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Alito and Thomas are weak-ass punks. (2 Viewers)

I'd bet he leaked that memo.
Maybe that's what this is about. Just throw out a whole lot of old stuff before it comes out that "Alito's wife" (more likely him through his wife) leaked the info about the Court decision.
you give yourself to much credit,,

there are millions of you leftwingers out there
Source a leftist saying they will vote for based on an online forum. Because I've got one from the Right.

"I didnt vote for him the last two times and only going to vote for him this time because of people like you that dont know how to be civil or honest,,"

Recognize that?
PS...your grammar could use a spellcheck
Thomas votes in accordance with the Constitution and his morals. Thank God we have such a moral man on the Court.
Thomas is a corrupt A-Hole who should resign from the SC.
I assume your post was an attempt at sarcasm.
Alito is a liar and he is as corrupt as it gets.

The flag was hanging on his property, as a matter of law, he is ABSOLUTELY responsible for what happened. He is biased should be removed from the SCOTUS.
Alito hasn’t left his house in decades so he wasn’t aware of the “stop the steal” flag on his house.
Alito hasn’t left his house in decades so he wasn’t aware of the “stop the steal” flag on his house.
Thus, the reason for calling him a liar.

He needs to be removed from the SCOTUS.
Well, would you look at the time...

If people feel Biden is corrupt, he can be voted out of office. Such a guardrail does not exist for Thomas.

Precisely to protect him from political attacks like this. Liberals can lie and twist and scream and shout
Thomas is a corrupt A-Hole who should resign from the SC.
I assume your post was an attempt at sarcasm.

Not at all.
Precisely to protect him from political attacks like this. Liberals can lie and twist and scream and shout

Not at all.
The world would be a much better place without a-holes like Clarence Thomas in it
Well, would you look at the time...


At least she is shouting her impotent rage into the void and not attacking the Capitol in an attempted autogolpe.
At least she is shouting her impotent rage into the void and not attacking the Capitol in an attempted autogolpe.
...or destroying businesses, setting churches on fire, or killing people in the name of "justice."
Precisely to protect him from political attacks like this. Liberals can lie and twist and scream and shout

Not at all.

It protects his corruption.
Surprise, surprise.....

Overall, we rate The Right Scoop Right biased and Questionable based on the promotion of propaganda and conspiracies and the use of poor sourcing techniques, and numerous failed fact checks.
...or destroying businesses, setting churches on fire, or killing people in the name of "justice."
Or attacking law enforcement officers, wounding 140 within hours.....
It sucks, but the court is probably going to have to be packed to stop these regressives from hitting rewind. I tend to doubt that Democrats will win significantly enough to do it.
Or attacking law enforcement officers, wounding 140 within hours.....
...or wounding and/or killing thousands of officers over a span of several weeks.
What’s with the racist posts?

Just reminding Democrats of their vile racist policies, past and present. I grew up in the 40s, 50s, and 60s, and I will never let them forget what an execrable bunch they are.

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