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AI priest Father Justin defrocked by the Catholic church (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 8, 2020
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AI Catholic 'priest' defrocked after recommending Gatorade baptism

Catholic Group Defrocks AI Priest After It Gave Strange Answers

AI Priest Father Justin was defrocked by the Catholic church. Father Justin claimed he was a rela Priest from the town of Assissi in Italy, so we definitely have a Pinocchio story here. Father Justin was extremely against masturbation calling it a sin, but was of the opinion that baptizing a child in Gatorade was perfectly fine. He also offered to bless a woman to marry her brother, and also offered absolution after a confession. He was then laicized to be just "Justin", not anmyore a ordained Priest. But is this fair to Father Justin? There has been real Priests doing way worse. And no child was harmed. This is really tame when it comes to Catholic Priests. I say Father Justin has been treated unfairly and should get his title back.

Being a man is not an optional feature of being a Catholic priest.
The caring of treatment for AI programs (aka learning models) is a peculiar example of human anthropomorphizing as a disconnect from reality. Very similar to how pets are cared for in many western world regions. From a purely observational viewpoint, I see this as a matter of human emotional reactions overriding basic logic and reason. It's like when men anthropomorphize their vehicle or guns, calling it their 'sweetheart'...but typically this is understood as just a game or fantasy. Whereas the caring of AI or pets is a more extremist example of emotional disfunction.
What precisely is wrong with baptizing someone with Gatorade?

Do the electrolytes and food coloring preclude being blessed as holy water or something?
What precisely is wrong with baptizing someone with Gatorade?

Do the electrolytes and food coloring preclude being blessed as holy water or something?
The rule wrt to the sacraments are ordinary human senses. Since most people can easily differentiate between Gatorade and water, it is not valid matter for baptism.
It is no longer known in Germany
What on earth is Gatorade

Invented in "alligator" (GATOR) country (FLORIDA) by a football coach who worried that players were losing important body electrolytes from sweating too much during games.
GATORADE is a sports drink sold all over the world and used the most by athletes to quench their thirst AND put BACK the electrolytes.


It also gets used to dunk coaches in celebration when their team wins.

It is no longer known in Germany

Oh I GUARANTEE you Germany has something equivalent because the patents for it are expired, so everyone now makes some kind of refreshing sports drink that contains electrolytes.
Some folks don't like the flavors but it is still very popular.
Most Gatorade contains NO sugar...I suppose some of the flavors might but the idea is to keep sugar to a minimum where sports drinks are concerned.
Oh I GUARANTEE you Germany has something equivalent because the patents for it are expired, so everyone now makes some kind of refreshing sports drink that contains electrolytes.
Some folks don't like the flavors but it is still very popular.
Most Gatorade contains NO sugar...I suppose some of the flavors might but the idea is to keep sugar to a minimum where sports drinks are concerned.
I found that This product has been withdrwan from the German market …. But the firm tries to bring it back
I found that This product has been withdrwan from the German market …. But the firm tries to bring it back

How odd...
Well, all I know is, if you're doing strenuous exercise and you sweat a lot, your body needs more than just water sometimes.
So there is a need for a drink that restores essential electrolytes.
How odd...
Well, all I know is, if you're doing strenuous exercise and you sweat a lot, your body needs more than just water sometimes.
So there is a need for a drink that restores essential electrolytes.
Yes … there are such drinks in Germany
What is Father Justin doing now?
Will AI ever be able to replace a priest?

I doubt it
Oh I GUARANTEE you Germany has something equivalent because the patents for it are expired, so everyone now makes some kind of refreshing sports drink that contains electrolytes.
Some folks don't like the flavors but it is still very popular.
Most Gatorade contains NO sugar...I suppose some of the flavors might but the idea is to keep sugar to a minimum where sports drinks are concerned.
Regular Gatorade has almost as much sugar as soda.
Regular Gatorade has almost as much sugar as soda.

I've really only seen the sugar free versions being used in competition events in the last ten years.
Seems the ones who drink the sugary version aren't athletes.

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