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AIDS conference chief lashes out at world leaders (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 26, 2007
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San Antonio Texas
Political Leaning
VIENNA (AP) - The head of an international AIDS conference says world leaders lack the political will to ensure that everyone infected with the disease gets treatment.

Julio Montaner—the president of the International AIDS Society and chairman of the AIDS 2010 conference—says the G-8 group of rich nations has failed to deliver on a pledge to guarantee so-called universal access.

Montaner also accused governments from some Eastern European states of indifference to the dire situations in their countries and said their absence at the Vienna meeting was "irresponsible to the point of criminal negligence."

He spoke Sunday shortly before the opening ceremony of the weeklong conference that is expected to draw thousands of experts, advocates and policymakers.
AIDS conference chief lashes out at world leaders

OH BOO ****ING HOO. Countries are getting sick of spending more and more money to pay for the treatment of people that got, what in 95%+ of cases was an entirely avoidable disease!

Welcome to reality asshat. He's lucky I ain't in charge, there'd be ZERO (okay almost zero, maybe a small program dedicated to helping those that are at no fault for becoming infected) spent on treatment, and only educational materials aimed at prevention. You know the risks, you get it, too ****ing bad.

The world can't keep paying for the irresponsible, irrational, immature and selfish behavior of people.

Besides, this has far less to do with "helping people" as Julio Montaner claims, and more to do with the free flow of cash into "Aid" organizations.
In reality, not everyone who gets aids contracts it because they willingly took a sexual risk. Do you believe in death panels? Because essentially you are saying that we shouldn't treat people because they willingly accepted aids. Regardless, should the G-8 nations not live up to their promises regarding aids treatments? Sure it's expensive, but what is money when compared to human life? The poorest in wealthy countries are also the fattest in their countries (especially in America). Africa is where the aids epidemic is the most widespread and devastating. Those nations are poor, and many are run by dictators and corrupt governments. We should be making every effort to help these people and to keep our word and provide universal aids treatments. So essentially, poor Africans deserve to die because they chose to contract aids? Many contract aids via rape. In a class I took last semester we looked at African cultures, and in many of them the witch doctors tell them the cure for aids is to have sex with a virgin. So people should be deemed as "unworthy" for treatment because they all has risky sex with aids infected individuals? So then you do support death panels?
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In reality, not everyone who gets aids contracts it because they willingly took a sexual risk. Do you believe in death panels? Because essentially you are saying that we shouldn't treat people because they willingly accepted aids. Regardless, should the G-8 nations not live up to their promises regarding aids treatments? Sure it's expensive, but what is money when compared to human life? The poorest in wealthy countries are also the fattest in their countries (especially in America). Africa is where the aids epidemic is the most widespread and devastating. Those nations are poor, and many are run by dictators and corrupt governments. We should be making every effort to help these people and to keep our word and provide universal aids treatments. So essentially, poor Africans deserve to die because they chose to contract aids? Many contract aids via rape. In a class I took last semester we looked at African cultures, and in many of them the witch doctors tell them the cure for aids is to have sex with a virgin. So people should be deemed as "unworthy" for treatment because they all has risky sex with aids infected individuals? So then you do support death panels?

Couple things here.
In some places of Africa (and I'm assuming around the world) the AIDS medications have been used as a smoked recreational drug.
People will sell it or use it directly.

It's hard to treat such a disease without having people willing to go the whole 9 yards at preventing the spread.

I don't have an answer to the problem, sometimes I think a quarantine may be in order, other times I think we should take a hands off a approach and let the disease get rid of the carriers.
I honestly don't know.
If you want to be sexually promiscuous and screw like a rabbit, fine. Don't do it in front of me and don't expect me to pay for your abortion, pregnancy, STD treatment or AIDS therapy, either personally or through my taxes.

I also wouldn't give them one red cent.
It always makes me laugh when conservatives like to tote the religious line ALL ****ING DAY but don't understand give the slightest effort to undersatnd its message.

Matthew 25:41-45
Then he will say to those on his left, 'Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.' They also will answer, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?' He will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least among you, you did not do for me.'
No they don't, but giving money to fund aids relief does. It's also true that there's no ****ing way Jesus would have liked conservative's lack of compassion and social welfare.
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Actually infection rates are decreasing and slowing down.
Actually infection rates are decreasing and slowing down.

