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Al Qaeda Leader Threatens "Gravest Consequences" if Boston Marathon Bomber [W: 20] (1 Viewer)

nota bene

DP Veteran
Aug 11, 2011
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From Boston's CBS affiliate:

The leader of Al Qaeda has reportedly warned the United States of the "gravest consequences" if Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is executed.

According to multiple reports, Aymar al-Zawahri released a new video Friday making the threat.

Al Qaeda Leader Threatens ‘Gravest Consequences’ If Boston Marathon Bomber Executed, Reports Say « CBS Boston

I hope this threat wasn't timed for the Fourth of July, but it's a good reason on this holiday to think beyond the fireworks to a more sober reflection on who we are as a nation and what it means to be the "land of the free and the home of the brave."
Re: Al Qaeda Leader Threatens "Gravest Consequences" if Boston Marathon Bomber Execut

I don't believe it the death penalty, intellectually. On occasion though, someone comes along that it just would not make if angry if they fried him. This guy, well lets just say I would not lose any sleep over it. What some goof ball terrorist thinks or says has no bearing.
From Boston's CBS affiliate:

The leader of Al Qaeda has reportedly warned the United States of the "gravest consequences" if Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is executed.

According to multiple reports, Aymar al-Zawahri released a new video Friday making the threat.

Al Qaeda Leader Threatens ‘Gravest Consequences’ If Boston Marathon Bomber Executed, Reports Say « CBS Boston

I hope this threat wasn't timed for the Fourth of July, but it's a good reason on this holiday to think beyond the fireworks to a more sober reflection on who we are as a nation and what it means to be the "land of the free and the home of the brave."
Re: Al Qaeda Leader Threatens "Gravest Consequences" if Boston Marathon Bomber Execut

Well they can ****ing bring it. They've been threatening to destroy western civilization for about two decades now, and they haven't done jack **** to actually accomplish that. Hell, If I could afford to travel at whim, I would celebrate each and every terrorist threat by taking a plane ride - there's virtually no risk to me, and they can run their fat jihadist mouths all they want.
Re: Al Qaeda Leader Threatens "Gravest Consequences" if Boston Marathon Bomber Execut

From Boston's CBS affiliate:

The leader of Al Qaeda has reportedly warned the United States of the "gravest consequences" if Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is executed.

According to multiple reports, Aymar al-Zawahri released a new video Friday making the threat.

Al Qaeda Leader Threatens ‘Gravest Consequences’ If Boston Marathon Bomber Executed, Reports Say « CBS Boston

I hope this threat wasn't timed for the Fourth of July, but it's a good reason on this holiday to think beyond the fireworks to a more sober reflection on who we are as a nation and what it means to be the "land of the free and the home of the brave."

I'm not gonna let some Al-Qaeda ****head scare me.
Re: Al Qaeda Leader Threatens "Gravest Consequences" if Boston Marathon Bomber Execut

Well they can ****ing bring it. They've been threatening to destroy western civilization for about two decades now, and they haven't done jack **** to actually accomplish that. Hell, If I could afford to travel at whim, I would celebrate each and every terrorist threat by taking a plane ride - there's virtually no risk to me, and they can run their fat jihadist mouths all they want.

Actually they have done a lot to demoralize and bankrupt us, and to show the rest of the world that our actions dont meet our high minded words. We just blew through a couple Trillion Dollars in ill conceived military adventures, to name only one place we have squandered resources, which are very now limited as we lurch towards global depression and post superpower reality.

Re: Al Qaeda Leader Threatens "Gravest Consequences" if Boston Marathon Bomber Execut

I thought martyrdom was what they wanted.

Shouldn't they consider him a really slow suicide bomber?
Re: Al Qaeda Leader Threatens "Gravest Consequences" if Boston Marathon Bomber Execut

From Boston's CBS affiliate:

The leader of Al Qaeda has reportedly warned the United States of the "gravest consequences" if Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is executed.

According to multiple reports, Aymar al-Zawahri released a new video Friday making the threat.

