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Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock arrest (2 Viewers)

Re: Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock ar

He showed people, a clock, stripped down or not, it remains a clock.

Good, so without a hoax bomb, there can be no bomb hoax. I'm glad we've gotten to this magical point in our discussion.

The device was a hoax bomb... he just told people it was a clock to save his a$$ from seeing his buddies in G-Bay. Playing dumb can be useful sometimes.

Irrelevant... most people are not munitions experts, and it only takes a couple people to make the mistake before panic starts, thus making, in my example, the sausage links a hoax bomb...

You do realize that a hoax bomb, by definition would not be an explosive device, right?

Or in your mind is it only a hoax bomb if its a real bomb that you don't make explode?
Re: Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock ar

Oh, so jet fuel can melt steel beams? Care to demonstrate this?

(And I mean melt as in molten, not melt as in soften)
Re: Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock ar

The device was a hoax bomb.

You do realize there can be no hoax bomb, without something being called a bomb. Yes? It's pretty silly that you continue to say there was no attempt to call it a bomb, but it was a hoax bomb. The entire definition of a hoax bomb depends on calling it a bomb. None of that occurred here.

.. he just told people it was a clock to save his a$$ from seeing his buddies in G-Bay.

Or, because it was a clock. You know, you're getting sillier and sillier. If I call it a cellphone, and you decide it's a bomb, am I calling it a cellphone to avoid G-Bay? Lol. Don't be ridiculous.

Irrelevant... most people are not munitions experts,

What most people are or aren't is irrelevant. You don't have to be a munition's expert to be able to tell when an object is not a bomb.

and it only takes a couple people to make the mistake before panic starts, thus making, in my example, the sausage links a hoax bomb...

You do realize that a hoax bomb, by definition would not be an explosive device, right?

I don't think you understood what I said.

Or in your mind is it only a hoax bomb if its a real bomb that you don't make explode?

No, it's a hoax bomb, if it was part of a hoax to make it appear as if there was a bomb. It's clear that no attempt was made as per the Irving PD's investigation, as well as the simple fact that in order to have a bomb hoax, you need to pretend like your item is a bomb.
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Re: Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock ar

Oh, so jet fuel can melt steel beams? Care to demonstrate this?

(And I mean melt as in molten, not melt as in soften)

Watching Gringo Allstar scream that he's not proposing a conspiracy theory, while taking sides with conspiracy theorists, is hilarious.
Re: Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock ar

Except it was made to appear as a bomb... so thanks for the concession.
Re: Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock ar

Except it was made to appear as a bomb... so thanks for the concession.

This isn't supported by anything we know about the story, the police investigation, witness statements, or the statements from Ahmed and his family. Hopefully, you'll realize this one day instead of trying to promote your conspiracy theory. It's simply you wanting to believe that's what it was for because well, you seem to enjoy conspiracy theories.
Re: Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock ar

I'll stick with your concession from the previous post, rather than your revisionist view of the present.
Re: Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock ar

I'm still on a hunger strike until this suite is dismissed. Please no monitoring during Thanksgiving- I want no pity!
Re: Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock ar

Then there won't be any money left to pay teachers or educate kids. Is that what you want ??

When teachers grow a brain everything can be back to normal.

I'll let the courts decide when someone is faking it or not. That happens all the time anyway.

I don't know what pictures you've been looking at, but the ones i've seen look like a briefcase of wires and circuit boards.

So in your mind: any box with wires = bomb :doh

Have you ever looked inside your PC or the fuse box in your house?
Re: Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock ar

None of this has anything to do with lawsuits. Good grief, you've essentially called civil lawsuits acts of domestic terrorism. Are you serious?

The kid was charged with a TX law initially, but, it's never too late to charge them all now on Federal statutes.

BTW: they only threatened a lawsuit if the money wasn't handed over. [more domestic terrorism]
Re: Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock ar

The kid was charged with a TX law initially, but, it's never too late to charge them all now on Federal statutes.

No, the kid was never charged with anything. You're just making stuff up at this point.

BTW: they only threatened a lawsuit if the money wasn't handed over. [more domestic terrorism]

I don't think you know what "domestic terrorism" means.
Re: Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock ar

Don't bother. The right-wing media has told them all they need to know, which is that Ahmed tried to blow up his school and that's that.
Re: Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock ar

No, the kid was never charged with anything. You're just making stuff up at this point.

I don't think you know what "domestic terrorism" means.

"They arrested me and they told me that I committed the crime of a hoax bomb, a fake bomb," the freshman later explained to WFAA after authorities released him."

"Ahmed, who aspires to go to MIT, said he was pleased the charges were dropped and not bothered that police didn't apologize for arresting him."

Teen Ahmed Mohamed brings clock to school, gets arrested - CNN.com

They arrested him for a crime. The charges were dropped.

If you read back through the thread I provided a link for the TX cime of a hoax bomb along with the definition of Federal *domestic terrorism* intimidation and coercion laws.

You'll have to find them yourself.
Re: Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock ar

The kid was charged with a TX law initially, but, it's never too late to charge them all now on Federal statutes.
Good luck convincing any jury that they were guilty beyond reasonable doubt with evidence so weak even the police thought arresting Mohamed was a mistake.
BTW: they only threatened a lawsuit if the money wasn't handed over. [more domestic terrorism]
TIL that demanding monetary compensation is domestic terrorism!
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Re: Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock ar

Good luck convincing any jury that they were guilty beyond reasonable doubt with evidence so weak even the police thought arresting Mohamed was a mistake.

TIL that demanding monetary compensation is domestic terrorism!

No, the original act was domestic terrorism. Essentially they want to be paid fro acting criminally.
Re: Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock ar

No, the original act was domestic terrorism. Essentially they want to be paid fro acting criminally.

Then why did you say that demanding money was "more domestic terrorism?" Again, good luck peddling this bizarre hypothesis to a jury, or even to a Patriot Act military tribunal, when the cops thought they screwed up and had no real reason to arrest him.
Re: Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock ar

Intimidation, coercion and conspiracy [to do so].

Under current United States law, set forth in the USA PATRIOT Act, acts of domestic terrorism are those which: "(A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State; (B) appear to be intended— (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and (C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States."[3]
Re: Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock ar

No, the original act was domestic terrorism. Essentially they want to be paid fro acting criminally.

The original act was not domestic terrorism. It may have been a stunt hatched by his Islamist father in order to serve an agenda, but it wasn't terrorism.
Re: Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock ar

The original act was not domestic terrorism. It may have been a stunt hatched by his Islamist father in order to serve an agenda, but it wasn't terrorism.

Look at the definition in the above post. IMO, it could be construed as such.
Re: Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock ar

The original act was not domestic terrorism. It may have been a stunt hatched by his Islamist father in order to serve an agenda, but it wasn't terrorism.
Sounds like the very definition of terrorism to me.
Re: Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock ar

Sounds like the very definition of terrorism to me.

It could definitely fall under *terroristic threat* which one doesn't have to act.
Re: Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock ar

Sounds like the very definition of terrorism to me.

I think people need to be careful to not expand the meaning of a term to suit their agenda. Just as there seems to be no end to the number of dogmatic leftists who babble on about "state terrorism" as they seek to justify Islamic terrorism through false equivalences with western actions, I think it incumbent for those on the right to limit the definition to actual cases of mayhem.

Although I see it as intentional provocation, it strikes me as arising from some misguided desire to point out stereotyping of Muslims.
Re: Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock ar

It's not about what we think. The Patriot Act among other actions expanded the definition and scope of the law.

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