive branch of government, we may see something far more restrictive being implemented after President Trump is long gone from the Whitehouse. Every action taken that stretches the credulity of the people can weaken the system of checks and balances, sidestep the rule of law, and expand the power of a predator state. Extremism can lead to despotism, despotism will put us in a state of tyranny — tyranny will create a greater divide and the system will implode as America eats itself and the New World Order makes soup of our bones.

Can you try to slow down on your posting on this thread? Allow as to finish the first one before adding more. :roll:
If you ask me Satan shall be in the form of an 55,000 character, single space text wall.
Oh, Jesus! I didn't mean it. I swear it. Scout's honor. I misspoke. :shock:

Hey maybe the scouts can build that .... w - a - double hockey sticks.

Ahhhhmm.... riiiiight.

This thread:

My eyes glazed over after reading the post. I tried getting through the second but...:shock:

So, Patel...cut to the chase. What are you really trying to say, huh? Give us the summary brief? Are you saying the new crop of female Congresswomen and, thus, these women who find themselves in positions of power (or in the driver's seat of congressional power anyway) are all now collectively the Devil or working for same? 'Cause if so...


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