Al Qaeda Leader Threatens ‘Gravest Consequences’ If Boston Marathon Bomber Executed, Reports Say « CBS Boston

I hope this threat wasn't timed for the Fourth of July, but it's a good reason on this holiday to think beyond the fireworks to a more sober reflection on who we are as a nation and what it means to be the "land of the free and the home of the brave."

they are going to continue to do the attacks anyway so it's an irrelevant threat
Re: Al Qaeda Leader Threatens "Gravest Consequences" if Boston Marathon Bomber Execut

I thought death penalty was banned in Mass.
Re: Al Qaeda Leader Threatens "Gravest Consequences" if Boston Marathon Bomber Execut

From Boston's CBS affiliate:

The leader of Al Qaeda has reportedly warned the United States of the "gravest consequences" if Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is executed.

According to multiple reports, Aymar al-Zawahri released a new video Friday making the threat.

Al Qaeda Leader Threatens ‘Gravest Consequences’ If Boston Marathon Bomber Executed, Reports Say « CBS Boston

I hope this threat wasn't timed for the Fourth of July, but it's a good reason on this holiday to think beyond the fireworks to a more sober reflection on who we are as a nation and what it means to be the "land of the free and the home of the brave."

Time to send the drones again. :mrgreen:
Re: Al Qaeda Leader Threatens "Gravest Consequences" if Boston Marathon Bomber Execut

I thought death penalty was banned in Mass.

It is, but these are Federal charges, which do carry the death penalty.
Re: Al Qaeda Leader Threatens "Gravest Consequences" if Boston Marathon Bomber Execut

Barry probably had to change his skivvies when he got the memo. Gosh, I sure wish George Patton was still around. In fact, I wish my Dad and his whole generation were all still around.
Re: Al Qaeda Leader Threatens "Gravest Consequences" if Boston Marathon Bomber Execut

Barry probably had to change his skivvies when he got the memo. Gosh, I sure wish George Patton was still around. In fact, I wish my Dad and his whole generation were all still around.

Zombie apocalypse? Sounds good, but just for the weekend, alright?
Re: Al Qaeda Leader Threatens "Gravest Consequences" if Boston Marathon Bomber Execut

I thought death penalty was banned in Mass.

It was a federal conviction.
Re: Al Qaeda Leader Threatens "Gravest Consequences" if Boston Marathon Bomber Execut

Barry probably had to change his skivvies when he got the memo. Gosh, I sure wish George Patton was still around. In fact, I wish my Dad and his whole generation were all still around.

Re: Al Qaeda Leader Threatens "Gravest Consequences" if Boston Marathon Bomber Execut

George Patton was 60 when he died in 1945. That essentially rules Quazimodo out as a baby boomer. If this guy's dad had his kids in his 20s like the overwhelming majority of Patton's generation, it would essentially put Quazimodo in his late 80s to 90s at best. This guy has 120 posts in 6 days.

Lol, he's pretending to be an internet senior citizen.
Re: Al Qaeda Leader Threatens "Gravest Consequences" if Boston Marathon Bomber Execut

George Patton was 60 when he died in 1945. That essentially rules Quazimodo out as a baby boomer. If this guy's dad had his kids in his 20s like the overwhelming majority of Patton's generation, it would essentially put Quazimodo in his late 80s to 90s at best. This guy has 120 posts in 6 days.

Lol, he's pretending to be an internet senior citizen.

It was the "skivvies" that gave him away. My grandpa used to say that a lot..."don't get yer skivvies in an uproar". lol
Re: Al Qaeda Leader Threatens "Gravest Consequences" if Boston Marathon Bomber Execut

Stop this age stuff. Remember the Maine! It's July 2nd. Let's give the little fellow a fire work to hold on the 4th. A big one. I think an 8 quart pressure cooker would be about the right size. Think of it as equal treatment under the law.
Re: Al Qaeda Leader Threatens "Gravest Consequences" if Boston Marathon Bomber Execut

George Patton was 60 when he died in 1945. That essentially rules Quazimodo out as a baby boomer. If this guy's dad had his kids in his 20s like the overwhelming majority of Patton's generation, it would essentially put Quazimodo in his late 80s to 90s at best. This guy has 120 posts in 6 days.

Lol, he's pretending to be an internet senior citizen.


Your math skills are not something to be revealing on a public forum. I would equally question your reading comprehension.

The guy didn't say his dad was the same age as Patton. He mentioned Patton, and then wrote "in fact, I wish my Dad and his whole generation were all still around." That is a separate thought.

Baby Boomers were born between 1946 and 1964. That would make some Baby Boomers in their 50's today.

Re: Al Qaeda Leader Threatens "Gravest Consequences" if Boston Marathon Bomber Execut

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