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Ambushing civilians doesn't do the trick? Lets go back to rocket fire (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 13, 2010
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Political Leaning
On the past weeks, eversince the talks of negotiations started Hamas have been testing Israel's patience, today the magnitude of the shelling increased with 6 mortar shells and 2 rockets since last nights.

Gaza attacks escalate: South under fire - Israel News, Ynetnews

I said earlier that we will see Hamas provoking Israel as long as negotiations take place, I just hope it won't drag us to another major operation in the strip that will cause another halt in negotiations.
Cast Lead 2 was never so close.
I wonder if they'd really go back to the point of 80 rockets per day or even more.
How would you two recommend they excercise their fundamental right to resist occupation?

I'm guessing the answer will be something along the lines of: Do as Israel demands.
How would you two recommend they excercise their fundamental right to resist occupation?

I'm guessing the answer will be something along the lines of: Do as Israel demands.

I would recommend stop engaging in terror and violance and sit down at the negotiations table.
If you must engage in violance, aim your attacks at the army and not at civilians.
How would you two recommend they excercise their fundamental right to resist occupation?

I'm guessing the answer will be something along the lines of: Do as Israel demands.

Terrorism is not a fundamental right. You may support it, but that desn't make it a right.
How would you two recommend they excercise their fundamental right to resist occupation?

I'm guessing the answer will be something along the lines of: Do as Israel demands.

They should continue doing precisely what they are doing. And Israel should then eliminate the obstacle to peace by eliminating the problem in its entirety.
How would you two recommend they excercise their fundamental right to resist occupation?
In Gaza?

expandmymind said:
I'm guessing the answer will be something along the lines of: Do as Israel demands.
No, the answer is something like: stop killing civilians and try to make peace. If they don't want peace, then make a war against the army, not against defenceless civilians.

But the IDF could wipe they out in few hours... and they know.

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