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Alito and Thomas are weak-ass punks. (1 Viewer)

Just reminding Democrats of their vile racist policies, past and present. I grew up in the 40s, 50s, and 60s, and I will never let them forget what an execrable bunch they are.
It’s the MAGATS who have taken over the lead in racism now in case you haven’t been paying attention. The MAGATS are the party of exclusion. As long as you’re a heterosexual white male you’ll fit right in. Klan members welcome.
It’s the MAGATS who have taken over the lead in racism now in case you haven’t been paying attention. The MAGATS are the party of exclusion. As long as you’re a heterosexual white male you’ll fit right in. Klan members welcome.

Maybe you can tell me what the Republican party has done that is similar to holding slaves, lynching blacks and Republicans, forming a KKK terrorist organization, and setting Jim Crow laws for state mandated racial decrimination.

Oh wait, I know, Trump says mean things.
Maybe you can tell me what the Republican party has done that is similar to holding slaves, lynching blacks and Republicans, forming a KKK terrorist organization, and setting Jim Crow laws for state mandated racial decrimination.

Oh wait, I know, Trump says mean things.
It’s c🙄mm🙄n knowledge that republicans never owned a single slave-right? It’s c🙄mm🙄n knowledge that David Duke is a klan member welcomed into the Democrat party by president Biden. It’s common knowledge that the SC justices are all democrats when they reversed R v W. It’s common knowledge that it is the democrats who are trying to do away with mail in voting to make it more difficult for people of color to vote. And everyone knows that the repulsicans are the true champions of LGBTQ rights.
See how that works?
If you’re a white heterosexual male you are welcome into the repulsican party. Everyone else need not apply.
Repulsicans: the party of exclusion.
Just what this country needs right now, eh?
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Thus, the reason for calling him a liar.

He needs to be removed from the SCOTUS.
There's no way to do this, practically-speaking.

Roberts ducked doing anything meaningful re ethics and the SCOTUS.
...or wounding and/or killing thousands of officers over a span of several weeks.
I've got the facts on my side: trump's and the gop's thugs viciously attacked law enforcement agents and, in a matter of several hours, wounded at least 140 of them.

And this was done in trump's attempt to overturn the election!
It’s c🙄mm🙄n knowledge that republicans never owned a single slave-right? It’s c🙄mm🙄n knowledge that David Duke is a klan member welcomed into the Democrat party by president Biden. It’s common knowledge that the SC justices are all democrats when they reversed R v W. It’s common knowledge that it is the democrats who are trying to do away with mail in voting to make it more difficult for people of color to vote. And everyone knows that the repulsicans are the true champions of LGBTQ rights.
See how that works?
If you’re a white heterosexual male you are welcome into the repulsican party. Everyone else need not apply.
Repulsicans: the party of exclusion.
Just what this country needs right now, eh?

Wow, sounds just like


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There's no way to do this, practically-speaking.

Roberts ducked doing anything meaningful re ethics and the SCOTUS.
Roberts has always been a spineless cockroach.
I'm glad you were not around when the Revolutionary War, Civil War, WW2, the Space Race, or COVID started.
They didn’t have modern manipulation algorithms back then.

Now there are multi billion dollar industries that advertise their ability to elicit the desired emotional response to a topic in a predictable repeatable percentage of the target demographic. Just not where you’ll see the ad.
I am not a trump supporter,,
I didnt vote for him the last two times and only going to vote for him this time because of people like you that dont know how to be civil or honest,,

well I do like the no new wars he achieved,,
But you’re going to vote for the guy who is neither civil nor honest instead?

Sounds like a trumpy to me.
Its good that you all go out of your way to prove daily that TDS was never about Trump.

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