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Age limate (1 Viewer)

Should there be a maximum age limit for congressmen

  • Yes, they and their ideas are getting to old

    Votes: 4 30.8%
  • no, what would be the point

    Votes: 7 53.8%
  • maybe, it might be useful to have one

    Votes: 2 15.4%

  • Total voters
I have found, especially as I have myself aged, that my elders while often times feeble; have much wisdom to share. I didn't see it when I was young, I do now. If the voters find it appropriate to have an elderly representative I'm good with it.
When I was 14 I thought my dad was the most stupid man on earth.

By the time I turned 34 I was amazed at what the old man had learned.
Limate is not a word, there's no way spellcheck did that.
I favor term limits. Well, i favor dismantling the senate altogether but anyway. What's the sense in the president being so restrained when crusty john mccain gets to hold the nation captive for half a century, while representing some desert state?
ok so anyone else realize that half of the congress looks so old that they could kneel over and die any second? well i have, and it got me thinking, mabey there should be say a maximum age limit that a person can be in congress, a lot like the minimum limit. They could still be president maybe and like hold off ices in the administration, but some of them are just carrying on old ideas that aren't working with the changing world


I'd rather they have a term limit, and drastic reduction in salary and benefits.
I'm getting so old, I can't even remember the last time I had me a good limate.
ok so anyone else realize that half of the congress looks so old that they could kneel over and die any second? well i have, and it got me thinking, mabey there should be say a maximum age limit that a person can be in congress, a lot like the minimum limit. They could still be president maybe and like hold off ices in the administration, but some of them are just carrying on old ideas that aren't working with the changing world


That someone is thinking up a scheme to get the left even more guaranteed seats.

“Any man who is under 30, and is not a liberal, has not heart; and any man who is over 30, and is not a conservative, has no brains.” Winston Churchill.

Maybe the minimum age should be raised higher. After all, there is far more evidence of cerebral malfunction in youth than in the aged.

We should also consider raising the minimum voting age. After all, the human brain does not complete development of neural pathways and function centers until, on average, sometime during a persons 26th year.
Well really, whose fault is it if you have a 90 year old congressmen serving your district?? hmm....
That someone is thinking up a scheme to get the left even more guaranteed seats.

“Any man who is under 30, and is not a liberal, has not heart; and any man who is over 30, and is not a conservative, has no brains.” Winston Churchill.

Maybe the minimum age should be raised higher. After all, there is far more evidence of cerebral malfunction in youth than in the aged.

We should also consider raising the minimum voting age. After all, the human brain does not complete development of neural pathways and function centers until, on average, sometime during a persons 26th year.

so we should deny adults their basic voting rights, shove off new ideas for another decade or so, and all because you think this is a scam to get more seats?
I'm kind of tired of the old ruling over the rest of us with outdated ideas personally. I would rather lower the age threshold for President to 25-65. If you are old enough to retire....you are probably too old to connect with a good majority of the nation. Sorry to the old timers here - no offense meant.
so we should deny adults their basic voting rights, shove off new ideas for another decade or so, and all because you think this is a scam to get more seats?

No. I'm saying that the OP attacks one group of citizens claiming diminished capacity, which can only be proven individually, while glorify/ignoring another segment of society that can be proven, across the board, to be suffering diminished capacity because their full capacity has not yet developed. Logic, reason and decision making are some of the last brain centers to complete development.
ok so anyone else realize that half of the congress looks so old that they could kneel over and die any second? well i have, and it got me thinking, mabey there should be say a maximum age limit that a person can be in congress, a lot like the minimum limit. They could still be president maybe and like hold off ices in the administration, but some of them are just carrying on old ideas that aren't working with the changing world


I don't have a problem with the ages of congressmen and don't see how their ages affect policy. I do have a problem with the way party structure, seniority, committee assignments, etc., prevents them from serving their constituents fully in consideration of the interests of their respective parties. I also do not like the influence lobbyists who show up with money have over our representatives. But age; not a problem.
so we should deny adults their basic voting rights, shove off new ideas for another decade or so, and all because you think this is a scam to get more seats?

No. Voting is not a "right" it's a privilege and should have to be earned.
Or we get the firefox add on that puts a red squiggly under misspelled words.

I use to use the old version of Firefox. Then they took something that wasn't broken and fixed it. I don't like the current Firefox browser.

So the current Firefox has a spell check ? I didn't know that.

On public forums your suppose to give someone a pass for misspelling words. In fact most forums TOS consider it a violation to point out a misspelled word of another poster, it's treated as a personal attack.
I use to use the old version of Firefox. Then they took something that wasn't broken and fixed it. I don't like the current Firefox browser.

So the current Firefox has a spell check ? I didn't know that.

On public forums your suppose to give someone a pass for misspelling words. In fact most forums TOS consider it a violation to point out a misspelled word of another poster, it's treated as a personal attack.

I'm a Linux user, our version is different from the windows one. I don't like the newer setup either, liked the old one. Also, the spell checker used to be automatically installed with Firefox (default browser for Xubuntu) but last two releases, I've had to hunt it down.
I'm a Linux user, our version is different from the windows one. I don't like the newer setup either, liked the old one. Also, the spell checker used to be automatically installed with Firefox (default browser for Xubuntu) but last two releases, I've had to hunt it down.

Linux, know a feel who use Linux and say it's the best browser there is. But they say it's not for the layman.

Is Linux easy to use ?
Linux, know a feel who use Linux and say it's the best browser there is. But they say it's not for the layman.

Is Linux easy to use ?

If everything goes right on install. Then something like Ubuntu (or Xubuntu) is easy to learn how to use. They are a windowized version. It's only harder when you add programs not in repositories (or finding a repository sometimes) or packages and you have to compile them from source that things can get a bit confusing at times. Most of the time is is just as easy to use.

It's easy to install really and will automatically give you dual boot, so you can still boot into windows if you want while you practice up to learn. Lots of forums to help you learn also.
Maybe one should become literate before weighing in on the country's problems.

I almost didn't come into the thread because I was embarrassed that I didn't know what "limate" meant. :lol:
Yes, there should be an age limit. There should also be one for SCOTUS and all other judges as well.
ok so anyone else realize that half of the congress looks so old that they could kneel over and die any second? well i have, and it got me thinking, mabey there should be say a maximum age limit that a person can be in congress, a lot like the minimum limit. They could still be president maybe and like hold off ices in the administration, but some of them are just carrying on old ideas that aren't working with the changing world


... you can't legislate around bad morals, they find a way to get at you no matter what rule you create to circumvent them.

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