The point is that unless you change the behavior of the inhabitants, you're not going to fix the problem.

Giving away food and medication only keeps those people alive but doesn't necessarily keep them from spreading the disease.
No they don't, but giving money to fund aids relief does. It's also true that there's no ****ing way Jesus would have liked conservative's lack of compassion and social welfare.

Nothing is stopping people from giving to CHARITIES, which is the Christian way of caring. Gov't funded slush funds.... no, that is just pure failure.
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The chief needs to learn a lesson called personal responsibility.
The way I see it, the more hosts that HIV is allowed to infect, the greater odds it has of mutating into a virus with other methods of transmission. (and HIV has a very high mutation rate which contributes to the difficulty in finding a cure for it) It's bad enough as an STD, if it ever became transmissible through skin contact or a sneeze we'd have a potential global disaster. It is in our own best interests to fight this disease on every front.

The free market and charity are not going to fix a global pandemic.
You know the risks, you get it, too ****ing bad.

The world can't keep paying for the irresponsible, irrational, immature and selfish behavior of people.

Besides, this has far less to do with "helping people" as Julio Montaner claims, and more to do with the free flow of cash into "Aid" organizations.

And someone doesn't see why we should help. Even when it's in our own interest for security.

Basic development lesson.

AIDs destroys the basic fabric of society by killing off the working age group. That reduces economic activity and reduces the wealth of countries on an average income basis. With less money, less schooling is available to students. With no parents to take care of children and little schooling, children are sent into the work force and often easy prey to radicals. Furthermore, with many AIDs infected countries have already massive debt servicing requirements, less and less money is reinvested into the economy. This is a vicious cycle that guts the economy of a country and ensures that it never gets out of poverty.

Generally rich countries with good education systems don't have sizable terrorist groups coming from them. There is a reason the US is increasing aid to parts of Africa. We do not want another front in our war on terrorism.
Except that charities cannot negotation reduced or at cost retrovirus deals.

There's nothing stopping a charity and a drug company for doing a cost reduction on the drugs. It's all done via contracts.
so after hurricane katrina, some of you would not have cared if only private charities had helped, or if no other countries offered assistance for the oil spill, and if the government did nothing during the pig flu outbreak, no money should have been given by governments after the asian tsunami,as private charities should be able to deal with it?

the aids pandemic in africa is so much bigger than those 4 events.
AIDS is now a pandemic. In 2007, it was estimated that 33.2 million people lived with the disease worldwide, and that AIDS killed an estimated 2.1 million people, including 330,000 children. Over three-quarters of these deaths occurred in sub-Saharan Africa.
AIDS - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and you think the red cross can just make that go away if you give a few dollars a month?
so after hurricane katrina, some of you would not have cared if only private charities had helped, or if no other countries offered assistance for the oil spill, and if the government did nothing during the pig flu outbreak, no money should have been given by governments after the asian tsunami,as private charities should be able to deal with it?

the aids pandemic in africa is so much bigger than those 4 events.

AIDS - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and you think the red cross can just make that go away if you give a few dollars a month?

I'll care about Africans when poverty and every social ill in the US is fixed first.
and you expect to get that done through private charity?

I'm a realist when it comes to poverty and the social ills in the US. I believe that no amount of government and private charity will be able to cure them. However, the effort should be made first in the US then anywhere else in the world.
I'm a realist when it comes to poverty and the social ills in the US. I believe that no amount of government and private charity will be able to cure them. However, the effort should be made first in the US then anywhere else in the world.

so you think nothing can be done in the US, but refuse to help where it can make a difference.
so you think nothing can be done in the US, but refuse to help where it can make a difference.

I don't see Africans paying in taxes to the government here, so why should our tax dollars go to help them?
I don't see Africans paying in taxes to the government here, so why should our tax dollars go to help them?

so do you take that stance with everything, you would have had no qualms if the international community did not offer the US $854 million after hurricane katrina?
That's ridiculous, of course they can.

Uh, not in the quantities that make a difference. Look up the deals struck with Israeli and Indian producers to provide at cost drugs to African nations. Charities don't have the clout to get pharm companies to agree to international conventions to bypass patent laws.

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