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An Autobahn type U.S. interstate system? (1 Viewer)

What about the U.S. creating a high speed Interstate system?

  • No; speed kills

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Great Idea; give the speeders and truckers an outlet, get them off of the main stretch.

    Votes: 5 45.5%
  • Horrible idea; couldn't work in the U.S.

    Votes: 3 27.3%
  • Why not?; if someone wants to take that risk, let them.

    Votes: 3 27.3%

  • Total voters


Klattu Verata Nicto
DP Veteran
May 19, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
I was watching the History Channel awhile back and the topic of the Autobahn in Germany came up, one thing that surprised me was the fact that even at those higher speeds, because of strict lane rules and a minimum speed limit, coupled with stricter licensing standards, the autobahn actually has fewer deaths annually than our U.S. highway system; What do you guys think about the United States creating something similar?
I have a perennial need for speed. That's why I love my new BMW K1200RS. I'm also a leadfoot in a car. Over the years, I've observed that the people who drive fast because they like to (and drive vehicles which were built for going fast) are safer than than the dull-witted plodders with cell phones glued to their ears. Slow drivers get bored and are easily distracted. That's why they seem (to me) to have more accidents. Me, when I drive (or ride), that's all I do until I reach my destination. Here in Southern California, cars/trucks/motorcycles are a way of life and people take their ride very seriously. The biggest threats here are not the speeders, but rather the substance abusers, the cell-phone aficionados, and the parents with squalling brats in the back seat who are constantly distracting them. Too bad our state and local governments don't wake up and realize that speed doesn't kill, stupidity does.
geekgrrl said:
Too bad our state and local governments don't wake up and realize that speed doesn't kill, stupidity does.
I've been saying that for years.
I would have to say that if America wanted to do this they would have to be outrageously strict on lane changing. People in europe have a different style of driving than Americans and I think because of that an Autobahn wouldn't be as succesful. Besides...here in the U.S. There are always that group of people that abuse the crap out of allowances made by their communities.

I'm not saying nowhere else does just that america has it bad
geekgrrl said:
Too bad our state and local governments don't wake up and realize that speed doesn't kill, stupidity does.

Clearly stupidity is a greater problem than speed. But to disregard the fact that speed is still dangerous would be foolish. You can control your car, and your speed. But not everybody is a very good driver...and those people like speed just as much as you (NASCAR...enough said)
QUOTE=Roundhouse!]I would have to say that if America wanted to do this they would have to be outrageously strict on lane changing.
To be honest, I think that needs to be done regardless of whether or not a high speed road would be created, there is an idiot segment of drivers here.
People in europe have a different style of driving than Americans and I think because of that an Autobahn wouldn't be as succesful.
Great point, but I think that the better drivers would be the main users of this kind of road.
LaMidRighter said:
Great point, but I think that the better drivers would be the main users of this kind of road.

What makes you say that? I understand where you are coming from but if the road is there it is going to be abused.

Perhaps strict special licensing...like the auto-tollbooth devices. Random idea...but I'll just put it out there.
Roundhouse! said:
What makes you say that? I understand where you are coming from but if the road is there it is going to be abused.
I was thinking that the worst drivers would be too afraid of those speeds and the demands they bring, but your NASCAR statement gave me another angle to think about.

Perhaps strict special licensing...like the auto-tollbooth devices. Random idea...but I'll just put it out there.
That's actually a hell of an idea, with modern scan strips on driver's licenses similar to credit cards, it would be a simple matter to keep traffic entering smoothly and best yet, you could keep the morons you are concerned about off of a speedway.
A good question is. Who here has spent any time on the Autobahn? For those of you that have experience on that road (at least a year please) would any say this country is ready for that? I would say not. Grandma in the left lane with the blinker on and the seatbelt dragging in this country is funny. In Germany it would be death. I could post a 10000 word essay on the unwritten rules of the Autobahn alone. The one major difference that would lead immediately to death is common courtesy on the road. The Germans have it. We don't.
One thing to think about is that the reason why the speed limit was set where it was is because it provides the greatest fuel efficiency.

With gas prices where they are, I don't know how likely the public is to take to the idea of spending money to build something that will cost more money due to decreased gas mileage.
teacher said:
A good question is. Who here has spent any time on the Autobahn? For those of you that have experience on that road (at least a year please) would any say this country is ready for that? I would say not. Grandma in the left lane with the blinker on and the seatbelt dragging in this country is funny. In Germany it would be death. I could post a 10000 word essay on the unwritten rules of the Autobahn alone. The one major difference that would lead immediately to death is common courtesy on the road. The Germans have it. We don't.

What are the safety stats in Germany regarding these roads? ie Crashes and deaths per year etc. I saw a video of a guy going about 120 lose it and it was not pretty.
Speed is not nearly as dangerous as inattention. During the 1980's, when West Germany still existed, I spent 7 years living & working there. During that time, I traveled over 100,000 miles on the autobahns. Americans would have to change their driving habits immensely before being able to adapt to autobahn style speeds. The same would apply to safety standards for motor vehicles. Germans take their autos through a mandated safety inspection and the vehicles must pass before being allowed on the streets. One does not see the "rolling wrecks" over there that tend to crowd our streets here.

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