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America (1 Viewer)

America is in a spinning whirlwind of ignorance and stupidity. The average politician only knows enough to get him elected and the average citizens only knows enough to wipe his own butt. It is not the 5% of intelligent people (intelligent not EDICATED) that really matters in the elections, it's the ingnorant and stupid majority that matters. It's the people who watch the news and take it at face value. The news is a valuable source of information as long as you don't believe everything that is said. It is the stupid and ignorant people, the ones that will elect whomever will talk big words to them and sound smart. They are the reason our country is in the debacle that we are in. Intelligence doesn't come from education or naturally, you have to work to become intelligent. You have to not be lazy to want to make your world better.

If Americans want to shed this stigma that I have attached than they must work at it. They must focus on the whole as opposed to the individual. Just because one policy works for one minute group does not mean that the whole country should be subjected to it. Helping the poor is a good thing but not by giving them money but by giving them opportunity. It is our countries responsibility to look out for the welfare of its citizens, not in the short term but for the permanence of our duration of our existence.
Butt-wiping has indeed become an area of expertise among most Americans. :mrgreen:

"Propaganda is to democracy what violence is to totalitarianism." ~ Noam Chomsky

Pretty good entry, btw.
Pseudo-elitist nonsense followed by a Chomsky quote. Fantastic.

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