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Alcohol AGE 21..Voting AgE 18 = HYPOCRITCAL also proves liberalism comes from unwise (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Jun 26, 2016
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Limiting alcohol sells to at least 21 is because of less experience in life to understand harm... this helps a nation

BUT this same reason must apply to voting.. and also shows how the young voting more liberal comes from less experience and unwise minds

one thing may could change the age issue to stop harm... a wisdom test for all people to vote or to buy alcohol or to be around harm
Re: Alcohol AGE 21..Voting AgE 18 = HYPOCRITCAL also proves liberalism comes from un

Limiting alcohol sells to at least 21 is because of less experience in life to understand harm... this helps a nation

BUT this same reason must apply to voting.. and also shows how the young voting more liberal comes from less experience and unwise minds

one thing may could change the age issue to stop harm... a wisdom test for all people to vote or to buy alcohol or to be around harm

I would guess that you are pretty young
Re: Alcohol AGE 21..Voting AgE 18 = HYPOCRITCAL also proves liberalism comes from un

21 for alcohol is insane.
Re: Alcohol AGE 21..Voting AgE 18 = HYPOCRITCAL also proves liberalism comes from un

21 for alcohol is insane.

if 21 is insane for buying alcohol... then even more insane for 18 yr olds to vote
Re: Alcohol AGE 21..Voting AgE 18 = HYPOCRITCAL also proves liberalism comes from un

if 21 is insane for buying alcohol... then even more insane for 18 yr olds to vote

The only thing we should have to wait for 21 to do is gamble and go to strip/sex clubs.
Re: Alcohol AGE 21..Voting AgE 18 = HYPOCRITCAL also proves liberalism comes from un

Limiting alcohol sells to at least 21 is because of less experience in life to understand harm... this helps a nation

BUT this same reason must apply to voting.. and also shows how the young voting more liberal comes from less experience and unwise minds

one thing may could change the age issue to stop harm... a wisdom test for all people to vote or to buy alcohol or to be around harm

The voting age should be raised as well, to 25 or 30 years old.

Re: Alcohol AGE 21..Voting AgE 18 = HYPOCRITCAL also proves liberalism comes from un

The voting age should be raised as well, to 25 or 30 years old.

I agree. Otherwise the newest generation of drooling, immaturity will swing the election to their Utopian candidate.
Re: Alcohol AGE 21..Voting AgE 18 = HYPOCRITCAL also proves liberalism comes from un

Limiting alcohol sells to at least 21 is because of less experience in life to understand harm... this helps a nation

BUT this same reason must apply to voting.. and also shows how the young voting more liberal comes from less experience and unwise minds

one thing may could change the age issue to stop harm... a wisdom test for all people to vote or to buy alcohol or to be around harm

There was a time when everyone had to be 21 to vote and 21 to buy beer and whiskey. But then the draft age was 18. it was under Nixon who fought to have both lowered to 18 so our boys in the military who were fighting for this country in Vietnam could drink and vote. The voting age was lowered to 18 in 1971 and in most of the states the drinking age was lowered also to 18. The idea was if you were young enough to serve and defend this country, you were young enough to drink and vote. Asking those 18,19 and 20 year olds to fight and die for their country and still deny them the right to vote and to have a drink seemed really absurd at the time.

Since then the draft has been done away with, most if not all states now has raised the drinking age to 21. But voting can still be done beginning with one's 18th birthday. The original reason with lowering both is long gone. Perhaps it is time to raise the voting age back to 21 to correspond with the drinking age.
Re: Alcohol AGE 21..Voting AgE 18 = HYPOCRITCAL also proves liberalism comes from un

Given how badly the boomers have ****ed over all generations that came after using political power I am not much interested in any acts that further deprive the younger of power. If our young people had a lick of sense they would all go to the polls and make their voices heard.

Sadly, they dont.
Re: Alcohol AGE 21..Voting AgE 18 = HYPOCRITCAL also proves liberalism comes from un

The voting age should be raised as well, to 25 or 30 years old.

so there are 2 REASONS to raise the age for voting.. one is science says the brain does not complete development until 25 or so... the other REASON is experience where that same brain has ENOUGH data to analyze to find good from bad

and wanting the young to vote would be by crooks trying to fool more easily.... and who do they vote more for over the older?? yep it is liberalism..... a nation must change this if not it will fall
Re: Alcohol AGE 21..Voting AgE 18 = HYPOCRITCAL also proves liberalism comes from un

There was a time when everyone had to be 21 to vote and 21 to buy beer and whiskey. But then the draft age was 18. it was under Nixon who fought to have both lowered to 18 so our boys in the military who were fighting for this country in Vietnam could drink and vote. The voting age was lowered to 18 in 1971 and in most of the states the drinking age was lowered also to 18. The idea was if you were young enough to serve and defend this country, you were young enough to drink and vote. Asking those 18,19 and 20 year olds to fight and die for their country and still deny them the right to vote and to have a drink seemed really absurd at the time.

Since then the draft has been done away with, most if not all states now has raised the drinking age to 21. But voting can still be done beginning with one's 18th birthday. The original reason with lowering both is long gone. Perhaps it is time to raise the voting age back to 21 to correspond with the drinking age.

