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Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock arrest (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 2, 2013
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Political Leaning
Libertarian - Left
Re: Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock ar

Good luck with that !
Re: Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock ar

Thanks Obama.
Re: Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock ar

And they can go suck dick.

They aren't getting ****.
Re: Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock ar

How successful are lawsuits brought against police departments who interrogate kids without their parents or a lawyer present?
Re: Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock ar

And they can go suck dick.

They aren't getting ****.

Shouldn't have taken a suitcase full of wires and stuff into a school, you stupid twaddle. A clock? Bull****.

Dear Mohamed: No money is enclosed. Now **** off!

Hatuey beat me to it. Denying a minor access to parents alone is enough to file a lawsuit.


1. It was a clock.

2. You gotta love the complete hatred and rage that is being directed at a fourteen-year-old kid. Seriously, what the ****?
Re: Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock ar

Didn't see this coming....:roll:

The little bastard and his parents need to be deported.

Oh that's right, they self-deported.
Re: Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock ar

Didn't see this coming....:roll:

The little bastard and his parents need to be deported.

They're US citizens.
Re: Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock ar

Hatuey beat me to it. Denying a minor access to parents alone is enough to file a lawsuit.


1. It was a clock.

2. You gotta love the complete hatred and rage that is being directed at a fourteen-year-old kid. Seriously, what the ****?

But $15 Million for damages? Really?
Re: Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock ar

They're US citizens.

That can be revoked. Don't let their trashy butts return to the US.
Re: Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock ar

That can be revoked. Don't let their trashy butts return to the US.

Revoked... over a lawsuit? Good luck.
Re: Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock ar

The letters demanded $10m to be paid to the family by the City of Irving, and $5m from the school district.

The letters said if officials failed to comply with the requests, the law firm would file a suit. There was no immediate response from the police department or the city.

10 million from the city and 5 million from the school district?

What would really be cool is if the school district and the city filed a counter suit for about 400 billion.
Re: Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock ar

But $15 Million for damages? Really?

Of course you know that they demand 15 million and will settle for 500K less attorney's fees. Standard negotiating tactic.
Re: Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock ar

Revoked... over a lawsuit? Good luck.

See Patriot Act. Bet there's clause that the kid can fall under.
Re: Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock ar

Of course you know that they demand 15 million and will settle for 500K less attorney's fees. Standard negotiating tactic.

500K... really?
Re: Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock ar

But $15 Million for damages? Really?

Yeah, that might be a bit excessive, but then I have no training in civil law. Personally, my biggest problem with the family is their apparent eagerness to do a photo op with the genocidal dictator of Sudan. Nevertheless, the vast majority of the outrage directed against the kid is really an attempt to justify how the school and police treated him, or to deny that unjustified prejudice against Muslims exist in the US, and that's more of a problem than anything the Mohamed family did.
Re: Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock ar

That can be revoked. Don't let their trashy butts return to the US.

Only under a very limited set of circumstances none of which appear to apply here.
Re: Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock ar

Shouldn't have taken a suitcase full of wires and stuff into a school, you stupid twaddle. A clock? Bull****.

Dear Mohamed: No money is enclosed. Now **** off!

Perhaps the Police and the School District could build and send a "clock" of similar appearance instead of money. I would suggest a warning label be affixed in case they want to try and use it.
Re: Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock ar

500K... really?

Dunno. Pulled that number out of thin air just as an example. But whatever it is local governments often settle to make the thing go away rather than spent time and money in court and risk having a jury find against them for a lot more money.

The school and town handled it poorly - not 15 million poorly to be sure - but they were pretty stupid about it.
Re: Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock ar

See Patriot Act. Bet there's clause that the kid can fall under.

Lmao, the clause on deporting/revoking people/citizenship over lawsuits? I'm pretty sure you just made that up.
Re: Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock ar

Yeah, he was traumatized. :confused:

I'm still traumatized by the Muslim prayer cloth in that *clock* box.
Re: Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock ar

Lmao, the clause on deporting/revoking people/citizenship over lawsuits? I'm pretty sure you just made that up.

Better be sure who is really filing this lawsuit. [CAIR]

The kid did all of this on purpose, probably at his father's bidding and now they want to get paid for no harm.

It' ain't happening in TX.
Re: Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock ar

Dunno. Pulled that number out of thin air just as an example. But whatever it is local governments often settle to make the thing go away rather than spent time and money in court and risk having a jury find against them for a lot more money.

The school and town handled it poorly - not 15 million poorly to be sure - but they were pretty stupid about it.

Well to be fair they pulled 15m out of thin air too. Just because the school/gov't was probably in the wrong IMO =/= some sort monetary damage is due.

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