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Americans are fatter than ever, CDC finds (1 Viewer)

Feb 20, 2016
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Americans are fatter than ever, CDC survey finds - CNN.com

(CNN)The results are in from the one of the largest and broadest surveys of health in the United States. And although many of the findings are encouraging -- more Americans had health insurance and fewer smoked cigarettes in 2015 than in previous years -- the gains were overshadowed by rising rates of obesity and diabetes.
It's the artificial hormones in foods. That's what happens when people eat synthetics.
Americans are fatter than ever, CDC survey finds - CNN.com

(CNN)The results are in from the one of the largest and broadest surveys of health in the United States. And although many of the findings are encouraging -- more Americans had health insurance and fewer smoked cigarettes in 2015 than in previous years -- the gains were overshadowed by rising rates of obesity and diabetes.

Too much greasy processed food is obviously crap, we don't need to debate that to death as I think that fall under "no duh" territory. Also not necessary to debate is that people should exercise more. ("Thanks, Cardinal!").

What we need to create in our communities, however, is increased access to easy, low-stress bike paths and parks that are attractive to jogging, walking and biking. By "low stress" bike path what I mean is a bike path that isn't simply another lane in the freeway reserved for bicyclists and which therefore still render you a potential victim of a two-ton vehicle traveling at fifty miles per hour. I'm fortunate because my part of the city is seeing a renaissance in these areas, and I'm officially at the point where if I don't go out for a jog or a bike ride I have literally no one but myself to blame. But people who live out in the country and are still fat? As far as access to exercise goes I'm not sure what their excuse is.
Meat, I'm guessing?

People have gotten fat from potato chips and sodas so just claiming that only meat is the problem is just pure silliness.
Its not so much what people are eating, as it is how much they are eating. Use a calorie counter and start measuring your food out by serving size. It's quite illuminating what your perception of one serving size is. i.e. one burger from a restauraunt (doesn't necessarily have to be fast food) might be 8 oz. So it might seem like its "one burger" but its 2 servings of ground beef in reality. I'm all about having a burger, but you need to accurately account for it in your daily intake. Same with anything else.
Portion size is definitely a big part. But we also consume a lot of high calorie, low nutrition food. So you get hungry despite having consumed more calories than you need.

Yes, back in the day people ate large hearty meals before going out and working the land. Yes,they burned more calories but the food they ate was also more satiating.

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