Why not just lower it to 18, that is when you become an adult, you can make your own decisions, that should include the decision of who should be president and what you can drink. Why 21? They are going to drink way below that age anyways.
Re: Alcohol AGE 21..Voting AgE 18 = HYPOCRITCAL also proves liberalism comes from un

Why not just lower it to 18, that is when you become an adult, you can make your own decisions, that should include the decision of who should be president and what you can drink. Why 21? They are going to drink way below that age anyways.

what makes one an adult? is it body or mind?? or is it puberty?? we think adult means wisdom.. but is that true... is a 18 yr old more wise than a 40 yr old?? is a 4 yr old more wise than a 2 yr old?
Re: Alcohol AGE 21..Voting AgE 18 = HYPOCRITCAL also proves liberalism comes from un

Why not just lower it to 18, that is when you become an adult, you can make your own decisions, that should include the decision of who should be president and what you can drink. Why 21? They are going to drink way below that age anyways.

Why did states drop the age to 18 and then raise it again? Here's a chart of those states: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S._history_of_alcohol_minimum_purchase_age_by_state
Re: Alcohol AGE 21..Voting AgE 18 = HYPOCRITCAL also proves liberalism comes from un

The only thing we should have to wait for 21 to do is gamble and go to strip/sex clubs.

How about an age limit on dancing at strip clubs?
Re: Alcohol AGE 21..Voting AgE 18 = HYPOCRITCAL also proves liberalism comes from un

what makes one an adult? is it body or mind?? or is it puberty?? we think adult means wisdom.. but is that true... is a 18 yr old more wise than a 40 yr old?? is a 4 yr old more wise than a 2 yr old?

I know 7 year olds who have far better grammar than you, so I do not how well that bodes for you. We have decided as a society that 18 is generally accepted to be the age at which a person is considered both physically and mentally developed enough to make their own independent and legally binding decisions.
Re: Alcohol AGE 21..Voting AgE 18 = HYPOCRITCAL also proves liberalism comes from un

Given how badly the boomers have ****ed over all generations that came after using political power I am not much interested in any acts that further deprive the younger of power. If our young people had a lick of sense they would all go to the polls and make their voices heard.

Sadly, they dont.

Boomers are the one's who pushed for the 18yo drinking age in the first place. Old enough to get drafted, old enough to drink.
Re: Alcohol AGE 21..Voting AgE 18 = HYPOCRITCAL also proves liberalism comes from un

Why not just lower it to 18, that is when you become an adult, you can make your own decisions, that should include the decision of who should be president and what you can drink. Why 21? They are going to drink way below that age anyways.

Perhaps because one may be an adult in age, but not in maturity. I don't know. I suppose one can be mature at 16 or younger willing to take on responsibilities beyond his age and others never grow up. But in our society, we have to impose a number. When I grew up when one turned 16 that was considered the legal age where I was. 16 when one could get his drivers licence. When one turned 16 attending school was no longer mandatory. One could also get married at 16.

Numbers, what makes one number right and another wrong, your guess is as good as mine.
Re: Alcohol AGE 21..Voting AgE 18 = HYPOCRITCAL also proves liberalism comes from un

Why? What benefit did it have to the federal government?

The Federal government threatened the states that didn't comply with withholding federal assistance for a variety of things.

The Nanny State Liberals had the benefit of enforcing their benevolence upon us.
Re: Alcohol AGE 21..Voting AgE 18 = HYPOCRITCAL also proves liberalism comes from un

The Federal government threatened the states that didn't comply with withholding federal assistance for a variety of things.

The Nanny State Liberals had the benefit of enforcing their benevolence upon us.

What does it have to do with Liberals?
Re: Alcohol AGE 21..Voting AgE 18 = HYPOCRITCAL also proves liberalism comes from un

The drinking age is about health, not mental capability. Ones liver can be severely damaged by drinking too young, vs waiting till you're older.
Re: Alcohol AGE 21..Voting AgE 18 = HYPOCRITCAL also proves liberalism comes from un

Blackmail apparently.

And, just maybe, statistics.

Effects of Minimum Drinking Age Laws

The 21 Law Saves Lives

• By the end of 2005, the 32 minimum drinking age law had saved nearly 25,000 American lives. In fact, the law saves approximately 1,000 lives a year.
ii • Since the early 1960's, the number of young people killed annually in crashes involving drunk drivers under 21 has been cut in half, from more than 5,000 young people in the early 1980s to nearly 2,000 in 2005.
iii • In 2005, 2.035 youth ages 15 to 20 were killed in alcohol-related traffic crashes, translating to 33 percent of all fatalities in that age group.
iv • Research indicates that when the minimum legal drinking age is 21, people under 21 drink less overall and continue to do so through their early 20's.
v • When the drinking age has been lowered, injury and death rates significantly increase.
vi • The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has reviewed nearly 50 peer-reviewed studies of countries that had changed their drinking age and found that lowering the minimum drinking age to 18 increases fatalities by 10 percent.

For link to the pdf, Google "Underage Drinking and the 21 Legal Drinking Age--MADD.
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