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Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock arrest (2 Viewers)

Re: Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock ar

How many times do you have to be told !! He was arrested because the "clock", a 1980s Radio Shack clock that he took apart and tried to claim he invented it, looked like a bomb to school officials.

When they learned later that it was not a bomb and he had no intention of claiming it was a bomb, he was released and not charged.

It's really very simple. You don't have to twist yourself into a pretzel trying to justify this. Kids are arrested all the time for stupid things by school authorities and police.

And this is why they deserve to get sued.
Re: Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock ar

And this is why they deserve to get sued.

Then there won't be any money left to pay teachers or educate kids. Is that what you want ??
Re: Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock ar

Hatuey beat me to it. Denying a minor access to parents alone is enough to file a lawsuit.


1. It was a clock.

2. You gotta love the complete hatred and rage that is being directed at a fourteen-year-old kid. Seriously, what the ****?

It was a set up, and not an invention, this has gotten exactly what this family wanted, screw them, go back where your "clock building" will be appreciated!
Re: Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock ar

Of course you know that they demand 15 million and will settle for 500K less attorney's fees. Standard negotiating tactic.

I would waterboard him until he told the truth or drowned! 500k my aunt fanny
Re: Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock ar

Meanwhile in Sudan...

Re: Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock ar

I would waterboard him until he told the truth or drowned! 500k my aunt fanny

Of course you would. It's more fun and much easier to make silly comments than actually your brain.
Re: Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock ar

Its a free country. If I was in his shoes I would sue too. Its about time schools get punished for their silly no tolerance crap- its getting way out of hand.

If people can successfully sue for things like this, don't you think there are people clever enough to finds ways to get falsely arrested? We already know of people trying to injure themselves while in police custody, for instance.
And it's not just the school that gets punished, it's the public.
Re: Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock ar

Or its just your feeble attempt to discredit my view on this, which by the way is no more invalid then your's... Care to give it another shot?

I don't need to discredit your views. Your phrasing does that all on its own. It's a conspiracy theory, simple and plain. If you'd like the definition of what that is, I'd be happy to provide it. Please tell us all how CAIR, in conjunction with his family, secretly orchestrated this operation and you are the only one smart enough to see it.

Correction: The guy who says the Patriot Act allows people to be deported/have their citizenship revoked sees it too.
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Re: Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock ar

Then there won't be any money left to pay teachers or educate kids. Is that what you want ??

If you sue the police, there won't be any money to pay them.... and yet, here we are with US cities paying half a billion in lawsuits over a decade and the largest collective police force in US history.
Re: Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock ar

I would waterboard him until he told the truth or drowned! 500k my aunt fanny

A 15-year-old kid. Nice.
Re: Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock ar

A 15-year-old kid. Nice.

Don't criticize him too harshly. He's saying what a lot of the conspiracy theorists in this thread won't because they know how crazy it sounds. They can't help it. It's in their nature, no better than truthers and birthers.
Re: Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock ar

I don't need to discredit your views. Your phrasing does that all on its own. It's a conspiracy theory, simple and plain. If you'd like the definition of what that is, I'd be happy to provide it. Please tell us all how CAIR, in conjunction with his family, secretly orchestrated this operation and you are the only one smart enough to see it.

Correction: The guy who says the Patriot Act allows people to be deported/have their citizenship revoked sees it too.

Yes I'm sure you're correct, his father didn't have ulterior motives, this all just "happened"...:roll:
Re: Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock ar

Yes I'm sure you're correct, his father didn't have ulterior motives, this all just "happened"...:roll:

So then you agree that your position is that there is in fact a conspiracy. Good. How was this conspiracy constructed?
Re: Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock ar

So then you agree that your position is that there is in fact a conspiracy. Good. How was this conspiracy constructed?

