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Agriculture Secretary Offers to Rehire Ousted Civil Servant (1 Viewer)

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Agriculture Secretary Offers to Rehire Ousted Civil Servant

Published July 21, 2010

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said Wednesday he has offered to rehire the civil servant he forced to resign two days ago over her comments about race that were taken out of context in a brief video clip.

Vilsack said he offered Shirley Sherrod, who was the state director of rural development in Georgia, a unique new position at the agency but wouldn't go into details. Sherrod told The Associated Press she is considering the offer.

Read full article here.

That's great! I hope she accepts.
Re: AgSec Offers to Rehire Georgia AgDirector, Shirley Sheddon

I hope the White House doesn't have to apologize for apologizing.
Re: AgSec Offers to Rehire Georgia AgDirector, Shirley Sheddon

She should get a huge pay bump, paid for by Breitbart.
Re: AgSec Offers to Rehire Georgia AgDirector, Shirley Sheddon

Good she never should have been fired in the first place. Stupid knee jerk reactions by everyone.

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