It's easy H man, the dad knows how to play the system. Pops send Jr to school with fake bomb, school reacts, media frenzy insues, bad press for school ( islamaphobic charges) and then the family tries for a big payday to make it "all go away"... it's tried everyday in this country by people wanting to game this system and get rich quick. Surely in all your wisdom you don't deny this?
Re: Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock ar

It's easy H man, the dad knows how to play the system. Pops send Jr to school with fake bomb, school reacts, media frenzy insues, bad press for school ( islamaphobic charges) and then the family tries for a big payday to make it "all go away"... it's tried everyday in this country by people wanting to game this system and get rich quick. Surely in all your wisdom you don't deny this?

I'm glad you've put a theory to back up your claims of conspiracy but there was never a fake bomb. As a matter of fact, the story has always been: It's a clock. So why would somebody send their kids to school with a clock, tell them to tell everyone that it's a clock, and then expect it to be taken for a bomb when nothing about it suggests that it was?
Re: Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock ar

Evidence of what?? Haven't you read the the many articles written about this ?? Where do you think his parents picked him up from??

Gill, look at it this way, I have read the Clarice, but that didoes not mean I retain every fact.
Now if you cannot prove your point. Me, I am fine with that.
Nothing I will lose sleep over.
Re: Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock ar

I'm glad you've put a theory to back up your claims of conspiracy but there was never a fake bomb. As a matter of fact, the story has always been: It's a clock. So why would somebody send their kids to school with a clock, tell them to tell everyone that it's a clock, and then expect it to be taken for a bomb when nothing about it suggests that it was?

Really? Pull that "clock" out on a plane and see what happens? Or better yet, just leave it in a airport terminal, I'm sure no one would assume anything.

Maybe you're correct Hatuey, but I don't think so, common sense tells me otherwise.
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Re: Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock ar

Really? Pull that "clock" out on a plane and see what happens? Or better yet, just leave it in a airport terminal, I'm sure no one would assume anything.

When you have to make your arguments so refined, and dependent on allegories, that they no longer have a connection to what actually happened, you've officially lost credibility. You do realize that none of the above happened? Yes?
Re: Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock ar

When you have to make your arguments so refined, and dependent on allegories, that they no longer have a connection to what actually happened, you've officially lost credibility. You do realize that none of the above happened? Yes?

So you admit if one was to take said "clock " on a plane, everyone would assume it's a bomb?... cmon you can admit it.
Re: Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock ar

How many times does this have to be spelled out for you people: he wasnt bringing a bomb or hoaxing a bomb, he brought a CLOCK to school!

I don't know what pictures you've been looking at, but the ones i've seen look like a briefcase of wires and circuit boards.
Re: Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock ar

You do realize there is no terrorism in this discussion? We can only hope. Hey, ever found that Patriot Act clause?


(a) DOMESTIC TERRORISM DEFINED- Section 2331 of title 18, United States Code, is amended--
(1) in paragraph (1)(B)(iii), by striking `by assassination or kidnapping' and inserting `by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping';
(2) in paragraph (3), by striking `and';
(3) in paragraph (4), by striking the period at the end and inserting `; and'; and
(4) by adding at the end the following:
`(5) the term `domestic terrorism' means activities that--
`(A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State;
`(B) appear to be intended--
`(i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population;
`(ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or
`(iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and
`(C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States.'.
(b) CONFORMING AMENDMENT- Section 3077(1) of title 18, United States Code, is amended to read as follows:
`(1) `act of terrorism' means an act of domestic or international terrorism as defined in section 2331;'.

BTW: when you're busted on terrorism charges, you lose most of your rights.

USA Patriot Act of 2001, Sections 802-811
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Re: Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock ar

Must be baby pictures.

Re: Ahmed Mohamed demands $15m compensation and written apology for homemade clock ar

So you admit if one was to take said "clock " on a plane, everyone would assume it's a bomb?... cmon you can admit it.

Lotion bottles, backpacks, laptops, cellphones, ALL raise suspicion at an airport so clocks of any sort aren't alone in that group. All of them are also elements which can be found in HS across the US. Hell, people have all of the items I've mentioned taken away at airports over security concerns. Are we arresting kids too for having those objects? Clearly not. However, according TO YOU that's exactly why it's justified because that's what happens at an airport. All the while ignoring that the incident in question: A) did not happen at an airport and B) never involved any mention of bombs. That's why your comparison fails entirely.

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